《布拉格学派(1945-1990)》作为关于后经典时期布拉格学派的惟一读本,这部读本提供了珍贵的第一手资料,使我们得以观察布拉格学派思想的传承和发展。由于布拉格学派成员的国际性,研究领域的多样性,任何一部读本都难以反映学派的全貌,而只能作为一个便利的出发点。后经典时期,比如在语音、词法、句法、类型学、符号学、语言学与诗学、语言学思想史等等领域,布拉格学派都为语言科学增添了新的思想财富。 所有这些都表明,布拉格学派在后经典时期,如同在其经典时期一样,继续给我们以心智的启示和思想的滋养,而思想的价值首先不是以其被肯定或被否定的程度来判断,而是以其激发他人思考的程度来确定的。
PrefacePhilip A.LuelsdorffⅠ.STUDIES IN SYNTAX AND SEMANTICS Sentence Patterns and Verb Classes On the So-Called Semantic and Grammatical Stlucture of the Sentence Subject and Predicate On Case Theory Some Thoughts on the Semantic Structure of the Sentence Valency and Intention The Sentence as a Text UnitⅡ.STUDIES IN MORPHOLOGY On Morphological OppositionsⅢ.LEVELS OF LANGUAGE SYSTEM Hierarchy and Overlap ofLanguage Levels Notes on the So:Called Transposition On Analogy and AnomalyⅥ. GRAPHEMICS Some Remarks on Revaluations of Redundant GraphemesⅤ. LEXICON The Invariant Meaning of Derived Words Comparison of the Vocabularies of Related and Unrelated LanguagesⅥ. SOCIOLINGUISTICS Code Switching without Bilingualism in CzechⅦ. CONTRASTIVE LINGUISTICS Contrastive Comparison and Other Types of Polylingual Description On the Contrastive Study of Cognate LanguagesIndex of authorsIndex of subjects
On the So-Called Semantic and Grammatical Structure ofthe Sentence* Milo? Dokulil and Franti-ek Dane? In recent years syntactic investigations have undergone new revival anddevelopment.Besides syntheric works,also a series of valuable contribu-fions in iournals and miscdlanies has appeared.However,it must be statedtllatthisdevelopment suffersfromahighmethodological,notional andalsoterminologicaldisparity,andoftenevenfromalackofclearanalysis.Thuswe are convinced that in the given situation it is necessary and urgent toreconsider the general questions of sentence structure,to aim at a clarification of the basic notions and of the principles of the procedure of syntacticanalysis.In this contribution we certainly do not try to present a definitivesolution to the given questions;rather.ideas are presented for discussion.We take up insights of older scholars.and attempt to clarify the principalviewpoints which should be used as starting points for the analysis ofsyntax. Whenformulating(oranalyzing)asenteace,erofthelanguagehastoknownotonlYtheconstructionalmaterialofthe senfence,thewords andtheir syntactic properties and possibilities,but also the overall constructionplan of the sentence,which is determined in principle by its integral“grammatical”meaning,i.e. by an entire abstraction of the sententialconicnL Precisely in the sense in which the grammatical properties ofwords represent hasically a (high-level) abstraction of the specific lexicalmeanings of words and of specific relationships between these meanings (certainly,these grammatical properties are not only a reflection ofreality,but also an expression of the organizing principle of sentence structure).