本书是为适应高等学校模具设计与制造专业和机械工程及自动化专业模具方向专业英语教学需要而编写的,亦是《21世纪全国高校应用人才培养机电类规划教材》之一。培养“应用型人才”是模具设计与制造专业最主要的特色。本书从模具专业特点出发,并注意吸收现代模具新技术方面的有关知识,涵盖了模具设计与制造的主要内容,包括:冷冲模、塑料模、压铸模、锻模、金属挤压模、先进模具制造技术、模具CAD/CAE/CAM等。为便于阅读,在编排上各单元相对独立,每节后附有新出现的专业词汇,同时在书后附有模具专业词汇总表。 本书可作为高等学校及高职教育模具设计与制造专业英语教材,也可供有关工程技术人员参考,或作为工具书使用。
Chapter 1 Stamping Forming and Die Design1.1 Introduction1.2 Blanking and Punching Dies1.2.1 Blanking1.2.2 Blanking Deformation Process1.2.3 Blanking Workpiece Quality1.2.4 Blanking and Punching Dies1.2.5 Blanking Tools1.3 Bending Dies1.3.1 Simple Bends1.3.2 Bending Allowance1.3.3 Bending ToolChapter 2 Plastics Molds2.1 Introduction2.2 The Properties of Plastics2.2.1 Thermosets2.2.2 Thermoplastics2.2.3 Fillers2.2.4 Properties of Plastics2.3 Injection Molds2.3.1 Injection Molding2.3.2 Injection Molds2.3.3 Mold Machine2.4 Compression and Transfer Molds2.4.1 Compression Molding2.4.2 Transfer Molding2.4.3 Compression Molds2.4.4 Transfer MoldsChapter 3 Casting Dies3.1 Casting3.2 Sand Casting3.2.1 Sands3.2.2 Types of Sand Molds3.2.3 Patterns3.2.4 Cores3.2.5 Sand-Molding Machines3.2.6 The Sand Casting Operation3.3 Die Casting3.3.1 The Die Casting Cycle3.3.2 Die Casting Alloys3.3.3 Die Casting Dies3.3.4 Die Casting MachinesChapter 4 Forging Die4.1 Introduction4.2 Open-Die Forging4.3 Impression-Die and Closed-Die Forging4.3.1 Precision Forging4.3.2 Coining4.4 Forging-Die Design4.4.1 Preshaping4.4.2 Die Design Features4.5 Forging Machines4.5.1 Presses4.5.2 Hammers4.5.3 Selection of Forging MachinesChapter 5 Extrusion5.1 Introduction5.2 Design of Tools for Hot Extrusion5.2.1 Mandrel5.2.2 Dummy Blocks5.2.3 Die Stack5.3 Industrial Practice in Tool Design5.3.1 Dummy Blocks5.3.2 Dies5.4 Cold Extrusion of Steel5.4.1 Nomenclature and Tool Assembly Drawings5.4.2 Punches5.4.3 DiesChapter 6 Modern Mold Manufacturing6.1 Fundamental of NC Technology6.1.1 Concept of NC and CNC6.1.2 Basic Component of NC Machine Tools6.2 Classifications of NC Machines6.2.1 Types of NC Motion Control System6.2.2 Types of NC Servo-Drive Systems6.3 Machining Centers6.4 Automation of Manufacturing6.4.1 Introduction6.4.2 Flexible Manufacturing System6.4.3 Computer Integrated Manufacturing SystemChapter 7 CAD/CAM/CAE7.1 The Computer in Die Design7.2 CAD/CAM7.2.1 CAD7.2.2 CAM7.3 CAE7.3.1 MPI Introduction7.3.2 MPI Modules7.3.3 CAE Example of MPIGlossaryReferences