随着高等教育事业的发展和社会对高层次人才的需求的日益增长,本科生教材的正规化和系统化的必要性越来越明显。语言学知识在高等教育乃至整个社会发展中的作用已不言而喻。为使学生能够系统地掌握语言学知识,满足高校培养创新型、应用型人才的需要,我们应北京大学出版社的邀请编写了《语言学基础教程》(中、英文版)。 本教材的使用者主要为全国各高校英语专业的本科生。在内容方面,体现本科阶段课堂教学的特点,在提供基本知识的同时,更注重教材的科学性、系统性、实用性和时代性。在编写过程中,我们力求“化难为简”,尽量做到概念清晰,既要保证知识的系统性,又要避免术语的堆砌。本教材在传授基本知识与概念的同时,通过丰富的实例提供了有关语言分析和描述的基本方法,同时强调语言学与其他学科的联系,以便适应创新型人才培养的需要。为使学生巩固所学知识并进一步学习有关知识,每一章后都有练习题。全书共有十四章,教师可以根据教学大纲的课时安排和课堂教学的需要,合理地安排教学。 《语言学基础教程》的作者是来自全国13所211工程大学的知名中青年学者,都是教学第一线的英语教师,具有丰富的语言学研究和教学经验。
Chapter 1 Language and Linguistics1.1 What is language?1.2 The design features of language1.3 The origin of language1.4 What is linguistics?1.5 The scope of linguistics1.6 A brief history of linguistics1.6.1 Saussure as the father of modern linguistics1.6.2 American structuralism1.6.3 Generative linguistics1.6.4 Functional linguisticsQuestions and ExercisesChapter 2 Phonetics and Phonology: The Sounds and Sound Patterns of Language2.1 Introduction2.2 Phonetics2.2.1 Speech organs2.2.2 Consonants2.2.3 Vowels2.2.4 Transcription of speech sounds2.3 Phonology2.3.1 Phoneme2.3.2 Phone and allophone2.3.3 Phonotacties2.3.4 Prosodic features: stress, tone and intonation2.3.5 Co-articulation effects2.4 SummaryQuestions and ExercisesChapter 3 Morphology: The Word Structure of Language3.1 Introduction3.2 The words of language3.3 The structure of words3.4 Morpheme, morph and allomorph3.5 Classification of morphemes3.5.1 Free morphemes and bound morphemes3.5.2 Roots and affixes3.5.3 Inflectional morphemes and derivational morphemes3.6 Word formation processes3.6.1 Derivation3.6.2 Compounding3.6.3 Conversion3.6.4 Blending3.6.5 Backformation3.6.6 Abbreviation or shortening3.7 SummaryQuestions and ExercisesChapter 4 Syntax: The Sentence Structure of Language4.1 Introduction4.2 Sentence structure4.2.1 Definition of sentence4.2.2 The linear structure of sentence4.2.3 The hierarchical structure of sentence4.3 The traditional approach4.4 The structural approach4.4.1 Immediate constituent analysis4.4.2 Endocentric and exocentric constructions4.5 The transformational-generative approach4.5.1 The TG model of grammar4.5.2 Syntactic structure4.5.3 Movement4.6 The functional approach4.6.1 Functions of language4.6.2 Functional analysis of syntactic structure4.7 SummaryQuestions and ExercisesChapter 5 Semantics: The Meaning of Language5.1 Introduction5.2 Approaches to meaning5.3 Sense and reference5.4 Word meaning5.4.1 Grammatical meaning and lexical meaning5.4.2 Classification of lexical meaning5.4.3 Sense relations5.4.4 Semantic field5.5 Sentence meaning5.5.1 Definition of sentence meaning5.5.2 Semantic relations at the sentential level5.6 Ambiguity5.7 Semantic analysis5.7.1 Componential Analysis5.7.2 Predication AnalysisQuestions and ExercisesChapter 6 Pragmatics: The Use of Language in Context6.1 Introduction6.2 Pragmatics as a new branch of linguistics6.2.1 Defining pragmatics6.2.2 Syntax, semantics and pragmatics6.3 Speech Act Theory6.3.1 Constatives and performatives6.3.2 Locution, illocution, and perlocution6.3.3 Felicity conditions6.3.4 Classification of speech acts6.4 Theory of conversational implicature6.4.1 The notion of implicature6.4.2 Cooperative Principle and its maxims6.4.3 Flouting the maxims6.5 Politeness Principle6.5.1 Politeness: The principle and the maxims6.5.2 Clashes between the maxims6.6 SummaryQuestions and ExercisesChapter 7 Discourse Analysis: Language above the Sentence7.1 Introduction7.2 What is discourse analysis?7.3 Cohesion7.3.1 Reference7.3.2 Substitution7.3.3 Ellipsis7.3.4 Conjunction7.3.5 Lexical cohesion7.4 Coherence7.5 The structure of discourse7.5.1 Thematic structure and information structure7.5.2 The structure of conversations7.5.3 Patterns in written discourse7.6 ConnectionsQuestions and ExercisesChapter 8 Historical Linguistics: Language through Time8.1 Introduction8.2 When language changes8.3 How language changes8.3.1 Phonological change8.3.2 Lexical change8.3.3 Grammatical change8.4 Why language changes8.4.1 External causes8.4.2 Internal causes8.5 SummaryQuestions and ExercisesChapter 9 Stylistics: Language and Literature9.1 Introduction9.2 Important views on style9.2.1 Style as deviation9.2.2 Style as choice9.2.3 Style as foregrounding9.3 Stylistic analysis9.3.1 Phonological analysis9.3.2 Graphological analysis9.3.3 Lexical analysis9.3.4 Syntactic analysis9.3.5 Semantic analysis9.3.6 Pragmatic analysisQuestions and ExercisesChapter 10 Sociolinguistics: Language and Society10.1 Introduction10.2 The relations between language and society10.3 Speech community and speech variety10.4 Dialect10.4.1 Regional dialect10.4.2 Social dialect10.4.3 Standard dialect10.5 Register10.6 Language contact and contact languages10.6.1 Lingua franca10.6.2 Pidgin10.6.3 Creole10.7 Choosing a code10.7.1 Diglossia10.7.2 Bilingualism10.7.3 Code-switchingQuestions and Exercises……Chapter 11 Intercultural Communication: Language and CultureChapter 12 Psycholinguistics: Language and PsychologyChapter 13 Cognitive Linguistics: Language and CognitionChapter 14 Applied Linguistics: Language Teaching and LearningReferencesGlossary
Human beings communicate with each other mainly in two modes 0f language——spoken and written.In oral communication with someone from a different linguistic community,what first strikes US as different may not bethat person’s possibly different idea about something,but the exoticness of thespeech sounds uttered. Speech sounds are the sounds utilized by all human languages to representmeaning.They are the sounds produced or heard in using language to speak orunderstand,and are related by the language system to certain meanings.Anyone who knows a language knows what sounds are in the language and howthey are“strung”together and what these different sound sequences mean(Fromkin&Rodman,1983:35).The study of human speech sounds can bedone by examining the features of the sounds per se(Matthews,2001:33),which is adopted by the students of phonetics.The speech sounds can also bestudied from the point of view of how they are actually used in different languages(Katamba,1989:66),including how some of the sounds interrelateand interact with each other within a given language system,which is adoptedby the student of phonology. ……
首先,本教材各章作者均是有关学科的佼佼者,功底扎实,保证了教材的学术性; 第二,本教材作者有第一线教学在丰富经验,做到了论述深入浅出,适合本科生的需要; 第三,本教材注意到有关科学在本世纪的最新进展,具有充分的时代性。