王育华,王雪鸽 著
近年来,各种英语写作教材、辅导书或范文集等相继出版.这些书籍惠及广大读者,对提高他们的英语写作水平帮助很大。如北京大学出版社出版的《英文模范作文新词典》就是其中很受欢迎的参考书之一,读者普遍反映从中的确受益匪浅。 但是,很多读者也发现只研读范文实感美中不足,难免产生只能临渊羡鱼,却难于退而结网的遗憾。这是由于他们的写作语汇量小而被束缚手脚,无法用英语充分表达观点和展示写作技巧。作为教授写作课程的教师,我们在教学中充分认识到这个事实,并尽量设法帮助学生解难。我们深知写作水平的提高终究基于实践之上,只有勤动笔多写才能练就生花妙笔。但是,如果没有掌握较大的语汇量而只在原有狭小语汇范围内反复写,长进仍不会令人满意,必须同时针对具体需要吸收新鲜的积极语汇并将它们用于写作实践之中才能奏效。我们所强调的“积极语汇”意为在日常用语中非常活跃又富于表达力的语汇。我们同时强调“针对需要”地扩大语汇量。因为语汇海洋如此浩瀚,企图通过大撒网捕获的形式而达到迅速增加语汇量目的的努力只会事倍功半,广种薄收,甚至颗粒无收。 我们主张记忆新语汇不但要聚焦热点话题,还要根据个人具体需求。这样,新语汇的使用频率才会高,因而记得更牢固,逐渐做到运用潇洒自如,得心应手。这就是我们编写这本《英语作文分类语汇新词典》的宗旨之一。本书分部汇集若干热点话题的常用语汇供读者熟记,并在各部分后面附五至十个有关该话题的不同作文题目的参考范文供读者研读临摹。为适应读者的需要,每个作文题目下都给出三篇范文,各篇的难易程度略有不同。希望这些做法对读者尽快有效地扩大积极的写作语汇量并将其用于写作有所裨益。
Ⅰ.Computer and Communication计算机、通讯类 /11.Computer计算机 /1(1)Dcvclopment of Computer Science计算机科学的发展 /1(2)Application of Computer Technology计算机技术应用 /4(3)Computer-assisted Instruction(CAD;Computer-aided Learning(CAL)计算机辅助教学 /6(4)Computer Crime电脑犯罪 /7(5)Internet互联网 /8(6)E-Mail电子邮件 /132.Other Means of Communication其他通讯手段 /14(1)Teleohne and Mobile phone电话和移动电话 /14(2)Television电视 /16(3)Other Means其他手段 /163.计算机、通讯类参考范文 /17(1)Effccts of the Internet on People’s laves /17(2)Information in the Modern World /18(3)Thc Computer and Its Impact on College Students /20(4)The Impact of the Internet and the Web /21(5)Computer Careers /23(6)Is Artificial Intelligence Smarter? /25Ⅱ.Economy and Reforms经济、改革类 /271.Tourisi Industry旅游业 /27(1)The Significance of Tourism旅游业的重要作用 /27(2)Developing Tourist Industry发展旅游业 /282.Agriculture农业 /29(1)Farming农业耕种 /29(2)Fertilizer and Insecticide化肥及杀虫剂 /30(3)Irrigation灌溉 /30(4)Agricultural了echnology农业科技 /31(5)Soil Conservation土壤保持 /31(6)Agricultural Ecology农业生态 /32(7)Agricultural Policy农业政策 /323.Politics政治 /33(1)Political System政治制度 /33(2)Political Reforms政治改革 /33(3)Political Program政治纲领 /34(4)Political Activities政治活动 /34(5)Policy政策 /35(6)Interantional Politics国际政治 /354.Economy经济 /36(1)Economical Development经济发展 /36(2)Economical Reforms经济改革 /37(3)Commerce商业 /38(4)Foreign 7rade对外贸易 /385.Sample Compositioos of Economy and Reforms经济、改革类参考范文 /39(1)Why People Travel? /39(2)What Can Scientists Do for Agriculture? /41(s)Globalization Brings about More Opportunities /42(4)Living on Borrowed Water from 70morrow? /44(5)Free Trade,an Evildoer tO Developing Countries? /45(6)了he Call for Accountability in Governance /47Ⅲ.Education and Employment教育、就业类 /501.Education教育 /50(1)Various Levels of Education各级各类教育 /50(2)Concepts of Education教育理念 /51(3)Problems of Education教育中的问题 /53(4)Education Costs and Expenses教育费用 /542.Teaching and Teaching Methods教学及教学方法 /553.Facilities and Means of Teaching教学设施与手段 /574.Administration of Teaching教学管理 /58(1)School学校 /58(2)Students学生 /59(3)Subjects学科 /63(4)Courses课程 /64(5)Enrollment招生 /66(6)Academic Credit学分 /67(7)Educational Background and Diplomas学历及文凭 /67(8)System and Administration体制和管理 /685.Study学习 /69(1)Goal and Motivation目标与动机 /69(2)Ways,Methods and Habits方法和习惯 /72(3)Examinations and Tests考试 /73(4)Examination Questions;Examination Paper考题,试卷 /75(5)Grades成绩 /75(6)Graduation毕业 /766.Employment就业 /78(1)Various Jobs各种职业 /78(2)Working Personnel从业人员 /81(3)Work Attitude工作态度 /82(4)Working Hours工作时间 /85(5)Wage Standard工资待遇 /87(6)Unemployment失业 /90(7)Job Hunting择业 /917.Sample Compositions of Education and Employment教育就业参考范文 /95(1)The Importance of Girls’Education /95(2)Why People Work? /97(3)The Art of Teaching /99(4)On Cheating in Examination /100(5)7eacher-Centered or Student-Centered? /102Ⅳ.Family家庭类 /1051.The Aged老年人 /105(1)Source of Income生活来源 /105(2)Life Arrangement生活安排 /105(3)Health Condition健康状况 /106(4)Health Care保健 /106(5)MedicalTreatment医疗 /107(6)Recreation娱乐生活 /107(7)State of Mind心态 /108(8)Relations with Children与子女的关系 /109(9)Obligation of the Children子女的义务 /1092.Women妇女 /110(1)Women’s Family Status妇女的家庭地位 /110(2)Women’s Social Status妇女的社会地位 /110(3)Equality of the Sexes男女平等 /111(4)Prejudice against Women对妇女的歧视 /11l(5)Women’s Rights and Interests妇女权益 /lll(6)Women’s Education妇女教育 /112(7)Women’s Sentiments妇女的情感 /113(8)Women’S Social Life妇女的社交生活 /113(9)Traditional Concept of Women对妇女的传统看法 /113(10)Career Women职业妇女 /1143.Marriage婚姻 /115(1)Love恋爱 /115(2)Proposal and Engagement求婚和订婚 /116(3)Wedding婚礼 /117(4)Happy Marriage美满婚姻 /117……Ⅴ.Cultures 文化类Ⅵ.Medicine and Health 医药、健康类Ⅶ.Nature and Environment 自然与环境Ⅷ.Social Problems 社会问题类Ⅸ.Sports 体育类Ⅹ.Behavior and Manners 常用行为方式表达类Ⅺ.Development of Compositions 行文方式类Ⅻ.Prepositionsl Phrases 常用介词短语XⅢ.Basic Sentence Patterns 常用基本句型类附录
Experts predict that food production will increase by a large margin withindecades as the world population keeps growing at the present neck-breakingspeed.It goes without saying that agriculture will be under pressure toproduce more than ever before. China,a developing country with the largest population to feed,hasunfortunately become one of the first countries tO taste the bitterness of thewater shortage problem.Therefore’how tO make the land more productivewithout losing valuable water resources becomes an inevitable challenge thatthe leadership can’t shy away from due to its urgent nature. Scientists in agriculture have developed approaches tO solving watershortages.Among them are water harvesting and drip irrigation.They arenow in wide use and prove tO be more efficient and economical in irrigatingfarming land. In spite of this,people’S awareness of putting water tO the best use needstO be raised.It’S definitely imperative that people come tO the realization thatliving on borrowed water from future generations is as hideous a crime as arobbery. 范文4.2 Experts predict that food production will increase by a large margin withindecades as the world population keeps growing at the present neck-breakingspeed.It goes without saying that agriculture will be under pressure toproduce more than ever before.The shortage of water,essential to agricul-tural production,will persist in developing countries like in many years tocome. China,a developing country with the largest population to feed,hasunfortunately become one of the first groups tO taste the bitterness of thisproblem.Therefore,how to make the land more productive without losingvaluable water resources becomes an inevitable challenge that the leadershipcan’t shy away from due tO its urgent nature.It is sometimes heard that insome areas water is becoming SO scarce that scrambling for water irrigation hasresu!ted in violence.