《全国高职高专公共英语教材:新世纪实用英语教程2(学练考)》是《新世纪实用英语教程(学生用书)》的配套练习册,每册十个单元,各单元内容跟教材的相应的单元主题完全一致。编写学练考练习册的目的在于使学生消化课文内容,训练学生综合运用语言能力,熟悉考试内容,同时也是对市面上真下可供高等职业院校和高等专科院校的学生借鉴和使用的资料匮乏的一个补充。 1.习题的编写原则:紧紧围绕课文主题设置每一道习题,紧贴主题的同时,涵盖面广,开阔学生的视野。沿循教材的编写思路,凸显职业英语,练习内容紧贴真实工作和生活场景。 2.题型的选择:紧跟考试题型的变化,以高职高专英语应用能力考试A、B级和大学英语一二、三级考试的题型为主,无论是在题量还是在试题难度上两册书都控制在此类考试的要求之中,因此此书可以作为学生考前的模拟试题来使用。 3.配套的试题解析讲解透彻,详略得当。
Unit 1 TimeUnit 2 Office CommunicationUnit 3 Human ResourcesUnit 4 Medical CareUnit 5 Food Safety and NutritionUnit 6 Recreational LifeUnit 7 Digital AgeUnit 8 Air ServicesUnit 9 AdvertisementUnit 10 Interpersonal RelationshipScripts and Keys
You have waited 40 minutes for the valuable 10-minute break between classes. Butwhen the bell for the next class rings, you can't believe how quickly time has passed. Ifyou are familiar with this scene, you'll know how time flies when you are having fun,and how time drags when you are bored. Now scientists have come up with a reasonwhy this is the case. Scans have shown that patterns of activity in the brain change according to how wefocus on a task. When we are bored, we concentrate more on how time is passing. Andthis makes our brains think the clock is ticking more slowly. In a study conducted by a French laboratory, 12 volunteers (自愿者) watched animage while researchers monitored their brain activity using Magnetic ResonanceImaging (MRI) scans. The volunteers were told to first concentrated on how long an image appeared for,then focus on the color of the image, and thirdly, study both duration and color. The results showed that the brain was more active when the volunteers paidattention to more subjects. It is thought that if the brain is busy focusing on manyaspects of a task, it has to spread its resources, and pays less attention to the clock.Therefore, time passes without us really noticing it, and seems to go quickly. If thebrain is not so active, it concentrates its full energies on monitoring the passing of time.As a result, time seems to drag. However, the researehers found that the more thevolunteers concentrated on how long an image appeared for, the more accurate weretheir estimates of its duration. Lead researcher Dr Jennifer Coull said many areas of the brain help estimate time.These areas also play a key role in controlling movement and preparing for action. "Thissuggests that the brain may make sense of time as intervals between movements," sheexplained, "For example, a musician marks time with his foot, while an athleteanticipates the sound of a starter's pistol. " ……