杨义德、 杨志忠 北京大学出版社 (2010-05出版)
杨义德,杨志忠 著
21世纪是中国旅游飞速发展的黄金时期。据业内人士预测,我国不久将成为最大的客源输出国和旅游目的地国。作为旅游外汇收入多年高居全国榜首的广东省,以其独特的自然景观和人文景致吸引着无数中外游客。本书正以向外国游人介绍岭南地区的风俗和文化为要旨。其特点可概括为;内容新颖,资料翔实,语言简练,练习多样。其非常适合高职高专旅游管理及旅游英语专业的学生使用,也可供有志于报考广东英文导游证书的考生参考。仝书主要内容分别介绍广东概况,广州(以中山纪念堂,长隆旅游度假区为主),深圳(以中国民俗文化村、锦绣中华和东部华侨城为主),珠海(以渔女和圆明新园为主),佛山(祖庙、南海与顺德),梅州(客家围屋,灵光寺),韶关(丹霞山,南华寺),潮汕(饮食,潮剧),肇庆(七星岩,鼎湖山),江门(开平碉楼,小鸟天堂)以及香港(迪斯尼乐园,女人街),澳门(历史城区,澳门博物馆)等主要旅游景区。本书共12个单元,每个单元均包括5个部分:第一部分(Section A)是城市的整体介绍。其目的在于让学生宏观地了解该城市的主要概况,包括其历史、地理、文化以及旅游发展等;第二部分(Section B)突出主要旅游景点的导游讲解。目的在于使学生深入掌握旅游景区景点的讲解,从而了解导游工作的核心内容;第三部分(Section C)介绍导游讲解方法。根据中国英语导游的实践,总结并提炼出12种具有中国特色的英语导游讲解方法,分布于12个单元之中。第四部分(Section D)汇聚导游工作情景对话。根据导游的实际工作任务和场合将导游从机场迎客、沿途讲解、送入酒店、景点导游、用餐服务、娱乐服务、紧急处理以及送站服务等整个流程中与游客的会话一一呈现给读者,加深学生对导游工作的认识与理解。第五部分(Section E)为实践与练习。目的在于以较丰富的题型巩固学生对课文内容的理解,同时也涵盖了英语导游过程中应当注意的导游规范和紧急问题处理的原则等,为学生今后从事实际的导游工作奠定良好的基础。此外,本教材的第一部分(Section A),第二部分(Section B)和第四部分(Section D)已经制作成光盘,标准流利的美式英语将极大地方便学生仿读和学习。本教材除了正文之外,还有五项内容的附录。主要有:1.中国的世界遗产名录;2.常见告示语的翻译;3.常见粤菜名的英译;4.练习题的答案;
Unit 1 GuangdongOverview of Guangdong ProvinceSection A Survey of Guangdong ProvinceSection B Cantonese OperaSection C Methods of IntroductionSection D Listening and SpeakingSection E Practice and ExerciseUnit 2 GuangzhouOverview of GuangzhouSection A The Sun Yat-Sen Memorial HallSection B Chimelong Tourist and Holiday ResortSection C Methods of IntroductionSection D Listening and SpeakingSection E Practice and ExerciseUnit 3 ShenzhenOverview of ShenzhenSection A China Folk Culture Village & Splendid ChinaSection B OCT East ResortSection C Methods of IntroductionSection D Listening and SpeakingSection E Practice and ExerciseUnit 4 ZhuhaiOverview of ZhuhaiSection A Zhuhai FishergirlSection B New Yuanming PalaceSection C Method of IntroductionSection D Listening and SpeakingSection E Practice and ExerciseUnit 5 FoshanOverview of FoshanSection A The Ancestral TempleSection B Nanhai and Shunde in a Foreigner's EyesSection C Methods of IntroductionSection D Listening and SpeakingSection E Practice and ExerciseUnit 6 MeizhouOverview of MeizhouSection A Lingguang TempleSection B Hakka Villages Section C Method of IntroductionSection D Listening and SpeakingSection E Practice and ExerciseUnit 7 ShaoguanOverview of ShaoguanSection A The World Geological Park——The Danxia MountainSection B Nanhua TempleSection C Methods of IntroductionSection D Listening and SpeakingSection E Practice and ExerciseUnit 8 ChaozhouOverview of ChaozhouSection A Chiuchow CuisineSection B The Culture and Dialect of ChaozhouSection C Methods of IntroductionSection D Listening and SpeakingSection E Practice and ExerciseUnit 9 ZhaoqingOverview of ZhanqingSection A Seven Star CragsSection B Mount DinghuSection C Methods of IntroductionSection D Listening and SpeakingSection E Practice and ExerciseUnit 10 JiangmenOverview of JiangmenSection A Kaiping Diaolous (Watchtowers)Section B Paradise of BirdsSection C Methods of IntroductionSection D Listening and SpeakingSection E Practice and ExerciseUnit 11 Hong KongOverview ofHong KongSection A Hong Kong DisneylandSection B Ladies' MarketSection C Methods of IntroductionSection D Listening and SpeakingSection E Practice and ExerciseUnit 12 MacauOverview of MacauSection A Historic Centre of MacauSection B Museums in MacauSection C Methods of IntroductionSection D Listening and SpeakingSection E Practice and Exercise附录一 中国的世界遗产名录附录二 常见告示语附录三 常见粤菜译名附录四 练习答案附录五 课文译文参考书目
插图:Guangdong(Yue for short)is located in South China,with an area of 178,000 square kilometers,and a population of 80 million. It adjoins the Wuling Mountains to the north and the South China Sea to the south,with a landscape sloping from north to south. It’s mountainous in north,and in the south there are coastal plains,hills and tablelands .The deltas of the Pearl River and Han River are its chief plains .The West River,North River and East River known as“The Peal River System’’as well as Han River are Guangdong’s main water ways. Its coastline is long and zigzag with numerous offshore is lands. With the Tropic of Cancer running across its central land,Guangdong is,in the main,subject to south sub-tropical humid climate .Its abundant mineral resources include tungsten,tin,antimony,molybdenum,copper,zinc andlead,which all hold an important position in China.In China,the Guangdong province is synonymous with affluence. Located on the southeastern coast of the country,its surrounds the tourist meccas of-Ma-cau and Hong Kong,an enviable situation that has propelled the region into a major economic center for the country of China .It is also home to the Cantonese people.Due to widespread emigration by the Cantonese in the 19th and 20th centuries towards the Western Hemisphere,many of the Chinese cultural signifiers that have become encompassed by the western world derives from this group .But the families that remained in Guangdong China have done quite all fight for themselves,as a whole .Economic reforms in 1979 paved the way for the region’supward growth-feasting off a combination of Hong Kong infused growth and the province's everg rowing manufacturing industries,the Guangdong Province has transformed itself from aneconomic nonentity into a major player in current China. Topography has also played a large part in forging the identity of Guangdong China .Since its inception into the Chinese empire,mountains cut off the region from Central China,allowing Guangdong an amount of autonomy that isn’t found much throughout theremainder of the country. Despite the uniqueness of the region,however,not many touristsspend much time in Guangdong China. There just aren’t a lot of sights in the province that appeal to anyone outside of the average executives who frequent the area on business trips.The capital of the Guangdong province is the sprawling strip mall of Guangzhou.Ifthe province is well-known as a financial powerhouse,Guangzhou is appropriately on the ore front-everything from the large buildings to the tiny roadside shops offer pretty much any thing you can dream of.
本书以介绍广东全省以及港澳地区旅游景点为特色,以英语导游为主线,全面介绍岭南地区的人文、自然景点和地域文化。全书分为12单元,分别介绍广东全省概况,广州(中山纪念堂),深圳(中国民俗文化村),珠海(渔女),佛山(清辉园),梅州(客家围屋),韶关(丹霞山),潮汕(饮食),肇庆(德庆漂流),江门(开平碉楼)以及香港(迪斯尼乐园),澳门(历史城区)等主要旅游景区。 本书可作为高职高专旅游英语、旅游管理专业学生以及报考英语导游证人员用书。