冯源 编
Chapter Ⅰ guiding theories
Unit One what is tourism culture?
Unit Two global code of ethics for tourism
Unit Three quebec declaration on ecotourism
Unit Four hainan declaration
Chapter Ⅱ leading countries in tourism business
Unit Five europe
Unit Six the americas
Unit Seven africa
Unit Eight the asia-pacific region
Chapter Ⅲ tourism economy and tourism culture
Unit Nine beijing olympics and tourism culture
Unit Ten shanghai expo and tourism business
Unit Eleven cases studies
Unit Twelve creativity and innovation in tourism
Chapter Ⅳ world heritages
Unit Thirteen world natural heritage
Unit Fourteen world cultural heritage
Unit Fifteen dual world heritage
Unit Sixteen intangible cultural heritage
版权页:1.formulate national, regional and local ecotourism policies and development strategiesthat are consistent with the overall objectives of sustainable development, and to do so througha wide consultation process with those who are likely to become involved in, affect, or beaffected by ecotourism activities;2. guarantee-in conjunction with local and indigenous communities, the private sector,NGOs and all ecotourism stakeholders-the protection of nature, local and indigenous culturesand specially traditional knowledge, genetic resources, rights to land and property, as well asrights to water;3. ensure the involvement, appropriate participation and necessary coordination of all therelevant public institutions at the national, provincial and local level (including the establishmentof inter-ministerial working groups as appropriate) at different stages in the ecotourismprocess, while at the same time opening and facilitating the participation of other stakeholdersin ecotourism-related decisions. Furthermore, adequate budgetary mechanisms and appropriatelegislative frameworks need to be set up to allow implementation of the objectives and goals setup by these multistakeholder bodies;4. include in the above framework the necessary regulatory and monitoring mechanisms atthe national, regional and local levels, including objective sustainability indicators jointly agreedwith all stakeholders and environmental impact assessment studies to be used as feedbackmechanism. Results of monitoring should be made available to the general public;5. develop regulatory mechanisms for internalization of environmental costs in all aspectsof the tourism product, including intemational transport;6. develop the local and municipal capacity to implement growth management tools suchas zoning, and participatory land-use planning not only in protected areas but in buffer zonesand other ecotourism development zones;7. use internationally approved and reviewed guidelines to develop certificationschemes, ecolabels and other voluntary initiatives geared towards sustainability in ecotourism,encouraging private operators to join such schemes and promoting their recognition byconsumers. However, certification systems should reflect regional and local criteria. Buildcapacity and provide financial support to make these schemes accessible to small and mediumenterprises (SMEs). In addition, monitoring and a regulatory framework are necessary tosupport effective implementation of these schemes.
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