George Tchobanoglous,Hilary Theisen,Samuel Vigil 编著
本书是目前国外较为系统阐述固体废物(特别是城市固体废物)系统管理工程原理及主要问题的教材。该书介绍了固体废物的管理法规,废物的来源、组成及性质,废物的收运、预处理及资源回收方法,生物化学处理、焚烧、填埋技术等。书中还配有大量例题和习题。 本书可作为高等院校固体废物处理课程的教学参考书,也可供从事固体废物污染控制的工程技术人员和管理者参考。
PrefacePart I Perspectives 1 Evolution of Solid Waste Management 2 Legislative Trends and ImpactsPart II Sources,Composition,and Properties 3 Sources,Types,and Composition of Municipal Solid Wastes 4 Physical,Chemical,and Biological Properties of Municipal Solid Waste 5 Sources,Types,and Properities of Hazardous Wastes Found in Municipal Solid WastePart III Engineering Principles 6 Solid Waste Generation and Collection Rates 7 Waste Handling and Separation,Storage ,and Processing at the Source 8 Collection of Solid Waste 9 Separation and Processing and Transformation of Solid Waste 10 Transfer and Transport 11 Disposal of Solid Wastes and Residual MatterPart IV Separation,Transformation,and Recycling of Waste Materials 12 Materials Separation and Processing Technologies 13 Thermal Conversion Technologies 14 Biological and Chemical Conversion Technologies 15 Recycling of Materials Found in Municipal Solid WastePart V Closure,Restoration,and Rehabilitation of Landfills 16 Closure of Landfills 17 Remedial Actions at Inactive Waste Disposal SitesPart VI Solid Waste Management 18 Meeting Federal-and State-Mandated Diversion Goals 19 Implementation of Solid Waste Management Options 20 Planning,Sitting,and Permitting of Waste Management FacilitiesAppendixesIndexes 18