David M. Bressoud
preface xi
1 f = ma1
1.1 prelude to newton's principia 1
1.2 equal area in equal time 5
1.3 the law of gravity 9
1.4 exercises16
1.5 reprise with calculus 18
1.6 exercises26
2 vector algebra 29
2.1 basic notions29
2.2 the dot product 34
2.3 the cross product39
2.4 using vector algebra 46
2.5 exercises 50
3 celestial mechanics 53
3.1 the calculus of curves 53
3.2 exercises05
3.3 orbital mechanics 06
3.4 exercises75
4 differential forms 77
4.1 some history77
4.2 differential 1-forms 79
4.3 exercises 86
4.4 constant differential 2-forms 89
4.5 exercises 96
4.6 constant differential k-forms 99
4.7 prospects 105
4.8 exercises 107
5 line integrals, multiple integrals 111
5.1 the riemann integral 111
5.2 linelntegrals.113
5.3 exercises llo
5.4 multiple- -integrals 120
5.5 using multiple integrals 131
5.6 exercises
6 linear transformations 139
6.1 basicnotions.139
0.2 determinants 146
6.3 history and comments 157
6.4 exercises 158
6.5 invertibility 165
6.6 exercises
7 differential calculus 171
7.1 limits 171
7.2 exercises 178
7.3 directional derivatives 181
7.4 the derivative 187
7.5 exercises 197
7.6 the chain rule._a201
7.7 usingthegradient.205
7.8 exercises 207
8 integration by pullback 211
8.1 change of variables 211
8.2 interlude with'lagrange 213
8.4 thesurfacelntegral 221
8.5 heatflow228
8.6 exercises 230
9 techniques of differential calculus 233
9.1 implicitdifferentiation 233
9.2 invertibility 238
9 3 exercises 244
9.4 locating extrema 248
9.5 taylor's formula in several variables 254
9.6 exercises 262
9.7 lagrangemultipliers266
9 8 exercises277
10 the fundamental theorem of calculus 279
10.1 overview 279
10.2 independence of path 286
10.3 exercises 294
10.4 the divergence theorems 297
10.5 exercises 310
10.6 stokes' theorem 314
10.7 summary for r3 321
10.8 exercises 323
10.9 potential theory 326
11 e = mc2 333
11.2 flow in space-time 338
11.3 electromagnetic potential 345
11.4 exercises 349
11.5 specialrelativity 352
11.6 exercises 360
a an opportunity missed 361
b bibliography365
c clues and solutions367
index 382
1.1 Prelude to Newton's Principia Popular mathematical history attributes to Isaac Newton (1642-1727) andGottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) the distinction of having invented calculus. Of course, it is not nearly so simple as that. Techniques for evaluating areas and volumes as limits of computable quantities go back to theGreeks of the classical era. The rules for differentiating polynomials and theuses of these derivatives were current before Newton or Leibniz were born.Even the fundamental theorem of calculus, relating integral and differentialcalculus, was known to Isaac Barrow (1630-1677), Newton's teacher. Yetit is not inappropriate to date calculus from these two men for they werethe first to grasp the power and universal applicability of the fundamentaltheorem of calculus. They were the first to see an inchoate collection ofresults as the body of a single unified theory. Newton's preeminent application of calculus is his account of celestialmechanics in Philosophive Naturalis Principia Mathematica or Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. Ironically, he makes very little specificmention of calculus in it. This may, in part, be due to the fact that calculuswas still sufficiently new that he felt it would be suspect. In part, it is areflection of an earlier age in which mathematicians jealously guarded powerful new techniques and only revealed the fruits of their labors. ……
作者在序言中说这本书受两本书的启发:Tom Apostol的Calculus--作者念本科时的课本,和H. Edward的 Advanced Calculus: A Differential Forms Approach。
陈天权教授的评价:“(该书)是作者在Pennsylvania州立大学的讲义.作者在Freeman Dyson的鼓励下写成了这本多元微积分.它的数学内容并不深,但是它与力学,电动力学及狭义相对论结合在一起讲.使得数学与物理的相互影响历历在目.”