(美)卡雷斯,(美)玛丽 著
在学校教书多年,当学生(特别是本科生)问有什么好的参考书时,我们所能推荐的似乎除了教材还是教材,而且不同教材之间的差别并不明显、特色也不鲜明。所以多年前我们就开始酝酿,希望为本科学生引进一些好的参考书,为此清华大学数学科学系的许多教授与清华大学出版社共同付出了很多心血。 这里首批推出的十余本图书,是从Springer出版社的多个系列丛书中精心挑选出来的。在丛书的筹划过程中,我们挑选图书最重要的标准并不是完美,而是有特色并包容各个学派(有些书甚至有争议,比如从数学上看也许不够严格),其出发点是希望我们的学生能够吸纳百家之长;同时,在价格方面,我们也做了很多工作,以使得本系列丛书的价格能让更多学校和学生接受,使得更多学生能够从中受益。 本系列图书按其定位,大体有如下四种类型(一本书可以属于多类,但这里限于篇幅不能一一介绍)。
PrefaceNotes to the Reader1. Source Coding1.1 Definitions and Examples1.2 Uniquely Decodable Codes1.3 Instantaneous Codes1.4 Constructing Instantaneous Codes1.5 Krafts Inequality1.6 McMillans Inequality1.7 Comments on Krafts and McMillans Inequalities1.8 Supplementary Exercises2. Optimal Codes2.1 Optimality2.2 Binary Huffman Codes2.3 Average Word-length of Huffman Codes2.4 Optimality of Binary Huffman Codes2.5 r-ary Huffman Codes2.6 Extensions of Sources2.7 Supplementary Exercises3. Entropy3.1 Information and Entropy3.2 Properties of the Entropy Function3.3 Entropy and Average Word-length3.4 Shannon-Fano Coding3.5 Entropy of Extensions and Products3.6 Shannons First Theorem3.7 An Example of Shannons First Theorem3.8 Supplementary Exercises4. Information Channels4.1 Notation and Definitions4.2 The Binary Symmetric Channel4.3 System Entropies4.4 System Entropies for the Binary Symmetric Channel4.5 Extension of Shannons First Theorem to Information Channels4.6 Mutual Information4.7 Mutual Information for the Binary Symmetric Channel4.8 Channel Capacity4.9 Supplementary Exercises5. Using an Unreliable Channel5.1 Decision Rules5.2 An Example of Improved Reliability5.3 Hamming Distance5.4 Statement and Outline Proof of Shannons Theorem5.5 The Converse of Shannons Theorem5.6 Comments on Shannons Theorem5.7 Supplementary Exercises6. Error-correcting Codes6.1 Introductory Concepts6.2 Examples of Codes6.3 Minimum Distance6.4 Hammings Sphere-packing Bound6.5 The Gilbert-Varshamov Bound6.6 Hadamard Matrices and Codes6.7 Supplementary Exercises7. Linear Codes7.1 Matrix Description of Linear Codes7.2 Equivalence of Linear Codes7.3 Minimum Distance of Linear Codes7.4 The Hamming Codes7.5 The Golay Codes7.6 The Standard Array7.7 Syndrome Decoding7.8 Supplementary ExercisesSuggestions for Further ReadingAppendix A. Proof of the Sardinas-Patterson TheoremAppendix B. The Law of Large NumbersAppendix C. Proof of Shannons Fundamental TheoremSolutions to ExercisesBibliographyIndex of Symbols and AbbreviationsIndex