

(美)希夫曼,(美)卡努克 著 希夫曼(Leon G.Schiffman)、 卡努克(Leslie Lazar Kanuk) 清华大学出版社 (2009-12出版)



希夫曼(Leon G.Schiffman)、 卡努克(Leslie Lazar Kanuk) 清华大学出版社 (2009-12出版)  


(美)希夫曼,(美)卡努克 著  








  把握消费者行为特点是在当前激烈市场竞争条件下制定正确营销策略的前提。《消费者行为学(第9版)》是国外最流行的消费行为学教科书之一,自1978年第1版问世以来多次修订。《消费者行为学(第9版)》内容全面广泛,在内容安排上注重理论和实践相结合,不仅向读者系统阐述了消费者行为学中的基本概念,而且介绍了消费者行为研究领域中的最新发现以及消费者行为理论在营销中具体应用的大量案例。全书分四大部分:第1部分为读者提供了学习研究消费者行为的背景知识和方法;第2部分讨论作为个体的消费者的行为特点;第3部分讨论社会和文化环境对消费者行为的影响;第4部分讨论消费者是如何制定购买决策的。  《消费者行为学(第9版)》既适合用作MBA、市场营销及相关专业本科生或研究生教材,也可供相关领域的研究人员和实际工作者参考。


作者:(美国)希夫曼(Leon G.Schiffman) (美国)卡努克(Leslie Lazar Kanuk)


第1部分 引言第1章 消费者行为:起源与战略应用第2章 消费者研究第3章 市场细分第2部分 作为个体的消费者第4章 消费者动机第5章 个性和消费者行为第6章 消费者感知第7章 消费者学习第8章 态度的形成和转变第9章 沟通和消费者行为第3部分 处在一定社会和文化环境下的消费者第10章 参考群体和家庭的影响第11章 社会阶层和消费者行为第12章 文化对消费者行为的影响第13章 亚文化和消费者行为第14章 跨文化下的消费者行为:国际视角第4部分 消费者的决策制定过程第15章 消费者的相互影响和创新扩散第16章 消费者决策案例术语表索引


插图:Arousal of motivesMost of an individual's specific needs are dormant much of the time. The arousal of any particular set of needs at a specific moment in time may be caused by internal stimuli found in the individual's physiological condition, by emotional or cognitive processes, or by stimuli in the outside environment.Physiological arousalBodily needs at any one specific moment in time are based on the individual's physiological condition at that moment. A drop in blood sugar level or stomach contractions will trigger awareness of a hunger need. Secretion of sex hormones will awaken the sex need. A decrease in body temperature will induce shivering, which makes the individual aware of the need for warmth. Most of these physiological cues are involuntary; however, they arouse related needs that cause uncomfortable tensions until they are satisfied. For example, a per- son who is cold may turn up the heat in his bedroom and also make a mental note to buy a warm cardigan sweater to wear around the house. Figure 4.8 demonstrates arousal of a physiological need.Emotional arousalSometimes daydreaming results in the arousal or stimulation of latent needs. People who are bored or who are frustrated in trying to achieve their goals often engage in daydreaming (autistic thinking), in which they imagine themselves in all sorts of desir- able situations. These thoughts tend to arouse dormant needs, which may produce uncomfortable tensions that drive them into goal-oriented behavior. A young woman who daydreams of a torrid romance may spend her free time in Internet single chat rooms; a young man who dreams of being a famous novelist may enroll in a writing workshop.Cognitive arousalSometimes random thoughts can lead to a cognitive awareness of needs An advertisement that provides reminders of home might trigger instant yearning to speak with one's parents This is the basis for many long-distance telephone company campaigns that stress the low cost of international long-distance rates.Environmental (or situational) arousalThe set of needs an individual experiences at a particular time are often activated by specific cues in the environment. Without these cues, the needs might remain dormant. For example, the 6 o'clock news, the sight or smell of bakery goods, fast-food commercials on television, the end of the school day——all of these may arouse the "need" for food. In such cases, modification of the environment may be necessary to reduce the arousal of hunger.A most potent form of situational cue is the goal object itself. A woman may experi- ence an overwhelming desire to visit Australia when she is drawn to the scene depicted in Figure 4.9; a man may suddenly experience a "need" for a new car when passing a dealer's display window. Sometimes an advertisement or other environmental cue produces a psychological imbalance in the viewer's mind. For example, a young college student who constantly uses his cell phone may see a new, slick-looking cell phone model with more features displayed in a store window. The exposure may make him unhappy with his old cell phone and cause him to experience tension that will be reduced only when he buys himself the new cell phone model.







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