We live in a technology-driven world, where almost everything is automated. The last two decades have seena renaissance in the world of innovations. We have seen doctors perform surgery by sitting miles away fromtheir patients. The fashion industry is soon to replace supermodels with robots (one such, the HRP-4C, wasrecently unveiled in Tokyo).There are similar advances being made in every field, all of whose foundationsare based on computers. It can often be perplexing for a beginner to keep pace with such developments. To be lost in the worldof codes and bytes can be nerve-racking. And this is where a text book of this nature comes in. Writtenassuming absolutely no prior knowledge of computers, this book carries the reader through the world ofComputers in a simple and structured manner. There are certain things that this book achieves and some it doesn't. If you are looking for an exhaustivediscussion.on topics like DBMS and Computer Networks, this book is not meant for you. I would ratherhave you pick up books written by a Forouzan or a Gehrke. This book will not make you go through milesof C programming codes. So, if you want a good discussion on C implementation, I would rather have youpick my ANSI C book. What this book does aim to achieve is to give you an eye opener, a mild introduction, to the fascinatingworld of Computers. It will show you the basic building blocks of a computer, how they interact amongeach other, what are the various input and output devices and how a computer interprets and understandsyour language. It also gives an introduction to the various software that are popularly used on desktopcomputers. Seeing the importance of programming in today's world, I have also provided a chapter on Cprogramming, which serves as an introduction to this amazingly powerful language. There indeed are several books that flood local book shops on this subject. So why should you use thisone? The answer is simple; I haven't written this book keeping a specific audience in mind. Whether youare a school student, a budding engineer pursuing technical education, or simply an inquisitive being insearch of an appropriate introduction to computers, chances are I have kept all your requirements in mindwhile writing. I have kept the language at a level that can be accessed by one and all, and yet kept thediscussions thorough and focused.More specifically, it can be used by the following:Students pursuing DCA, BSc (IT), BCA, MCA, MSc(IT), DOEACC 'O' Level coursesStudents pursuing first-year engineering course in computersStudents pursuing BBA, MBA and MCM coursesStudents pursuing short-term courses in various IT training institutesSelf-learners for acquiring knowledge on various computer components, be it software or hardware.Finally, this book is for everyone who is either excited about computers or interested in knowing moreabout computers.This book is impregnated with several salient features:A complete self-study material for obtaining basic knowledge and understanding of various hardware and software components of computers.Covers Microsoft Office suite of software such as MS Word and MS Excel in great detail.Concepts are explained using ample number of illustrations and screen shots for visualisation of the commands.
本书用简洁的语言和丰富的示例,介绍了计算机的各种硬件和软件知识,并以简单易学的方法,把计算机理论知识与实际应用巧妙结合起来,为读者认识计算机,进一步学习计算机软硬件知识打下坚实基础。 本书多达112个含解答的示例、329道复习题、315道选择题、325道填空题,是高等院校“计算机导论”和“计算机英语”课程的理想教材。
作者:(印度)巴拉古路萨米(E Balagurusamy)
Preface1. Understanding the Computer 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Evolution of Computers 1.3 Generations of Computers 1.4 Classification of Computers 1.5 Computing Concepts 1.6 The Computer System 1.7 Applications of Computers Chapter Summary Key Terms to Remember Review Questions Fill in the blanks Multiple Choice Questiom Discussion Questions2. Computer Organisation and Architecture 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Central Processing Unit 2.3 Intemal Communications 2.4 Machine Cycle 2.5 The Bus 2.6 Instruction Set Chapter Summary Key Terms to Remember Review Questions Fill in the blanks Multiple Choice Questions Discussion Questions3. Memory and Storage Systems 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Memory Representation 3.3 Random Access Memory 3.4 Read Only Memory、……
插图:11.9.1 Batch Processing Operating SystemsThe batch processing operating systems are capable of executing only one job at a time. The jobs or theprograms submitted by different users are grouped into batches and one batch of jobs is provided as input tothe computer system at a time. The jobs in the batch are processed on the first-come-first-serve basis. Aftergetting an appropriate command from the operator, the batch processing operating system starts executingthe jobs one-by-one. The execution of a particular job generally involves three major activities, which arereading the job from the input device; executing the job by the system and printing-the calculated result onto the output device. After the execution of one job is complete, the operating system automatically fetchesthe next job from the batch without any human intervention. The following are some of the advantages of batch processing operating systems:The computer systems employing the batch processing operating systems were very efficient computer systems of their times because the idle time for these systems was very small.These operating systems facilitated the execution of jobs in an organised manner. The following are some of the disadvantages of batch processing operating systems:The jobs are processed only in the order in which they are placed in a batch and not as per their priority.The debugging of a program at execution time is not possible in these operating systems.The executing jobs may enter an infinite loop, as each job is not associated with a proper timer.11.9.2 Multi-user Operating SystemsThe multi-user operating systems enable multiple users to use the resources of a computer system at thesame time. In other words, a multi-user operating system allows a number of users to work simultaneouslyon the same computer system. These types of operating systems are specially designed for the multi-usersystems. A multi-user system is usually implemented by following the multi-terminal configuration. In thistype of configuration, a single powerful computer system is connected to multiple terminals though serialports. This computer system is responsible for processing the different requests generated by the variousterminals at the same time. The devices connected with the various terminals are keyboard, mouse, andmonitor. The central computer system is equipped with a fast processor and a memory of large capacity forcatering to the multiple requests of the end users. Examples of multi-user operating system include Unix,Linux, Windows 2000 and VM-386 The following are some of the advantages of the multi-user operating systems:It allows the resources of the computer system to be utilised in an efficient manner.It enhances the overall productivity of the various users by providing simultaneous access to the various computer resources. The following are the disadvantages of the multi-user operating systems:The configuration of the computer system employing multi-user operating system is complex and hence, is difficult to handle and maintain.This type of system may result in an inconsistent data if the activities of one user are not protected from another user.This type of operating system is required to have robust security mechanisms.