齐克芒德(William G.Zikmund)、Barry J.Babin、Jon C.Carr、 等 清华大学出版社 (2010-09出版)
(美) 齐克芒德 著
《商业研究方法》是美国最受欢迎的商业研究方法教材,它向读者全面介绍了各种可应用于营销、财务、管理和会计等商业部门的研究方法,并且非常好地展示了在新的电子化时代商业研究的实践如何帮助管理者进行商业决策。《商业研究方法》紧紧围绕学生的需求进行设计,其中包含大量案例,便于学生了解现实世界的商业研究。 《商业研究方法》是商学院本科生和MBA学生的理想教材,同时也可作为企业管理者、商业咨询人员以及有兴趣了解商业研究方法的各界人士的参考读物。
作者:(美国)齐克芒德(William G.Zikmund) (美国)Barry J.Babin (美国)Jon C.Carr 等William G.Zikmund生前为俄克拉何马州立大学营销学教授,在克罗拉多大学获得工商管理博士学位。在学术生涯之前,Zikmund在ConwayMillkin公司和Remington Arms公司做营销研究工作。
第1部分 导论/1第1章 商业研究的作用/2第2章 信息系统与知识管理/18第3章 理论构建/38第4章 商业研究流程:概览/50第5章 商业研究的人的方面:组织和伦理议题/75第2部分 研究流程的开始阶段/106第6章 问题界定:商业研究的基础/107第7章 数量研究工具/132第8章 数字时代的二手数据研究/160第3部分 搜集原始数据的研究方法/184第9章 调查研究:概览/185第10章 调查研究:与调查对象进行沟通/207第11章 观测方法/238第12章 实验研究/256第4部分 测量的概念/290第13章 测度的概念/291第14章 态度的度量/314第15章 调查问卷的设计/335第5部分 抽样与实地调查/385第16章 抽样设计与抽样程序/386第17章 样本规模的决定:回顾统计理论/412第18章 实地调查/443第6部分 数据分析与演示/460第19章 编辑与编码:将原始数据转化为信息/461第20章 基础数据分析:描述统计学/485第21章 单变量统计分析/508第22章 双变量统计分析:两个变量之间的区别/529第23章 双变量统计分析:两者之间联系的衡量/558第25章 展示研究结果:编写报告、口头演示和后续行动/608
插图:Each type of research also produces a different type of result. In many ways, exploratoryresearch is the most productive since it should yield large numbers of ideas. It is part of the"domain of discovery," and as such, unstructured approaches can be very successful. Too muchstructure in this type of research may lead to more narrowly focused types of responses that couldstifle creativity. Thus, although it is productive, exploratory research results usually need furthertesting and evaluation before they can be made actionable. At times, however, managers do takeaction based only on exploratory research results. Sometimes, management may not be able ormay not care to invest the time and resources needed to conduct further research. Decisions madebased only on exploratory research can be more risky, since exploratory research does not testideas among a scientific sample..s For instance, a business school professor may ask a class of currentMBA students for ideas about an online program. Although the students may provide many ideasthat sound very good, even the best of them has not been tested on a sample of potential onlineMBA students.Descriptive research is typically focused around one or more fairly specific research ques-tions. It is usually much more structured and, for many common types of business research, canyield managerially actionable results. For example, descriptive research is often used to profile acustomer segment both demographically and psychographically. Resuks like this can greatly assistfirms in deciding when and where to offer their goods or services for sale.Causal research is usually very focused around a small number of research hypotheses.Experimental methods require tight control of research procedures. Thus, causal research is highlystructured to produce specific results. Causal research results are often managerially actionablesince they suggest that if management changes the value of a "cause," some desirable effectcome about. So, by changing the training program, the cause, an increase in employee productiv-ity, can result.