

房玉靖 等主编 清华大学出版社





房玉靖 等主编  






Module 1 Merchant/Investment Inviting 招商引资
Task 1 Name Cards 名片
Warm-up: Have a Try
Background: Learn Something About Name Card
Discussion: Talk About How to Do the Task Well
Follow-up: Do It Youelf
Homework: Practice Makes Perfect
Extend Your Eyes
Task 2 Enterprise Profile 企业形象
Warm-up: Have a Try
Background: Learn Something About Enterprise Profile
Discussion: Talk About How to Do the Task Well
Follow-up: Do It Youelf
Homework: Practice Makes Perfect
Extend Your Eyes
Task 3 Commercial Advertisement 商业广告
Warm-up: Have a Try
Background: Leam Something About Commercial Advertisements
Discussion: Talk About How to Do the Task Well
Follow-up: Do It Youelf
Homework: Practice Makes Perfect
Extend Your Eyes
Module 2 Foreign Trade Operatio 外贸业务
Task4 Business Correspondence 商务信函
Warm-up: Have a Try
Background: Learn Something About Business Correspondence
Discussion: Talk About How to Do the Task Well
Follow-up: Do It Youelf
Homework: Practice Makes Perfect
Extend Your Eyes
Task 5 Itruction Manual 产品说明书
Warm-up: Have a Try
Background: Learn Something About Itruction Manual
Discussion: Talk About How to Do the Task Well
Follow-up: Do It Youelf
Homework: Practice Makes Perfect
Extend Your Eyes
Task 6 Business Documents 商务单证
Warm-up: Have a Try
Background: Learn Something About Business Documents
Discussion: Talk About How to Do the Task Well
Follow-up: Do It Youelf
Homework: Practice Makes Perfect
Extend Your Eyes
Task 7 Business Contract 商务合同
Warm-up: Have a Try
Background: Learn Something About Business Contract
Discussion: Talk About How to Do the Task Well
Follow-up: Do It Youelf
Homework: Practice Makes Perfect
Extend Your Eyes
Module 3 Routine Activities 公司日常活动
Task 8 Routine Files 日常办公文本
Warm-up: Have a Try
Background: Learn Something A.bout Rutine Files
Discussion: Talk About How to Do the Task Well
Follow-up: Do It Youelf
Homework: Practice Makes Perfect
Extend Your Eyes
Task 9 Business Travel 商务旅游
warm-up: Have a Try
Background: Learn Something About Business Travel
Discussion: Talk About How to.Do the Task Well
Follow-up: Do It Youelf
Homework: Practice Makes Perfect
Extend Your Eyes
Task 10 Celebratio and Press Release 商务庆典与新闻发布
Warm-up: Have a Try
Background: Learn Something About Celebratio and Press Release
Discussion: Talk About How to Do the Task Well
Follow-up: Do It Youelf
Homework: Practice Makes Perfect
Extend Your Eyes
Task 11 Market Investigation 市场调研
Warm-up: Have a Try
Background: Learn Something About Market Investigation
Discussion: Talk About How to Do the Task Well
Follow-up: Do It Youelf
Homework: Practice Makes Perfect
Extend Your Eyes
Module 4 Enterprise Management 企业管理
Task 12 Office Sig 办公识标识语
Warm-up: Have a Try
Background: Learn Something About Office Sig
Discussion: Talk About How to Do the Task Well
Follow-up: Do It Youelf
Homework: Practice Makes Perfect
Extend Your Eyes
Task 13 Application Documents for Studying Abroad 出国文书
Warm-up: Have a Try
Background: Learn Something About Application Documents
Discussion: Talk About How to Do the Task Well
Follow-up: Do It Youelf
Homework: Practice Makes Perfect
Extend Your Eyes
Task 14 Merger and Acquisition 企业并购
Warm-up: Have a Try
Background: Learn Something About Merger and Acquisition
Discussion: Talk About How to Do the Task Well
Follow-up: Do It Youelf
Homework: Practice Makes Perfect
Extend Your Eyes
Reference Veion 参考译文
Bibliography 参考文献






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