张楚汉 清华大学出版社 (2012-04出版)
《清华大学学术专著:混凝土坝非线性特性与地震安全评价》由作者及其合作者在国际上发表的论著中选择具有代表性的25篇论文编辑而成,是作者及其合作者近10年来研究成果的结晶,其中在混凝土坝的非线性动力损伤开裂分析模型与钢筋加固模拟、混凝土坝,地基系统从小变形到大变形破坏全过程的仿真模拟、混凝土坝的静动力安全评价方法、混凝土材料的细观力学模拟等方面均有所创新和发展。本书内容共分为五部分:1.主旨概述;2.结构.地基和流体.固体动力相互作用;3.混凝土坝的非线性地震反应;4.混凝土坝安全评估的相关问题;5.混凝土材料的细观力学行为。 本书可供水工结构和岩土地基工程师与研究者在从事高坝与结构地基非线性静、动力分析与抗震设计研究工作中参考,并可作为从事有限元、离散元结构数值分析的科技人员与高等院校有关研究生的参考用书。
Part I Keynotes for General Introduction1. Challenges of high dam construction to computational mechanicsChuhan ZHANG2. The performance of dams during the wenchuan 5-12 earthquake and lessons learned from the eventChuhan ZHANG3. Seismic safety evaluation of high concrete dams Part I: State of the art design and researchChuhan ZHANG Feng J1N4. Seismic safety evaluation of high concrete dams Part II: Earthquake behavior of arch dams: Case studyChuhan ZHANG, Feng JIN, Jianwen PAN, Yuchuan LONG5. A primary digital dam simulation system for an Arch Dam Feng J1N, Jian YANG, Jinting WANGPart II Dynamic Soft-Structure and Fluid-Structure Interactions6. A coupling procedure of FE and SBFE for soil-structure interaction in the time domainJunyi YAN, Chuhan ZHANG, Feng JIN7. Time-domain analysis of gravity dam-reservoir interaction using high-order doubly asymptotic open boundaryXiang WANG, Feng JIN, Suriyon PREMPRAMOTE, Chongmin SONG8. Finite element analysis of dam-reservoir interaction using high-order doubly asymptotic open boundarychao GAO, Feng JIN, Xiang WANG, Jinting WANG9. Analytical solutions for dynamic pressures of coupling fluid-porous medium-solid due to SV wave incidenceJinting WANG, Chuhan ZHANG, Feng JIN10. Modification of equation of motion of fluid-conveying pipe for laminar and turbulent flow profiles Changqing GUO, Chuhan ZHANG, MP PAIDOUSSISPart m Non-linear Earthquake Response of Concrete Dams11. Influence of seismic input mechanisms and radiation damping on arch dam responseChuhan ZHANG, Jianwen PAN, Jinting WANG12. Seismic damage-cracking analysis of arch dams using different earthquake input mechanismsJianwen PAN, Chuhan ZHANG, Jinting WANG, Yanjie XU13. A comparative study of the different procedures for seismic cracking analysis of concrete damsJianwen PAN, Chuhan ZHANG, Yanjie XU, Feng JIN14. Nonlinear earthquake analysis of high arch dam-water-foundation rock systemsJinting WANG, Chuhan ZHANG, Feng JIN15. Numerical simulation of reinforcement strengthening for high-arch dams to resist strong earthquakesYuchuan LONG, Chuhan ZHANG, Feng JIN16. Nonlinear seismic analyses of a high gravity dam with and without the presence of reinforcementYuchuan LONG, Chuhan ZHANG, Yanjie XU17. Seismic safety of arch dams with aging effects Jinting WANG, Feng JIN, Chuhan ZHANGPart 1V Topics Related to the Safety Evaluation of Concrete Dams18. 3D mode discrete element method: Elastic ModelFeng JIN, Chong ZHANG, Wei HU, Jinting WANG19. Comparative study procedure for the safety evaluation of high arch damsFeng JIN, Wei HU, Jianwen PAN, Jian YANG, Jinting WANG, Chuhan ZHANG20. Investigation of damping in arch dam-water-foundation rock system of Mauvoisin arch damJinting WANG21. Practical procedure for predicting non-uniform temperature on the exposed face of arch damsFeng JIN, Zheng CHEN, Jinting WANG, Jian YANG22. Experimental and numerical study of the geometrical and hydraulic characteristics of a single rock fracture during shearXiangbin XIONG, Bo LI, Yujing J1ANG, Tomofumi KOYAMA, Chuhan ZHANGPart V Meso-Scale Mechanical Behavior of Concrete23. Study on the heterogeneity of concrete and its failure behavior using the equivalent probabilistie modelXinwei TANG, Yuande ZHOU, Chuhan ZHANG, M.ASCE, Jianjun Sill24. A multiphase mesostructure mechanics approach to the study of the fracture-damage behavior of concreteXinwei TANG, Chuhan ZHANG, Jianjun SH125. Numerical study of dynamic behavior of concrete by meso-seale particle element modelingChuan QIN, Chuhan ZHANG
《混凝土坝非线性特性与地震安全评价(精)/清华大学学术专著》编著者张楚汉等。 本书内容共分为五部分:主旨概述,结构-地基和流体-固体动力相互作用,混凝土坝的非线性地震反应,混凝土坝安全评估的相关问题,混凝土材料的细观力学行为。 本书可供水工结构和岩土地基工程师与研究者在从事高坝与结构地基非线性静、动力分析与抗震设计研究工作中参考,并可作为从事有限元、离散元结构数值分析的科技人员与高等院校有关研究生的参考用书。