(美)埃恩格 等著
埃恩格(Enger,E.D.) is an emeri tus professor of blology at Delta
College, a commuriity college near Saginaw, Michigan. He received
lus B.A. and M.S. degrees from the University of Michigan.
Professor Enger has over 30 years of teaching experience, during
which he has taught biology, zoology, environmental science, and
several other courses. He has been very active in curriculum and
course development. A major curriculum contribution was the
development of an environmental technician curriculum and the
courses that support it. He was also involved in the development of
learning community courses in stream ecology, winter ecology, and
plant identification. Each of these courses involved studentsin
weekend-long experiences in the outdoors that paired envi-ronmental
education with physical activity-stream ecology andcanoeing, winter
ecology and cross-country skiing, and plantidentification with
史密斯(Smith,B.F.) is the Dean of Huxley College of the
Environmentat Western Washington University in Bellingham,
Washington. Prior to assum- ing the position as Dean in 1994, he
served as the first Director of the Office of Environmental
Education for the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency in
Washington, D.C., from 1991 t0 1994. Dean Smith also served as the
Acting President of the National Environmental Education and
Training Foundation in Washington, D.C.and as a Special Assistant
to the EPA Administrator.
CHAPTER 1 Environmentallnterrelationships
CHAPTER 2 EnvironmentalEthics
CHAPTER 3 EnvironmentalRisk:Economics,Assessment,and
CHAPTER 4 Interrelated Scientific Principles: Matter,Energy,and
CHAPTER 5 Interactions:Environments and Organisms
CHAPTER 6 Kinds of Ecosystems and Communities
CHAPTER 7 Populations:Characteristics and Issues
CHAPTER 8 Energy and Civilization:Patterns of Consumption
CHAPTER 9 Nonrenewable Energy Sources
CHAPTER 10 Renewable Energy Sources
CHAPTER 11 Biodiversity Issues
CHAPTER 12 Land-Use Planning
CHAPTER 13 Soilandlts Uses
CHAPTER 14 Agricultural Methods and Pest Management
CHAPTER 15 Water Management
CHAPTER 16 Air Quality Issues
CHAPTER 17 Solid.Waste Management and Disposal
CHAPTER 18 EnvironmentalRegulations:Hazardous Substances and
CHAPTER 19 Environmental Policy and Decision Making
版权页: 插图: 2.5 SOCIETAL ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS The envirnmental ethic expressed by a society is a product of the decisions and choices made by a diverse range of social actors that includes individuals,businesses,and national leaders.Western developed societies have long acted as if the Earth has unlimited reserves of natural resources,an unlimited ability to assimilate wastes,and a limitless ability to accommodate unchecked growth. The economies of developed nations have been based on a rationale that favors continual growth.Unfortunately,this growth has not always been carefully planned or even desired.This"growth mania"has resulted in the unsustainable use of nonrenewable resources for comfortable homes,well-equipped hospitals,convenient transportation,fast-food outlets,VCRs,home computers,and battery-operated toys,among other things.In economic terms,such"growth"measure out as"productivity."The Indian philosopher and statesman Mahatma Gandhi said."The Earth provides enough to satisfy every person's need,but not every person's greed."
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