郑从容 主编
D.have been growing rapidly by learning from the West 54.Other Asian countries will also be interested in cooperating with China in biotechnology because. A.China has made extraordinary contributions to the world B.Chinese cooperation with the US and Europe proved profitable C.Chinese research focuses on solving the food problems of all Asian countries D.China has the first—rate supplies of talents and advanced research centers 55.As the passage implies,one of the shortcuts that might be taken in China involves. A.translating recent achievements into practice B.the violation of innovators’rights to their products C.the protection of national secrets D.reducing the procedures of lab tests Passage 4 In the absence of optimism,we are left with nothing but critics,naysayers,and prophets of doom.When a nation expects the worst from its people and institutions,andits experts focus exclusively on faults,the hope would die.Too many people spend toomuch time looking down rather than up,finding fault with their country’s politicalinstitutions,economic system,educational establishment,religious organizations.and—worst of all-with each other. Faultfinding expends so much negative energy that nothing is left over for positiveaction.It takes courage and strength to solve the genuine problems that afflict everysociety.Sure,there will always be things that need fixing.But the question is,do youwant to spend your time and energy tearing things down or building them up? The staging of a Broadway show could illustrate my point.Let’s say a new productionis about to open.A playwright has polished the script,investors have put up the money,and the theater has been rented.A director has been chosen,actors have been auditionedand selected,and the cast has been rehearsing for weeks.Set,lighting,and soundengineers have been hard at work.By the time opening night arrives,nearly a hundredpeople have labored tirelessly——all working long hours to make magic for their audience. On opening night,four or five critics sit in the audience.If they pan it,the play willprobably close in a matter of days or weeks.If they praise it,the play will go on for a longand successful run.In the end,success or failure might hinge on the opinion of a singleperson—someone who might be in a bad mood on opening night!What’s wrong with thisscene?In one sense,nothing.Critics have a legitimate role.The problem arises when wemake critics our heroes or put them in controI of our fate.When we empower the criticmore than the playwright,something is wrong.It is much easier to criticize than tocreate.When we revere the critics of society,we eventually become a society of critics,and when that happens,there is no room left for constructive optimism.
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