凌达,杨波 著
为学生编写的教辅书可谓汗牛充栋,层出不穷。学生课内学业繁重,课余时间少得可怜,早已无暇应付千篇一律的教辅。在此情形下,只有创新思维,想学生所想,急家长所急,解教师所难,编写出一套创新设计、针对性强、涵盖面广、具有引领学科发展意义的教学辅助用书,才是雪中送炭。 阅读是人们获取信息的最基本途径,写作是人们表达观点情感的必备方式。九年义务教育全日制初级中学英语教学目标是:学生应能从口头和书面材料中获取所需信息,能就熟悉的话题用英语与老师和同学进行简单的口笔头交流,能对事物进行简单的描述并作出自己的判断。学生应具有一定的跨文化交际的意识,对异国文化采取尊重和包容的态度。高中英语课程标准明确提出高中阶段英语教学要重点从三个方面发展学生的英语语用能力:用英语进行恰当交流的能力;用英语获取信息、处理信息的能力;用英语进行思维的能力。本书正是基于国家英语课程目标,在充分调研图书市场的前提下编写的。(1)落实国家《英语课程标准》的要求,实践其创新教学理念。本书的语言结构及知识范畴符合学生的认知能力和身心发展水平,与《英语课程标准》要求一致。书中的题型注重学生能力的培养和提高,突出创新思维训练,借鉴“任务型学习”原则,题量适中。(2)激发学习兴趣,注重人文、科学素质培养。本书选材多样,集思想性、科学性、教育性和趣味性于一体,充分考虑了学生的知识水平和认知水平,以及他们的兴趣、爱好和愿望等心理需求。力求使学生在学中乐,在乐中学。(3)阅读能力和书面表达能力并重。本书每个单元提供四篇文章。围绕阅读文章提供阅读理解和书面表达练习。本书共提供八种学生必须掌握,且常考的书面表达练习,两个单元轮回一遍。学生必须应用读前观察与思考、读中体验与思考、读后判断并进行书面表达等学习策略,在输入的基础上逐渐锻炼输出能力,从而提升语言综合运用能力。
Unit 1 Mall RatsUnit 2 Where Is LoveUnit 3 Do You Have a GadgetUnit 4 Understanding the BottleUnit 5 Puzzling FootprintsUnit 6 Fishing a LivingUnit 7 Napoleon in an InnUnit 8 Manuel Came Home CryingUnit 9 Nothing ImpossibleUnit 10 The Clock Had Struck ElevenUnit 11 Penny BlackUnit 12 Road Safety WeekUnit 13 We Need MoreUnit 14 Not Call This EchoUnit 15 Three Years to LiveUnit 16 Mind Your Own BusinessUnit 17 Call FireUnit 18 Drill to the KingUnit 19 Four Years LeapUnit 20 The Magic IFUnit 21 I m LeavingUnit 22 World Food DayUnit 23 Faster and HigherUnit 24 Back from AdventuresUnit 25 No Fancy FruitsUnit 26 Love for Fine TeaUnit 27 Who PaysUnit 28 Free RideKey
One of the most popular places for Americans to go is Malls. There are some people spending so much time at malls that they are called“mall rats.” People like malls for many reasons. The most important is that they make guests feel safe because malls have police stations of private security guards. Then parking is usually free, and the weather inside is always fine. The newest malls even have beautiful rest areas with waterfalls and large green trees. When people are tired at malls, they may rest there for a while. The largest mall in the United States is the mall of America in Minnesota. It covers 4.2 million square feet. It has 350 stores, eight night clubs, and a seven-acre park! There are parking spaces for 12,750 cars. Every week about 750,000 people shop there. The first indoor mall in the United States was built in 1965 in Edina, Minnesota. People love to do all their shopping in one place. More malls are built around the country. Now, malls are like town centers where people come to do many things. They shop, of course, and they also eat in food courts. They have food from all over the world. They see movies at theaters. Some people even do the new sport of “mall walking”as their daily exercise. Others go to malls to meet friends. In some malls, people can see a doctor or a dentist and even go to the church. In other words, people can do just about everything in mails. Now people can actually live in their favorite shopping center.