郭跃进 编译
五千年的文化在时间的长河里源远流长,积淀了无数的文化瑰宝。成语就是其中一块不可多得的奇石,经过岁月的冲刷,愈加光亮夺目,慧色天成。 中华成语,寓意深刻,简练形象,内涵丰富,充满真知灼见。真可谓言有尽而意无穷。学习成语不仅能增强自身的文化底蕴,而且还能强化英汉两种语言的表达。 本书的成语故事大部分选自中华成语精要,还有一部分选自西方典故。其内容分为“情感篇”、“忠告篇”、“勤奋篇”、“道德篇”、“策略篇”、“谬误篇”、“邪恶篇”、“经验篇”。每篇小故事都独立成章。每篇故事都是由故事欣赏、寓意点评、英文汉译、词语注释四个部分组成。该书以中英文对照的形式编排,其目的就是让读者从中吸取丰富的语言营养,同时学习一些积极向上的处世方法,并增强自己的英语阅读能力。 郭跃进 湖北教育学院 2001年1月9日
一、情 感 篇1.Appreciating Music 高山流水2.The Girl Zhen。zhen in the Picture 画里真真3.A Narrow Strip of Water一衣带水4.Keeping Ah J iao in a Room of Gold 金屋藏娇5.Chop and Change 朝三暮四6.Cherishing a Deep—seated Feeling 一往情深7.Spilt Water Cannot Be Recovered覆水难收8.Sacrifice Oneself for a Just Cause舍生取义忠 告 篇9.Three Talks Make a Tiger三人成虎10.The Frontier Old Man Loses His Mare塞翁失马11.The Eye Can’t SeeIts Lashes目不见睫12.Bu rythe Hatchet埋葬斧子13.Between Scylla and Charybdis进退维谷14.Damocles Sword岌岌可危15.Bend the Chimney and Remove the Firewood曲突徙薪16.GOd Helps Those Who Help Themselves自助者天助17.Sleeping on Brushwood and Tasting Gall卧薪尝胆18.Talk Turkey谈论火鸡19.Covering One’s Eyeswith a Leaf一叶障目20.Using Others as Mirrors 以人为鉴21.Overrating One’s Strength不自量力22.Stop Learning Halfway 半途而废……
collect the money people owed him. Before Feng started out,Meng said, "With the money collected, you may buy whateveryou think my family needs." A few days later, Feng came back, with neither money norgifts. "I think your family possesses all but philanthropy," hesaid to Meng, "which, by burning all the bills, Ive bought foryou. You own only one piece of land, yet, you try to exploit peo-ple there. Dont you think it far from wise? To make up for it, Ishowed them kindness on your behalf." Meng didnt see eye to eye with Feng, but he said nothing. One year later, Meng was dismissed from the office, and hadto go back to his land. When he got there, to his great surprise,he found himself highly popular. To welcome him all the peoplecame out, lining both sides of the road, and cheering im withheartfelt feeling. Meng sighed and said to Feng, "Now I see what you meantby buying philanthropy. You really have foresight." But Feng answered, "I see no reason to feel content yet. Awily hare has three burrows so that it can avoid death, eitherhunted by men or chased by other enemies. A man should alsohave more than one hideout before he thinks himself free from worry or danger. So let me dig some other hideouts for you." Later, he did arrange for Meng to resume his office and hisposition in the court. 比喻一个人做事应从长远打算,现在之因会结下未来之果。 正如培根所言:“人的美德犹如名贵的香料,烈火焚烧时会散发出最浓郁的芳香。”正如恶劣品质可以在幸福之时暴露一样,最美好的品质正是在逆境中放射出灿烂的光芒。 狡兔三窟 战国时期,有一个名叫冯谖的人。他才华出众,却贫困潦倒。最后,他只好给齐国宰相盂尝君当食客。孟尝君的仆人以为他只不过是个无用的人,因此把他当乞丐,给他劣食吃。 冯谖靠在大厅的柱子上,弹着剑柄唱道:“我的剑柄啊,我们一起走吧;没有鱼吃,这种生活寒碜。” 盂尝君听说后,立刻命仆人给他鱼吃。 几天后,他又弹着剑柄唱道:“我的剑柄啊,我们还是离开吧;想出门旅行,却没有车马。” 孟尝君听说后,给他准备了车马,并且派人给他的老母亲送去衣食。冯谖感到满意,不再弹剑唱歌。 有一天,为了测试冯谖有多大的能耐,孟尝君派他到领地去收债。临走前,盂尝君对他说:“收到钱后,你看我家需要些什么,就买些什么。” 可是几天后,当冯谖回来时,他既没收到钱,也没买回东西。 “我想了一想,您家除了‘仁义’之外,什么也不缺。”冯谖说。