Introductio to the SeriesContents of the HandbookPreface to the HandbookPART 1- MONEY IN THE WALRASIAN ECONOMYChapter 1The Traactio Role of Money1. Introduction1.1. The Walras-Hicks-Patinkin tradition: Integrating money into value theory1.2. Critiques of the tradition1.3. Some parables of monetary exchange1.4. Introducing general equilibrium theory to monetary exchange2. The modem general equilibrium traactio costs approach2.1. Pareto inefficient equilibrium in a non-monetary economy: An example2.2. Intertemporai traactio cost models: Sequence economy2.3. A monetary economy3. The logistics of decentralized barter exchange3.1. Dwelling on the disadvantages of barter3.2. A model of bilateral trade3.3. Discussion of proofs of Theorems 1-63.4. The spontaneous emergence of media of exchange4. The coequences of budget enforcement for the allocation of resources4.1. Another veion of the “Pair of Robion Crusoes”4.2. Record-keeping in the chicken-egg economy5. The case-in-advance cotraint5.1. Existence and quantity-theoretic properties of equilibrium5.2. A cash-in-advance veion of the chicken-egg model5.3. Respoe to changes in the money supply6. Concluding remarks7. Bibliographic noteReferencesChapter 2LiquidityChapter 3Money in General Equilibrium TheoryPART 2 - MONEY IN NON-WALRASIAN SETTINGSChapter 4Non-Walrasian Equilibrium, Money and MacroeconomicsChapter 5The Game Theoretic Approach to the Theory of Money and Financial ItitutioPART 3- MONEY IN DYNAMIC SYSTEMSChapter 6Money, Inflation and GrowthChapter 7Overlapping Generatio Models with Money and Traactio CostsPART 4- MONEY DEMAND AND MONEY SUPPLYChapter 8The Demand for MoneyChapter 9Money SupplyChapter 10The Supply of Money and the Control of Nominal IncomePART 5- PRICING NON-MONEY ASSETSChapter 11Capital Market Theory and the Pricing of Financial SecuritiesChapter 12Specification and Estimation of Intertemporal Asset Pricing ModelsChapter 13The Term Structure of Interest RatesIndex