彷霞,邹世仁 主编;姜发兵,杜兴馨 分册主编
《新课标培优专项通•英语随身读》是面向中学生的一套阅读辅助教材。初中每年级一册,共三册;高中每学期一册,共六册。入选的文章体裁多样,有对话、记叙、论说、说明、书信、广告等;题材广泛,涵盖文化、教育、历史、地理、科技、经济、友情、亲情、校园生活等。文章具有趣味性、时代性、可思性,与学生的学习、生活密切相关。每篇阅读配有少量形式多样的练习,以增进英语的习得。既可提高学生英语素养,又能增强学生的应试能力。 本册是《新课标培优专项通•英语随身读》的第六册,主要面向高中二年级第一学期的学生。全书有十个单元,每一个单元由同一主题的四篇短文组成。短文后配备了是非题、填空题、连线题、选择题等形式多样的自测题,可以帮助学生检测自己对短文的阅读理解程度,同时也有助于学生在具体的语言环境中更好地掌握词汇和语法要点。本书所选材料短小精悍,引人入胜,是高二学生提高词汇量、扩展知识面、培养英语学习兴趣的好帮手。
How to Read English Effectively英语阅读技巧突破UNIT 1 Scientists科学家 Text 1 My“little scientist”我的小小科学家 Text 2 Interview with Joshua Lederberg乔舒亚·莱德伯格访谈 Text 3 Making a difference有所作为 Text 4 Curious Dr.Bose好奇的博斯博士UNIT 2 Britain英国 Text 1 My school life我的校园生活 Text 2 Why Britons are moving out外迁大潮 Text 3 UK music festivals音乐盛会 Text 4 Let’S go to the beach!让我们到海边去!UNIT 3 Life in the Future未来生活 Text 1 The future human lifestyle未来人类的生活方式 Text 2 The car of the future未来的汽车 Text 3 Forty years in the future未来40年 Text 4 Reports about the future有关未来的报道UNIT 4 Media媒体 Text 1 Behind the news新闻幕后 Text 2“Freelance”TV cameramen in the need独立摄影师大招募 Text 3 Newspapers in the digital world数字时代的报纸 Text 4 Bias in news reporting新闻报道中的偏见UNIT 5 First Aid急救 Text 1 Lifesaver stories救生轶事 Text 2 California students learn first aid skills加州学生学急救 Text 3 First aid ABC’S急救常识 Text 4 Safety for children儿童安全须知UNIT 6 Art艺术 Text 1 Art activities in childcare关于儿童艺术活动的一些思考 Text 2 A rebel and his art叛逆者和他的艺术 Text 3 Different painting styles绘画风格种种 Text 4 The Venus de Milo米洛维纳斯UNIT 7 Poetry诗歌 Text 1 Animal dances动物舞蹈 Text 2 Text 3 Poet SheI Silverstein诗人谢尔·希尔弗斯坦 Text 4 The merits of poems诗歌的力量UNIT 8 A Healthy Life健康生活 Text 1 Teens and addiction青少年与不良嗜好 Text 2 Exercise your heart attack risk away天天运动,心脏无忧 Text 3 Importance of water to your health水是健康的源泉 Text 4 Are you a workaholic?你是工作狂吗?UNIT 9 Global Warming全球变暖 Text 1 Dreams of the future未来幻灭 Text 2 Global warming is here全球变暖,迫在眉睫 Text 3 A UN climate change report一份联合国气候变化报告 Text 4 The bright side of global warming全球变暖,裨益多多UNIT 10 Man and Natural Disasters人和自然灾害 Text 1 An unforgettable experience难忘的梦魇 Text 2 China quake death toll rises above 60,000中国地震死亡逾6万人 Text 3 When the tsunami arrived当海啸来临 Text 4 The heroes among us:from 9/11 to 5/12英雄就在我们中间:从9/1 1到5/12KEY to Test Yourself自我测评答案
are always looking for new questions.The Italianastronomer Galileo Galilei was so curious that he aused a microscope and a telescope in order to beable to take a closer look at things both great andsmall.By asking why,how and what if,curiousminds find new ideas and solutions. If knowledge is power,as Sir Francis Baconwrote in 1 597,then perhaps creativity can be cdescribed as the ability to use that power.Scientistsmust be creative and use their imagination all thetime.When Zhang Heng,the Chinese astronomerand geographer,wanted to draw a map of theheavens,he was not satisfied with a simple papermap.Instead,he built a model that could move inorder to show how the position of the stars changedfrom season to season. We must believe in what we do,even whenothers do not.Both Galileo and Zhang Heng foundit difflcult to make people believe that their theorieswere correct.People laughed at Zhang Heng whenhe first introduced his seismograph,and it was only slater that the world recognized his greatness.Galileo’S observations show that Copernicus,another great astronomer,was right and that theearth moves around the sun,not the other wayaround.At that time,the church said that the earthwas the center of the universe and Galileo was notallowed to publish or discuss his observations.Today,both Zhang Heng and Galileo are known asscientific pioneers who helped US better understandthe world.