《培优提高班》编写组 编
中学教材的内容和要求是以大多数学生的学习能力为基础的,没有充分考虑学生的个性化要求,仅仅考虑普适性,这对于那些学有余力的学生来说是一个缺憾。经过反复征求广大中学师生的意见和充分进行市场调研,我们觉得很有必要策划一套既适合大多数学生使用,又能满足那些“吃不饱”的学生要求的教辅图书。基于此,我们组织中学一线的资深教师和教育专家反复论证,策划了“初中各学科培优提高班”丛书。丛书包括语文、数学、英语和科学四种,其中七、八年级分上下两册,九年级为全一册(科学九年级仍分上下册)。 丛书的栏目设计和编写的特色是: 丛书各分册与相应的学科教材同步配套,以课时为单元编写。每个课时包括学习要求、典型问题剖析与点评,以及三级课外训练。例题典型,能触类旁通;点评富有启发性,能举一反三;三级练习层次分明,依次递进,引导学生循序渐进。 丛书注重学生个性发展,设计了相当数量的提高训练,为那些学有余力的学生提供了优秀的学习素材。 丛书选材精练,所有素材都选自各地中考试题,具有相当的典型性、科学性、指导性、预测性和训练价值。 丛书实用性强,训练部分留有空白,既可以作为学生学习的指导用书,又可以作为作业本使用,同时还可以作为教师教学的参考用书。
Starter Module 1—4
Starter Module 1 My teacher and my friends
Starter Module 2 My classroom and my body
Starter Module 3 Colours,things and food
Starter Module 4 Activities and the weather
Starter Module 1—4测试卷
Module 1 Nice to meet you
Module 2 Me,my parents and my friends
Module 3 My new school
Module 4 My family
Module 5 Healthy food
Module 6 An invitation to the cinema
Module 7 My school day
Module 8 Different habits
Module 9 A trip to the Zoo
Module 10 Computers
Polar bears are very big white bears. They live in the Arctic Circle nearthe Nortlt Pole but they do not live at the South Pole. Polar bears live in the snow andice. At the North Pole, there is only snow, ice and water. There is no land. Sometimesits hard to see the polar bears because their coats are yellow-white. They havevery warm coats because it is cold there. An adult bear can be three meters long and weigh(JR) 450 kg. It can standup on its back legs because it has very large and wide feet. It can use its front legs likearm. The polar bear can swim very well. It can swim 120 km out into the water. It hasfish and sea animals for food.