高中山、沈华浩、琳•福茹、 路德•何勒森 浙江大学出版社 (2012-07出版)
高中山,沈华浩,郑敏 编
Allergy is an immunological disease caused by multiple facto and characterized by variability, specificity and complexity. Multidis-ciplinary Approaches to Allergies cove dive e aspects ranging from basic molecular mechanisms to societal issues within the framework of multidisciplinary approaches to allergies. It contai 29 chapte in 6 parts: General Allergy; Allergenic Sources and Allerge ; Diagnosis; Therapies and Pharmacy; Hypoallergenic Products; Environment, Hygiene and Societal Issues. It can be used in education and research as introductory and supplementary material. It is also an indispe able tool for scientists and docto who are searching for an integrated way for allergy prevention, treatment and management.
Part Ⅰ General Allergy 1 Prevalence of Allergic Diseases in China 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Common Allergic Diseases in China 1.2.1 Allergic Rhinitis 1.2.2 Allergic Lung Disorders 1.2.3 Allergic Dermatitis 1.3 Current Research on the Allergens in China 1.3.1 Pollen Allergy (Hay Fever) 1.3.2 Fungal Allergens 1.3.3 Dust Mite 1.3.4 Environment Pollution 1.3.5 Food Allergens 1.3.6 Drug 1.3.7 Specific Allergens in China 1.3.8 Other Allergens 1.4 Socioeconomic Burden of the Inexorable Rise in Allergies 1.5 Conclusion References 2 Mechanism of Type I Hypersensitivity 2.1 Introduction 2.2 IgE and IgE Receptors 2.3 Mast Cells 2.4 Eosinophils 2.5 Basophils 2.6 T Lymphocytes 2.7 B Lymphocytes 2.8 Conclusion References Multidiseiplinary Approaches to Allergy Prevention 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Genetic and Genomic Approaches 3.2.1 Food Allergy 3.2.2 Allergic Asthma 3.2.3 Skin Allergy 3.3 The Potential of Epigenetic Approaches 3.4 The Application of Traditional Medicine 3.5 Allergen-Free Foods 3.5.1 “May Contain” Labeling 3.5.2 Gluten 3.5.3 Oats 3.6 Allergen-Free Environment 3.7 The Allergy Knowledge Framework 3.8 Conclusion References Part Ⅱ Allergenic Sources and Allergens 4 Overview of Allergen Sources in China 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Aeroallergens 4.2.1 Pollen 4.2.2 Molds 4.2.3 Other Outside Aeroallergenic Sources 4.3 Indoor Allergens 4.4 Ingestible Allergenic Sources 4.5 Contactants 4.6 Injected Allergenic Sources 4.7 Future Perspective Acknowledgements References 5 Allergen Protein Families and Cross-Reactivity 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Structural, Functional and Evolutionary Characteristics of Allergens 5.3 Cross-Reactivity 5.4 Amino Acids and IgE Recognition 5.5 The Birch-Apple Syndrome Model References 6 Seafood Allergens in China and Anti-allergenic Property of Seaweeds 6.1 A Brief Introduction to Seafood Allergy 6.2 Seafood Allergens 6.2.1 Fish Allergens 6.2.2 Shellfish Allergens 6.2.3 Shrimp Allergens 6.2.4 Lobster Allergens 6.2.5 Crab Allergens 6.2.6 Mollusca Allergens 6.2.7 Cephalopod Allergens 6.2.8 Gastropod and Bivalve Allergens 6.3 Effect of Food Processing on Allergenicity 6.3.1 Thermal Processing 6.3.2 High Intensity Ultrasound 6.3.3 Irradiation 6.4 Analytical Methods for Seafood Allergens Detection in Food Matrices 6.5 Anti-allergenic Compounds from Seaweeds Acknowledgements References Fond Allergen Epitopes 7.1 Introduction 7.1.1 Linear Epitopes of Food Allergens 7.1.2 Conformational Epitopes of Food Allergen 7.2 The Role of Epitopes in Food Allergy 7.2.1 Allergenicity Prediction of Food Allergens 7.2.2 Cross-Reactivity of Food Allergen 7.2.3 Epitopes and Diagnosis of Food Allergy 7.2.4 Epitopes and Immunotherapy 7.3 T-Cell Epitope Mapping Approaches 7.3.1 T-Cell Epitopes Mapping by a Proliferation Assay 7.3.2 T-Cell Epitope Mapping by Flow Cytometry 7.3.3 T-Cell Epitope Mapping Using the ELISPOT Approach 7.3.4 Other Assays 7.4 B-Cells Epitope Mapping 7.4.1 B-Cell Linear Epitope Mapping 7.4.2 Proteolytic and Chemical Fragmentation for Epitope Mapping 7.4.3 Epitope Mapping Using SPOTTM Peptide Arrays 7.4.4 Epitope Mapping by the Phage Display Approach 7.4.5 Epitope Mapping with Peptides Microarray-Based Immunoassay 7.4.6 B-Cell Conformational Epitope Mapping 7.4.7 Conformational Epitope Mapping by Phage Display Technology 7.5 Conformational Epitope Mapping by Nuclear Magnetic Resonace Spectroscopy Technique 7.6 Epitope Mapping by X-ray Crystallography 7.7 Conclusion Acknowledgements References Recombinant Allergens and Applications 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Advantages of Recombinant Allergens 8.3 Strategies for Recombinant Allergen Production 8.3.1 Heterologous Expression Systems 8.3.2 Isolation and Purification of Recombinant Allergens 8.4 Application of Recombinant Allergens 8.4.1 Determination of Three-Dimensional Structures 8.4.2 B-Cell and T-Cell Epitope Mapping 8.4.3 Cross-Reactive Structures 8.4.4 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications of Recombinant Allergens 8.5 Conclusion Acknowledgements References Part Ⅲ Diagnosis The CREATE Project: Development of Certified Reference Materials for Allergenic Products and Validation of Methods for Their Quantification 9.1 WHO/IUIS Allergen Standardization Initiatives 9.2 Partnership and Aims of CREATE 9.3 Allergen Production and Purification 9.3.1 Physico-chemical Characterization 9.3.2 Immune Reactivity 9.3.3 The CREATE Serum Bank 9.3.4 Stability 9.3.5 ELISA Evaluation 9.4 Future Perspectives of CREATE 9.4.1 Summary of Achievements of CREATE 9.4.2 How to Proceed Acknowledgements References …… Part Ⅳ Therapies and Pharmacy Part Ⅴ Hypoallergenic Products Part Ⅵ Environment, Hygiene and Societal Issues. Index
版权页: 插图: 7.3.3 T-Cell Epitope Mapping Using the ELISPOT ApproachThe ELISPOT assay is widely used to detect antigen-specific immune responses totarget antigens. This method is especially useful to measure both clonal size andeffector function of low-frequency antigen-specific T-cell populations directly exvivo (Wulf et al., 2009) and is based on the principle that memory CD4+ T-cellssecrete effector cytokines upon contact with the antigen. PBMCs are treated withthe peptide, followed by cytokine assessment after stimulation during 24 h(Anthony and Lehmann, 2003). This assay is a kind of intracellular cytokinestaining assay, which is categorized into a fast and high resolution approach atsingle cell level. Compared with other assays, it is one or two orders of magnitudemore sensitive than the flow cytometry-based techniques, and it is one of the fewmmune monitoring assays that can be performed with cyropreserved PBMCssamples without significant loss of activity. The disadvantages of this techniqueare the subjectivity due to manual reading of the plates, and the need for cellseparation to discriminate between antigen-specific responses derived from CD4+T-cells and CD8+ T-cells. Now, several additional reasons also have contributed tothe main-stream use of the EL1SPOT assay. The IFN-8 ELISPOT assay and IL-4ELISPOT have successfully been used to map T-cell epitopes. For example, byusing this technique, antagonists and non-toxic variants of wheat gliadin T-cellepitopes were investigated (Anderson et al., 2006). 7.3.4 Other AssaysDue to biotechnological applications in immunology, several new approaches havebeen developed for T-cell mapping. T-cell epitope mapping using transgenic miceexpressing HLA is a good example of such application. In this assay, the draininglymph nodes of immunized HLA transgenic mice provide a more abundant sourceof allergen-specific CD4+ T-cell to map T-cell epitopes, than the PBMCs of atopicpatients (Malherbe, 2009). Other novel techniques involve (1) T-ceU mapping bycytokine gene expressing (Provenzano and Spagnoli, 2009), and (2) T-cellmapping by TAD (antigen and epitope discovery), which is on the basis of takingthe advantage of paramagnetic beads to augment an antigen presentation(Valentino and Frelinger, 2009). Although these new methods have not been foundin food allergen epitope mapping yet, their potential for applications are promising.