孔卫平、王美娣、雪伦·鲍德曼(Sharon Portman)、 等 复旦大学出版社 (2010-09出版)
孔卫平 等 著
《21世纪大学实用旅游英语》(21st Century,Practical English,for Tourism:College Level)是一套创新的旅游专业英语系列教程,供高职、高专院校教学使用,亦可供旅游界从业人员进修和提高英语水平及应用能力作参考教材。本系列教材包括基础教程(第一册、第二册)及其教师用书和口语教程,由复旦大学出版社计美娟副编审、林骧华编审策划并确定编写计划和各册提纲,复旦大学、美国Fullerton College、上海师范大学等学校的教师参加编写。基础教程第二册由美国Fullerton College孔卫平教授担任主编,参与编写的3位美国教授都具备20年以上的英语教学、课程开发和组织、参与赴中国旅游组团实践的经验。本书中的锦绣中华部分和语法部分由复旦大学外文学院的王美娣与美籍作家Vladimir Ostapowicz编写。系列教材由总主编林骧华修改和审定教材内容和文字。本册教材内容有以下特点:·以在中国旅游的实际经验为基础,编写符合英语口语表达规范的会话;·阅读材料充分体现中国的悠久历史和瑰丽风景;·每个单元的教学包括精读、泛读、听力、会话、语法、写作、翻译,旨在培养学生综合运用英语的能力。·编写练习题的指导思想是训练学生解决问题和独立思考的能力;·对生词和短语的解释、语法解析等内容采用双语方式,以促进学生提高对英语语言的理解能力。·课文、对话和阅读等语篇内容充分体现历史文化知识和当代生活。
《21世纪大学实用旅游英语(第2册)》根据高等学校高职高专旅游英语最新教学大纲和考纲编写而成。全书按专业主题设计了8个单元,每个单元均由7个部分组成:(一)入门;(二)对话(1);(三)对话(2);(四)精读;(五)泛读;(六)语法复习;(七)单元综合练习。 《21世纪大学实用旅游英语(第2册)(附光盘)》选材广泛、体裁新颖、语言规范、内容丰富,有很强的实用性和可操作性,不仅适合高职高专旅游英语教学,也可作为旅游职业者和旅游爱好者的自学教材或参考读物。本册教材的编者(除一名外)都是长期从事英语教学(二外英语)的美籍教师,而且都多次亲历海外旅游或当过导游和领队,他们将自己积累的丰富旅游经验和教授各国留美学生的英语教学实践融人了整个编写过程。《21世纪大学实用旅游英语(第2册)》所用的材料大多为当今通用英语,或经编者改写、自编而成。每单元的对话、课文和练习均能紧扣旅游主题,着重培养提高学习者在各种旅游情景中应用时下流行英语与游客沟通的能力,并提升导游解决典型问题的应对能力。这就是本教材与其他同类教材相比凸显出来的不同之处。
Unit 1 Ice Breakers and Community Building(相互了解和团队建设)Part Ⅰ Introduction(介绍):Getting Started(入门练习)Part Ⅱ Conversation 1(对话1):Getting to Know You!(与你相识)Part Ⅲ Conversation 2(对话2):Birth Order and Personality(出生顺序与个性)Part Ⅳ Intensive Reading(精读):Community Building(团队建设)Part Ⅴ Reading Passage(泛读):Splendid China 1:The Chengdu Panda Breeding Research Center(锦绣中华1:成都大熊猫繁育研究基地)Part Ⅵ Grammar Review(语法复习):Noun Clauses(名词性从句)Part Ⅶ Unit Review Exercises(单元综合练习)Unit 2 Traditional Performing Arts(传统表演艺术)Part Ⅰ Introduction(介绍):Getting Started(入门练习)Part Ⅱ Conversation 1(对话1):Chinese Acrobatics(中国杂技)Part Ⅲ Conversation 2(对话2):Introducing Beijing Opera(介绍京剧)Part Ⅳ Intensive Reading(精读):Appreciating Traditional Performing Arts(传统表演艺术欣赏)Part Ⅴ Reading Passage(泛读):Splendid China 2:Thousand Island Lake(锦绣中华2:千岛湖)Part Ⅵ Grammar Review(语法复习):Relative Clauses(定语从句)Part Ⅶ Unit Review Exercises(单元综合练习)Unit 3 Traditional Sports and Recreation(传统运动和娱乐)Part Ⅰ Introduction(介绍):Getting Started(入门练习)Part Ⅱ Conversation 1(对话1):In the Park(在公园里)Part Ⅲ Conversation 2(对话2):In Our Spare Time(我们的业余时间)Part Ⅳ Intensive Reading(精读):China's Unique Sports(中国独特的运动)Part Ⅴ Reading Passage(泛读):Splendid China 3:West Lake(锦绣中华3:西湖)Part Ⅵ Grammar Review(语法复习):Adverbial Clauses(1)(状语从句1)Part Ⅶ Unit Review Exercises(单元综合练习)Unit 4 Post Secondary Education in China(中国的高等教育)Part Ⅰ Introduction(介绍):Getting Started(入门练习)Part Ⅱ Conversation 1(对话1):Beijing University(北京大学)Part Ⅲ Conversation 2(对话2):Department of Chinese Music at Shanghai Conservatory of Music(上海音乐学院民乐系)Part Ⅳ Intensive Reading(精读):The Annual College Entrance Examination in China(中国的高考)Part Ⅴ Reading Passage(泛读):Splendid China 4:Hangzhou,a Splendid and Beautiful City(锦绣中华4:杭州——瑰丽漂亮的城市)Part Ⅵ Grammar Review(语法复习):Adverbial Clause(2)(状语从句2)Part Ⅶ Unit Review Exercises(单元综合练习)Unit 5 Chinese Holidays(中国的节日)Part Ⅰ Introduction(介绍):Getting Started(入门练习)Part Ⅱ Conversation 1(对话1):Official Holidays in China(中国的法定假日)Part Ⅲ Conversation 2(对话2):Traditional Holidays:Spring Festival&Christmas(传统节日:春节和圣诞节)Part Ⅳ Intensive Reading(精读):Official and Traditional Holidays in China and the United States(中美两国的法定假日和传统节日)Part Ⅴ Reading Passage(泛读):Splendid China 5:The Charms of Sanya(锦绣中华5:迷人的三亚)Part Ⅵ Grammar Review(语法复习):Participles(分词)Part Ⅶ Unit Review Exercises(单元综合练习)Unit 6 Traditional Transportation(传统交通工具)Part Ⅰ Introduction(介绍):Getting Started(入门练习)Part Ⅱ Conversation 1(对话1):Pedicab Tours(三轮车游)Part Ⅲ Conversation 2(对话2):Bicycle Fun(骑自行车的乐趣)Part Ⅳ Intensive Reading(精读):Traditional Transportation:Pushing, Pulling and Pedaling(传统交通[方式]:推、拉和脚踏)Part Ⅴ Reading Passage(泛读):Splendid China 6:Harbin'S Ice Festival: A Winter Wonderland(锦绣中华6:哈尔滨的冰雪节:冬天的仙境)Part Ⅵ Grammar Review(语法复习):The Subjunctive Mood(虚拟语气)Part Ⅶ Unit Review Exercises(单元综合练习)Unit 7 Train Travel in China(乘火车游中国)Part Ⅰ Introduction(介绍):Getting Started(入门练习)Part Ⅱ Conversation 1(对话1):Traveling by Train in China(乘火车游中国)Part Ⅲ Conversation 2(对话2):Bullet Trains(高速列车)Part Ⅳ Intensive Reading(精读):China'S Amazing Trains(中国令人惊奇的火车)Part Ⅴ Reading Passage(泛读):Splendid China 7:Huanglong Cave-ai Underground Magic Palace(锦绣中华7:黄龙洞——地下魔幻宫)Part Ⅵ Grammar Review(语法复习):Subject-verb Agreement(主谓一致)Part Ⅶ Unit Review Exercises(单元综合练习)Unit 8 Flight Delays and Itinerary Flexibility(航班延误与旅程变化)Part Ⅰ Introduction(介绍):Getting Started(入门练习)Part Ⅱ Conversation 1(对话1):Oversold Flight(超卖航班)Part Ⅲ Conversation 2(对话2):Changing a Flight(调换航班)Part Ⅳ Intensive Reading(精读):Have a Good Trip!(一路顺风)Part Ⅴ Reading Passage(泛读):Splendid China 8:The Potala Palace(锦绣中华8:布达拉宫)Part Ⅵ Grammar Review(语法复习):Inversion(倒装句)Part Ⅶ Unit Review Exercises(单元综合练习)
插图:"It is wonderful to see such a diverse group of visitors to my country.Even though we only have a few days together, I hope we will all get to knoweveryone in our group. We will be spending many Chinese style hours togetheron the bus, visiting some amazing sights, and eating many Chinese stylemeals together. Let me start by sharing a little bit about myself."1 was born near Shanghai in a small town called Xitang. My mom anddad are also from Xitang. You might wonder why I decided to become a tourguide. My parents own a small souvenir shop in Xitang. I used to help them inthe shop when I came home from school. That small shop is where I learnedmy first words in English, ' May I help you?' and ' Thank you'. It was sointeresting to see visitors from so many different countries."Like many people in my generation, I am an only child. Now I live withmy husband in Hangzhou. We got married three months ago, so we are stillnewlyweds. He grew up in Hangzhou close to where we live now. Hegraduated from Zhejiang University last year with a degree in marketing. Heworks for a large textile company which exports clothing to many countries inthe world. It's good that we studied English in school since we both useEnglish in our work.