姜荷梅,等 编
《普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材:21世纪大学实用英语视听说教程3(U版)》为“学生用书”第三册,共8个单元,每个单元均由Lead-in和“视听说”、“听力训练”和“趣味视听”三部分组成。“视听说”部分又分为“看前准备”、“边看边练”和“看后操练”三个小部分;“听力训练”部分包括“听力微技能训练”和“综合听力训练”两大块;“趣味视听”则分为“影视欣赏”和“轻松一刻”两个小部分。 《21世纪大学实用英语视听说教程》(U版)是普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材《21世纪大学实用英语》(U版)系列教材中的一种,根据《大学英语课程教学要求》设计和编写,旨在通过真实而有时代气息的场景、地道而又生动的语言、实用而又丰富的知识、多样而又活泼的练习提高学生的英语听说能力。本教程包括“学生用书”和“教学参考书”(每种分为基础级和1~3册)及配套的音带、多媒体课件和网络课程等,供高等院校普通英语教学使用。 本教程在编写设计上充分体现学生在教学过程中的主体地位和教师的引导作用,选材全面、真实,听、说技能训练紧密契合,题材生动、体裁丰富、语言材料多样。
姜荷梅,副教授,现任上海商学院国际交流学院(外语学院)常务副院长。主编有《新英语教程教师用书》(4)、《商业英语》、《高职高专英语词汇必备》、“十一五”国家级规划教材《21世纪大学实用英语基础教程》及《世纪商务英语——听说教程》(总主编)等。曾获上海市育才奖、上海市商业系统优秀园丁奖等。 编者简介: 翟象俊,1962年毕业于复旦大学外文系英美语言文学专业,1966年在复旦大学研究生毕业。曾任复旦大学英语部主任兼外文系副主任、教授、硕士生导师。享受国务院特殊津贴。现为上海市翻译家协会副会长。曾参与《英汉大词典》、《英汉双解英语短语动词词典》的编写。主编《大学英语》(精读)(获国家优秀教材特等奖)及“九五”国家重点教材《21世纪大学英语》(获国家优秀教材二等奖);译著有《乱世佳人》、《钱商》和《阿马罗神父的罪恶》及英、美作家海明威、霍桑、贝克特等人的中短篇小说多种。 陈永捷,上海交通大学教授、博士生导师。现任上海市大学英语教学研究会理事长、教育部高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会委员、全国职业教育学会高职英语教学委员会委员,曾任上海交通大学外国语学院副院长、全国大学外语教学研究会副会长。主编普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材《实用英语综合教程》系列教材、《21世纪大学英语视听说》(第四册)、《新视野大学英语》(读写第四级),为《大学核心英语》(修订版)、《21世纪大学英语》、《新视野大学英语》主要编者之一。曾获得国家和上海市优秀教学成果奖、省部级优秀教材奖多项和宝钢教育奖等。 余建中,复旦大学外文学院教授。现任教育部大学外语教学指导委员会委员、全国大学外语教学研究会副会长。代表译著和主编的教材有:《朗文英汉双解英语成语词典》(主译),《21世纪大学英语》(主要编者、部分分册主编),《大学英语综合教程》(全新版)(主编之一),《新世纪文科英语教程》(主编)等。曾获上海市育才奖、宝钢教育奖等。
Unit 1 A Job InterviewLead-inSection One Watching, Listening & SpeakingVideo Episode: You Might Just Be the Person We're Looking For !Section Two Intensive ListeningSection Three Time for FunUnit 2 Company DescriptionLead-inSection One Watching, Listening & SpeakingVideo Episode: Welcome to Our Company!Section Two Intensive ListeningSection Three Time for FunUnit 3 Product DescriptionLead-inSection One Watching, Listening & SpeakingVideo Episode: Describing a ProductSection Two Intensive ListeningSection Three Time for FunUnit 4 Business RelationsLead-inSection One Watching, Listening & SpeakingVideo Episode: A Good BeginningSection Two Intensive ListeningSection Three Time for FunUnit 5 Prices & DiscountsLead-inSection One Watching, Listening & SpeakingVideo Episode: A Preferable PriceSection Two Intensive ListeningSection Three Time for FunUnit 6 Placing an OrderLead-inSection One Watching, Listening & SpeakingVideo Episode: This Is an Initial Trial OrderSection Two Intensive ListeningSection Three Time for FunUnit 7 Concluding a Business ContractLead-inSection One Watching, Listening & SpeakingVideo Episode: Signing a ContractSection Two Intensive ListeningSection Three Time for FunUnit 8 MeetingsLead.inSection One Watching.Listening&SpeakingVideo Episode:Let's Get StartedSection Two Intensive ListeningSection Three Time for Fun《21世纪大学实用英语视听说教程》(U版)(3)光盘使用说明
4. What is your greatest strength? 1 ) I work well under pressure. When there is a deadline, I can focus on the task at hand and structure my work schedule well. Iremember once I... 2) I am an excellent communicator. People trust me and come tome for advice. One afternoon, ... 5. We all have weaknesses. Could you describe one of yours? / Whatis your greatest weakness? 1 ) I work too hard and become nervous when my coworkers arenot doing their job. However, I am aware of this problem, andbefore I say anything to anyone, I ask myself why a certaincolleague is having difficulties. 2) I'm such a perfectionist that I become really impatient whenother people don't work as hard as I do. 6. Do you usually prefer working with others or on your own? 1 ) On my own. I'm a firm believer in the saying, "If you wantthe job done right, do it yourself. " 2) I like doing both. After all, there are times when you need toget the job done on your own, and times when it's important tobe part of a team. 7. How do you handle stress and pressure? I actually work better under pressure and I've found that I enjoyworking in a challenging environment.