

白永权 复旦大学出版社







  2002年,教育部启动了新一轮的大学英语教学改革。这次改革的重心是提高学生的英语听说能力,解决长期以米备受社会指责的“哑巴英语”教学模式,使学生在未来的学习、工作和社会交往中能用英语进行有效的交流,并使他们成为在国际舞台上有作为和活跃的高素质人才。教育部同时修改了《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》,改革了大学英语四、六级考试的题型和内容。修改后的《大学英语课程教学要求》明确提出,大学英语教学的重点从培养学生阅读和写作能力为主转向培养学生的听说能力为主。改革后的大学英语四、六级纸笔考试的英语听力分数从以前的20分增加到了35分,而新开发的大学英语四、六级网考试题不仅大幅度提高了听力部分的比重,而且听力部分的选材使用的都是鲜活的原始视听材料。  为满足大学英语教学改革的需要,我们遵循《大学英语课程教学要求》,编写了这套《2l世纪大学新英语视听说教程》,供高等学校本科生视听说课程使用。本教程以功能意念贯穿始终,采用视、听、说、写相结合的方法,充分利用现代计算机技术、网络技术和先进的教学手段,旨在全面提高学生的英语视听说和写作能力。  本套教材有以下特点:  1.选材真实,取材广泛:所有视听说语料都选自近期英美国家主要媒体的新闻报道、、人物访谈、热点话题讨论和励志故事等。选材融知识性、趣味性和真实性于一体,语言贴近现实生活。真实的语言材料能够激发学生的学习动力和潜力。  2.任务导向。交际为本:本套教材配有大量的课堂活动,有些需在教师组织下来完成,有些要学生自由去发挥。所练内容与视听内容紧密相联,听、说、写融为一体,更加有效地操练语言输出技能,培养学生的英语综合应用能力。  3.由浅入深,循序渐进:本套教材共五册,含基础教程和第一、二、三、四册。  基础教程在选材方面考虑了与高中英语的衔接,所选材料简单鲜活,贴近学生日常生活,易为学生接受;在内容上,每课适当安排了一些交际用语和交际活动,并介绍了英语国家最基本的交际和文化知识,为其后第一、二册的大量交际技能的训练起了启蒙作用。本册可供一般院校学生第一学期使用。  第一、二册重在听力策略和交际技能的培养,所选内容丰富多彩,策略与技能的训练系统全面。英语水平较高的学生可从第一册起用。  第三、四册突出视听后语言输出能力的培养,练习形式多样、生动活泼,围绕口语和写作活动展开。


  选材真实,取材广泛:所有视听说语料都选自近期英美国家主要媒体的新闻报道、、人物访谈、热点话题讨论和励志故事等。选材融知识性、趣味性和真实性于一体,语言贴近现实生活。真实的语言材料能够激发学生的学习动力和潜力。  任务导向。交际为本:本套教材配有大量的课堂活动,有些需在教师组织下来完成,有些要学生自由去发挥。所练内容与视听内容紧密相联,听、说、写融为一体,更加有效地操练语言输出技能,培养学生的英语综合应用能力。  由浅入深,循序渐进:本套教材共五册,含基础教程和第一、二、三、四册。  基础教程在选材方面考虑了与高中英语的衔接,所选材料简单鲜活,贴近学生日常生活,易为学生接受;在内容上,每课适当安排了一些交际用语和交际活动,并介绍了英语国家最基本的交际和文化知识,为其后第一、二册的大量交际技能的训练起了启蒙作用。本册可供一般院校学生第一学期使用。


Unit 1 IntroductionPart 1 Lead-inPart 2 Listening PracticePart 3 Home ActivitiesPart 4 Fun TimeUnit 2 WeatherPart 1 Lead-inPart 2 Listening PracticePart 3 Home ActivitiesPart 4 Fun TimeUnit 3 Giving AdvicePart 1 Lead-inPart 2 Listening PracticePart 3 Home ActivitiesPart 4 Fun TimeUnit 4 FestivalsPart 1 Lead-inPart 2 Listening PracticePart 3 Home ActivitiesPart 4 Fun TimeUnit 5 Diseases and HealthPart 1 Lead-inPart 2 Listening PracticePart 3 Home ActivitiesPart 4 Fun TimeUnit 6 AccommodationsPart 1 Lead-inPart 2 Listening PracticePart 3 Home ActivitiesPart 4 Fun TimeUnit 7 At the BankPart 1 Lead-inPart 2 Listening PracticePart 3 Home ActivitiesPart 4 Fun TimeTest1Unit 8 Staying at a HotelPart 1 Lead-inPart 2 Listening PracticePart 3 Home ActivitiesPart 4 Fun TimeUnit 9 Going on HolidayPart 1 Lead-inPart 2 Listening PracticePart 3 Home ActivitiesPart 4 Fun TimeUnit 10 Travel and TransportationPart 1 Lead-inPart 2 Listening PracticePart 3 Home ActivitiesPart 4 Fun TimeUnit 11 Dining and WiningPart 1 Lead-inPart 2 Listening PracticePart 3 Home ActivitiesPart 4 Fun TimeUnit 12 Go ShoppingPart 1 Lead-inPart 2 Listening PracticePart 3 Home ActivitiesPart 4 Fun TimeUnit 13 Doing SportsPart 1 Lead-inPart 2 Listening PracticePart 3 Home ActivitiesPart 4 Fun TimeUnit 14 Having a PartyPart 1 Lead-inPart 2 Listening PracticePart 3 Home ActivitiesPart 4 Fun TimeTest2


  Well, I would like to advise university freshmen first of all, don't set your expectations too high. Universitywill be OK, but it's not going to be some kind of paradise that's your reward for all the hardship you had in highschool. In a way, it's going to be more of the same kind of thing just slightly differently repackaged. And uh Icould go on and say life, more or less, is just more of the same thing that came before, just with uh some minorchanges. So uh don't look forward to university too much or you'll get disappointed when you get there. Secondly,as a freshman, it's not too early to start thinking about your job. Four years of school comes and goes very quickly:you're gonna be on the job market, you're gonna be competing with the bunch of people with the same degreeas you. Why should an employer hire you instead of someone else? It's going to depend a lot on the choices youmade in university. I wanted to be a journalist. I worked at the student newspapers. I put a lot of effort into it. Andas it turns out, when it came time to look around for jobs, I got hired, because I had the newspaper clips, I put thetime in, I had the experience. The other university students didn't have it. So I planned that early. It took years toget that experience. Uh, secondly, even with your class assignments, you can think of the future, I was doing somework with the one of my best students, uh, Lewis, Lula Chen, who is now in Columbia University, uh, studyingjournalism, the best journalism course in the world. I sat down with her to do some video editing. Uh, and she wasvery, very good at it. I said to her, "Vow, you're like a professional on this. How did you do it so well?" She said,"Through my four years at Communication University of China, when it was time to do the group-homework,when it was time to do the editing, I volunteered to do it. Everybody was happy to let me do it, because it takes alot of time, and it's really hard. So for four years I did all the video editing." It was a pain in the butt at that time,but now she is a great video editor, and she just graduated from university. It's a fantastic advantage.  ……




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