陈伟 主编
三十年的改革开放已经使中国成为经济全球化的受益者,中国已成为对外贸易增长最快的国家之一。自2002年以来,我国的对外贸易连续七年保持两成以上的高速增长态势。2008年外贸额达到25616亿美元,居全球第三位。据世界银行预测:到2020年,中国有望成为居美国之后的世界第二大贸易国,并带动世界贸易的增长。对外贸易的快速发展必然对国际商务人才产生巨大的需求。 高等职业教育体系中的国际商务专业教学,是使该专业的学生能够在外经贸企业、外资企业、外贸管理等部门从事外贸销售、外贸制单、外贸跟单、进出口货物报关、报检、涉外商务代理、货运代理、船务代理、涉外商务谈判、咨询、商务文秘和其他涉外商贸服务和管理的工作。在知识结构、能力结构等方面,要求掌握基本的贸易政策、法规和国际惯例,能够具体运作国际商务中各个业务环节,并具有扎实的外语基础和应用能力。由于国际商务专业具有明显的技能型特点,因此,在教学内容与手段上强调应用性和实践性。 应用型本科和高职高专院校的国际商务专业教学应以就业为导向,以培养高技能人才为目标,满足社会发展和经济建设的需要。在以就业为导向方面,目前我国已由相关部门推出了外销员、国际商务师,以及报关员、单证员、跟单员、货运代理、报检员等职业从(执)业考试制度。明确的职业准入制度以及职位岗位能力要求,使得国际商务专业的教学有了与就业需求对接的“接口”,可以缩短学生毕业以后的职业“磨合”期。
本书作者经过与一些长期在外经贸领域第一线工作的外经贸业务人员及大型商务企业如“联想”等资深培训专家的不断探讨以及对商务英语专业的学生应具备的人才素质的缜密调研,编写出当前全球金融危机下国家的应对策略、美国经济对世界的影响、按照《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》开展国际商务活动——出口贸易、国际货物运输与保险、信用证支付、货物通关方法——的方式和手段、奥林匹克经济、上海世博会等有关内容。本书很好地将国际商务英语泛读课程与国际商务领域对国际商务英语人才素质的要求紧密衔接,使本教材具有很强的通用性与实用性。 本教材适合高职高专院校国际商务专业、大学英语专业、商务英语专业、报关与货运代理专业等师生使用,也可供企业开展专业英语知识培训使用。
Chapter One Global Financial CrisisChapter Two Meeting the Crisis as One NationChapter Three American EconomyChapter Four America's Impact on the World EconomyChapter Five Export PracticeChapter Six Brief Introduction to Incoterms 2000Chapter Seven International Cargo Shipment and InsuranceChapter Eight Documentary CreditChapter Nine The Chinese CustomsChapter Ten The Olympic EconomyChapter Eleven China Demonstrated Its Strength to the WorldChapter Twelve World ExpoChapter Thirteen It Is Anticipated ShanghaiKey to ExercisesAppendixReferences
More than two million new technology-related jobs are expected to be created by2018, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Jobs that are expected togrow faster than average include computer-network administrators, data-communications analysts and Web developers. Recruiters anticipate that data-lossprevention, information technology, online security and risk management will alsoshow strong growth. A computer-science degree and a working knowledge of data security are criticalto landing these jobs. Common areas of undergraduate study for these fields includesome of the usual suspects, such as computer science, information science andmanagement-information systems. But those might not be enough. Thats because not all of those jobs will bepurely techie in nature. David Foote, chief executive officer of IT research firm FootePartners, advises current computer-science students to couple their degrees withstudies in marketing, accounting or finance. Before, people widely believed that allyou needed to have were deep, nerdy skills, Mr. Foote says. But companies arelooking for people with multiple skill sets who can move fluidly with marketing oroperations.Social media has opened the door to the growth of new kinds of jobs. Ascompanies turn to sites like Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook to promote their brands,capture new customers and even post job openings, they will need to hire peopleskilled in harnessing these tools, Mr. Foote says. In most cases, these duties will befolded into a marketing position, although large companies such as Coca-Cola Co.are creating entire teams devoted exclusively to social media. Similarly, employment for public-relations positions should increase 24% by2018. Job titles like interactive creative director will reflect the duality of the required skill sets.
《国际商务英语泛读(下册)》完全适合国际商务专业核心骨干课程的需要,同时兼顾了外销员、报关员、单证员、跟单员、货运代理、报检员等职业考试的要求,既可作为广大高职高专院校、应用型本科院校学生的教材,又可供从事外贸业务的人员用作专业培训的参考用书。 ·以能力为本位,强调对学生应用能力的培养: ·注重技能的训练,在基本原理的基础上,将技能实训引进来,让学生通过实训学会解决问题: ·注重启发性,各章开头提供有本章学习要点、开篇案例等让学生带着问题学习: ·具有综合性,将案例分析、小资料等与教材内容有机结合,以开阔视野,锻炼学生把握复杂业务的技能; ·具有可操作性,在教材的各章之后附有~定量的思考题供学生消化,主要教材附有习题集或实训指导: ·与职业规划相衔接,在内容和练习等方面紧扣相关的考试要求: ·注重对新知识的介绍,国际贸易环境处在不断的变化之中,本套教材尽可能地将这些新知识、新方式、新手段介绍进来,以提高学生的适应能力。