What is culture? Is it characterized by art or literature? Does it includeactions, feelings or thoughts? Is it ideas, objectives or ways? What about beliefsor values, or customs or tradition? Is it something as simple as a field of activityor as complex as a never-ending experiment? Culture is all of these, but it is true that it cannot be truly defined by a singlestroke of words. In everyday conversation, the word "culture" might .refer tosuch fields as literature, art, or music; yet scientists who study culture see it assomething more complex, a way of life as well as acting, feelings, and thinking.And even within these "definitions" of culture there are different views on whatexactly culture is. So what exactly is culture? The answer depends on you. However, it is notwhat culture is that makes it so important and fascinating; it is what it means andwhat it represents. A culture defines and sets something apart from everythingelse. It makes something unique and therefore meaningful, not only to itself butalso to the diversity of the world. A culture brings awe and inspiration as well asinterest and curiosity. For thousands of years, the Culture of China has attracted many people fromall over the world, being so unique, elegant and inspiring. The Chinese culture,a culture that has evolved for thousands and thousands of years, contains rarebeauty and enchantment with history. It has drawn so much interest that it isintegrating with other cultures and has played an important role in world society,and in China itself.
英语《中国文化》(Chinese Culture :A Course Book)一书是为我国高等院校英语专业学生、具有一定英语基础的大学生及爱好中国文化的外国读者而编写,因此它既是一册英语专业相关课程教材,也可以作为了解中国文化的英语入门读物。 本书的编写旨在开拓当代大学生的文化视野,提高大学生的人文素养以及在对外文化交流中熟练运用英语表达中国文化的能力。 本书共分15章,对中国文化的各个方面进行了系统而有重点的介绍,内容包括中国地理概况、历史、语言文字、哲学、宗教、文学、书法绘画、园林建筑、中医中药、科学技术、工艺美术、饮食服饰等。 为了方便读者阅读和学习,对一些较难的人名、地名、历史事件等采用了汉字夹注的形式,每一章后面提供生词短语、难点注释和多样化的练习题,以加强读者对课本知识的消化与巩固。此外,我们还在每章后面提供了短小有趣的阅读材料,帮助学生对相关内容的知识扩展,开阔视野。为了增加阅读的趣味性和历史感,我们还为每章精心选取了一些图片,以求达到图文并茂的效果。
ForewordChapter One Land and People Exercises Supplementary Readings Suggested ReadingsChapter Two A Brief History of China Exercises Supplementary Readings Suggested ReadingsChapter Three Chinese Characters and Language Exercises Supplementary Readings Suggested ReadingsChapter Four Customs and Festivals Exercises Supplementary Readings Suggested ReadingsChapter Five Chinese Religions Exercises Supplementary Readings Suggested ReadingsChapter Six Chinese Education Exercises Supplementary Readings Suggested ReadingsChapter Seven Science and Technology Exercises Supplementary Readings Suggested ReadingsChapter Eight Traditional Chinese Medicine Exercises Supplementary Readings Suggested ReadingsChapter Nine Chinese Literature(1) Exercises Supplementary Readings Suggested ReadingsChapter Ten Chinese Literature(2) Exercises Supplementary Readings Suggested ReadingsChapter Eleven Chinese Philosophy Exercises Supplementary Readings Suggested ReadingsChapter Twelve Calligraphy and Painting Exercises Supplementary Readings Suggested ReadingsChapter Thirteen Handicrafts Exercises Supplementary Readings Suggested ReadingsChapter Fourteen Food and Clothing Exercises Supplementary Readings Suggested ReadingsChapter Fifteen Architecture and Gardens Exercises Supplementary Readings Suggested ReadingsChinese Culture in ChangKey to ExercisesReferences