李琤 上海交通大学出版社 (2009-07出版)
IntroductionBroken BlossomsGeneral DescriptionTheoretical UnderpinningLiterature ReviewMain BodyChapter 1 Dream and Fantasy: The Remote China in ImaginationThe Arrival of L'Orphelin de la ChineKim-Ka!in the FairylandChapter 2 Marginalization and Distortion:The Unwelcome Other at the Door-StepEarly Chinese Immigrants in the Gaze of AmericansAh Sin by Twain and HarteWhy The Chinese Must Go?Chinatown Literature and The Queen of ChinatownThe Chinese Fought Back with a "Roar".Chapter 3 Re-examination and Experimental Adoption:Selective Borrowing in New HorizonThe First Born with a New ImageK' ung Fu Tze Leads to Another Look EastwardWho Wears The Yellow Jacket?Learning of Western Ideas in Romance on "the Springtime of Overseas Chinese"Chapter 4 Diversity and Collision:The Grope for Understanding During WWIIFu Manchu VS. Charlie ChanSprout of Hope on The Good EarthFriendship during Warfare in Mi Zhi NaConclusionsWorks Cited
插图:What is more,the Chinese、were thought to do more harm than grabbing economic benefit from the westerners,they were corrupting the society with their organizations.Slim Chunk Pin is a new type of Chinese chara.cter appearing on the American stage.As a representative of“the powerful Six Companis,”an organization accused of everything from slave trading to serying“the imperial designs of China”(Moy,44),Slim Chunk Pin exerts high techniques in controlling Chinese labors and in the interactions with the Americans.Shaking pffclumsy and passive features for Chinese characters in earlier plays,SIim Chunk Pin takes on an air of domination that later would appear in the Chtnatown dramas.He controls some dirty business like the trade of Chinese w、omen.By an order of“two dozen choice girls,between the ages of twelve and fifteen”detailed in price and delivery,the play hints on two-fold implications through the purchase of wolTlen in Chinese society.It testifies not only the Chinese community as crime-ridden and corrupt。in morality,but the replacement of Western.population with a potential of reproduction through the import of women.This has an even.stronger frightening effect to the audience,as Slim Chunk Pin said later,“We can do without the white people altogether.In ten years more,California will be ours”(Grimm,96).It gives the audience an impression that the Chinese attempt to occupy the whole piece of land and corrupt the American society with their evi l organizations.And his powerful role is best illustrated when he helps Ah Coy to claim for his delayed payment from Dora,the hostess.He threatens Dora that“[And]mark you,if you don’t,your life won’t be safe a minute.”Then he tums to warn Ah Coy,“This is the sixth time in eight months we have furnished you with a situation,and now you are on our hands again.If we had all such chickens as you,the importation of coolies would be a bad speculation. You have not half paid your passage money yet’’(Grimm,102).Carrying an air of the sinister gangs,this Slim Chunk Pin seems more threatening to the American society than any other Chinese characters.And Ah Coy,in turn,appears totally submitted to the power of Slim Chunk Pin:As“the play portrays the Chinese as virtual slaves to‘the powerful Six Cornpanies’”(Williams,2000,118),it further hints on the evil power of the“organization”and emphasizes its contradiction with the long cherished“American dream.”