本书在最简方案框内探讨第二语言中屈折词缀的变异是否意味着中介语法系统的损伤,第二语言形态发民和句法发展之间关系,以及导致第二语言屈词缀缺失的因素。对中国英语学习者的实验表明,二语中屈折词缀的变异只能说明中介语言形态系统的损伤,并不意味着中介语句法系统的损伤,二语习得者对异干互补屈折词缀形态的习得远好于词缀性质屈折形态,二语中形态系统的发展往往滞后于句法系统的发展,二语习得者对屈折词缀的使用受到多种因素的影响。 本书适用于语言学专业研究生,尤其是从事二语习得的研究者,参考阅读。
从事应用语言学研究,主要方向为二语习得、大纲设计等,并长期从事教材编写,近十年出版《多维英语 探索》、《多维英语 熟谙》、《新视角研究生英语读说写》等教材30余本;发表论文20余篇。
Chapter 1 The impairment of interlanguage 1.1 Debate on the Impairment of Interlange Syntax 1.2 Research Question and SingnificanceChapter 2 Previous Studies and Theories of Infiectionl Optionlity 2.1 Inflectional Optionality 2.2 Root Infinitives in L1 Grammars 2.3 Inflectional Optionality in L2 Grammars 2.4 Problems with the Previous Studies 2.5 Improvements in the Present StudyChapter 3 The Theoretical Framework 3.1 The Grammars Model of the Minimalist Program 3.2 Ceoos-Linguistic Varation 3.3 Functionai Categories 3.4 Festures and Feature Checking Theory 3.5 Finiteness in English and Chinese Chapter 4 The Empirical Study 4.1 Hypothses 4.2 The Case Study 4.3 The Cross-Sectional Study 4.4 Acpuisiyion of the Suppletive 4.5 Theoretial AccountChapter 5 Causes of Missing Inflection in L2 5.1 Testing the Previous Accounts 5.2 Other Factors Affecting Inflection Suppliance in L2 5.3 Morphological CompetenceChapter 6 Concluding Remarks Appendix ⅠTest Used in Cross-Sectional StudyAppendix Ⅱ Exampie of the Overuse of the Suppletive Be The Case studyAppendix Ⅲ Verbs with Regular Inflection in the Case StudyAppendix Ⅳ Agreement Errors in the Cross-Sectional Study References