我国清代最著名的戏剧是洪升的《长生殿》和孔尚任的《桃花扇》。《长生殿》是写唐玄宗和杨贵妃的爱情故事,陈寅恪认为那是唐朝由盛转衰的关键,《桃花扇》是写侯方域和李香君的爱情故事,反映的却是明末清初的历史。 侯方域是明末的爱国名士,李香君是金陵八艳之一,郎才女貌,一见钟情,互赠信物,以定终身。方域赠香君一个扇坠,扇子后来画上桃花,就是桃花扇了。方域远道而来,钱囊羞涩。阮大铖要联络名士,代马士英为侯送上妆奁财物,香君因为马阮是魏忠贤的奸党,拒绝接受,这一下就得罪了马阮二人。明朝末代皇帝崇祯自尽之后,福王即位,马阮因为拥戴有功,马被任为首相。侯方域却因为指出福王有谋害太子,篡位夺权,贪敛钱财,强纳民女几大罪状,被关入狱中。阮大铖还强迫香君改嫁,香君不从,撞头倒地,血溅扇上,画成桃花,所以桃花扇成了爱情忠贞的象征。阮大铖一计不成,又生一计,强迫香君入宫为福王歌舞。
第一本 一见钟情结良缘
第一出 访翠
第二出 眠香
第三出 却奁
第二本 一封书信阻刀兵
第一出 抚兵
第二出 修札
第三出 投辕
第三本 三罪阻立继位人
第一出 辞院
第二出 哭主
第三出 阻奸
第四本 三番两次逼香君
第一出 拒媒
第二出 守楼
第三出 寄扇
第五本 歌舞声中花泣血
第一出 骂筵
第二出 选优
第三出 题画
第四出 余韵
do otherwise than in compliance with the advice? How dare he defy the imperial sovereignty! From this message we can see your remarkable talent to handle state affairs. Hou: It would be better to submit the message to Governor Xiong for approval. Yang: You need not worry about that, for it is my job. The question is who will send this message to General Zuo. Hou: I am only a visitor here, followed by two attendants. I am afraid I cannot send the message by myself. Yang: Who then can take such an urgent charge? Hou: I wonder ... Liu: Do not worry! I will take the charge. Yang: Oh, yes, no one can take this charge better than you. But could you pass so many sentinels along the way? Liu: To tell you the truth, though my face is pockmarked, I am tall of stature and strong enough to defend myself. Besides, I have ready wit to reply to any interrogation. Hou: It is said General Zuo's camp gate is of difficult access, and visitors cannot have free entrance. Old as you are, how can you get access to the general? Liu: My dear Master Hou, you need not stimulate a tale-teller who is used to stimulations. Heaven will help one who helps himself. I will go of my own will. ......