

党争胜 中国社会科学出版社











  本书从语用效度(本书中指同试题真实性)的视角,对我国高校英语专业考试(TEM)听力部分的考试大纲、试题质量、考试和教学的关系等问题进行了实证性研究。所用语料来自TEM试题的听力部分。众所周知,听力理解能力是英语语言能力的重要组成部分。听力测试也因此成为高校英语专业四、八级考试的重要组成部分。近年来,随着语言测试研究的不断进展,人们对于如何测试外语学习者的听力理解能力表现出越来越浓厚的兴趣。这种兴趣促使语言学家、测试学家、以及外语教师更加注重听力试题的质量,开发更具效度的题型。由于听力测试在试题的内容、考试任务的编写、内容的呈现形式等方面与阅读、写作、翻译等测试有较大的区别,因此在试题编写时更需要关注其独特之处。笔者在对现用英语专业四、八级考试的听力部分进行研究后认为,四、八级考试的听力部分较为全面的反映了《高等学校英语专业教学大纲》的要求,试题具有较高的效度和信度。但是,试题也存在不足之处。  具体体现在两个方面:第一,没有把大纲中要求学生熟悉的主要英语变体(如澳大利亚英语、加拿大英语、新西兰英语等)包括在听力考试中;第二,对于听力理解的考察过度依赖多项选择题的任务形式,问题形式缺乏变化,不能充分反映现实生活中听力任务的多样性。为此,笔者认为,在四、八级考试的听力试题中应该加入主要英语变体和简答题型,以提高听力试题的真实性和测试结果的语用效度。






CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 TEM4 and TEM8 in China  1.1.1 An overview of TEM4 and TEM8  1.1.2 An overview of current listening comprehension parts of TEM4 and TEM8  1.1.3 TEM4 and TEM8 listening test validation study 1.2 Description of the thesis study   1.2.1 Purpose and scope of the study  1.2.2 The research questions  1.2.3 Study methods  1.2.4 Study results  1.2.5 Structure of the dissertationCHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Language competence  2.1.1 Classical UCH versus MCH  2.1.2 Varying definitions of language proficiency  2.1.3 The influence of pedagogic approaches on the interpretation of language competence  2.1.4 Some recent frameworks of communicative competence 2.2 Listening competence 2.2.1 Major listening situations and their classifications 2.2.2 Listening comprehension as hypothesized processes 2.2.3 Buck's framework of listening ability 2.3 Two supplementary points about listening comprehension 2.3.1 The passive and active natures of listening comprehension 2.4 Listening comprehension testing: pre-World War II period 2.4.1 The three major approaches to language testing 2.4.2 Earlier listening comprehension testing in the U.S 2.4.3 Earlier listening comprehension testing in the U. K 2.5 Listening comprehension testing: post-World War II period 2.5.1 overseas studies 2.5.2 Studies in China 2.6 Progress in listening comprehension testing: after the 1980s  2.6.1 Progress made in people's knowledge about listening competence  2.6.2 A framework for listening comprehension  2.6.3 Progress made in theories concerning the effect ……CHAPTER THREE A TENTATIVE ANALYSIS AND COMMENT ON TEM4 AND TEM8 LISTENING COMPREHENSION TEST PAPERS IN USECHAPTER FOUR LISTENINGNEEDS ANALYSISCHAPTER FIVE REVISED TEST SPECIFICATIONS FOR TEM LISTENING SUB-TESTSCHAPTER SIX THE EXPERIMENTAL TEST AND THE RESULTS ANALYSISCHAPTER SEVEN CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONSBIBOLIOGRAPHY


  Actually,many language experts have agreed that listening com.prehension is both a bottom.up and top-down process.Researches haveindicated that the view which sees listening comprehension only as aprocess of passing through a number of consecutive stages,or levels(phonemes-words-syntax-semantic content.1iteral meaning.situationalunderstanding)in a fixed way is problematic(Buck 2000:3).Thefact that the listener's being able to understand a word before his deco-ding of its sound while listening and that his hypothesizing the cominginformation by utilizing his knowledge of the world fully reveal that 1is-tening comprehension is more a top..down process than a bottom-up one.  As can be easily understood,listening is a complex process whichdemands active involvement from the listener.In order to interpret andreconstruct the message that the speaker intends the listener must ac.tively contribute knowledge from both linguistic and non-1inguisticsources.The linguistic knowledge involved in listening process includesknowledge of phonology,lexis,syntax,semantics,discourse struc-ture,pragmatics and sociolinguistics.The non-1inguistic knowledge in-cludes knowledge of the topic,the context and general knowledgeabout the world.  The active nature of listening comprehension is decided by the op-eration of listening process.Firstly,during this on-going process of ex-posure to a stream of information input,the listener must first constructan interpretation of what the text is about and then continually modifyhis interpretation aft new information becomes available.Secondly,it isonly by applying his linguistic language that he can divide the continu.OUS stream of sound into meaningful units at all,and it is only by sim.







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