

牛毓梅 中国社会科学出版社











List of AbbreviatiorList of TablesList of FiguresCHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION1.1 Significance of the Study of Temporality1.2 Significance of the Present Study1.3 Outline of the BookCHAPTER TWO THEORETICAL BACKGROUND2.1 Temporal Semantics and the Te e-aspect System2.1.1 Time Specification and Expressio of Temporal Relatio2.1.2 The Te e-Aspect Morphology of Past in English2.2 Lexical Aspect: The Inherent Temporal Properties2.2.1 Lexical Aspect ve us Grammatical Aspect2.2.2 Inherent Aspectual Classification of Verbs on Time Schemata2.2.3 Inherent Semantic Aspectual Properties of Verbs2.2.4 Distinctio of Lexical Aspects by Semantic Properties2.2.5 Diagnostic Tests of Lexical Aspectual Categories2.3 Chapter SummaryCHAPTER THREE PREVIOUS STUDIES ON ACQUISITION OF TEMPORALITY3.1 Studies on Acquisition Stages of Temporality3.1.1 Developmental Stages of Temporal System in L13.1.2 Developmental Stages of Temporal Acquisition3.2 Studies on Acquisition Order of Past Morphology: A Formal Pe pective3.2.1 Acquisition of Irregular and Regular Past Morphology3.2.2 The Principle of Saliency3.3 Studies on Lexical Aspect: A Semantic Pe pective3.3.1 The Defective Te e Hypothesis3.3.2 The Primacy of Aspect Hypothesis3.3.3 The Aspect Hypothesis3.3.4 Principles Underlying Te e-Aspect Acquisition3.4 Review of Research Methodologyin Temporal Studies3.4.1 Longitudinal ve us Cross-sectional Studies3.4.2 Individual ve us Group Data3.4.3 Data Elicitation Tasks3.5 Chapter SummaryCHAPTER FOUR METHODOLOGY4.1 Research Hypotheses4.2 Participants4.3 Data Elicitation4.3.1 The Task4.3.2 Elicitation Procedure4.4 Data Coding4.4.1 Identification of Obligatory Simple Past Contexts4.4.2 Coding for Features of Phonetic Saliency4.4.3 Coding for Lexical Aspectual Categories4.4.4 Coding for Verb Type4.5 Data Analysis4.5.1 Selection of Data for Analysis4.5.2 Tests for Bias of the Selected Data4.5.3 Division of Participants for the Cross-sectional Study4.5.4 Data Processing4.6 Chapter SummaryCHAPTER FIVE RESULTS AND FINDINGS5.1 Results from Analyses of Phonetic Saliency5.1.1 Results from the Overall Descriptive Study: Evidence for Hypothesis 15.1.2 Results from the Cross-sectional Study Across the Five Proficiency Groups: Evidence for Hypothesis 25.2 Results from Analyses of Lexical Aspect5.2.1 Results from the Overall Descriptive Study:Evidence for Hypothesis 35.2.2 Results from the Cross-sectional Study: Evidence for Hypothesis 45.3 Chapter SUmmaryCHAPTER SIX DISCUSSION6.1 The Effect of Phonetic Saliency6.1.1 The Irregular ve us Regular Co traint6.1.2 The Co traint of Saliency on Irregular Variants6.1.3 The Co traint of Saliency on Regular Variants6.2 The Effect of Lexical Aspect6.3 A General Discussion6.4 Chapter SummaryCHAPTER SEVEN CONCLUSION7.1 Major Findings7.2 Pedagogical Implicatio7.3 Limitatio and Suggestio for Future StudiesBIBLIOGRAPHYAPPENDIX Data Collection TaskACKNOWLEDGEMENTS




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