

孙华祥 编 中国社会科学出版社





孙华祥 编  






  目前,国内出版的普通高等学校英语专业使用的美国文学教材已有十几种。这些教材无一例外的都是为一个学年的教学时数编写,且各有所长。有的教材注重了文学史与文学选读的结合,有的则是单纯的文学史或者文学作品选读;有的教材对选篇进行了导读,也有的对选篇添加了注释;有的教材用纯英文写成,也有的用汉语对作家或作品进行了解释说明。因此,目前国内的美国文学教材市场上一时难以找到一套能同时满足以下所有条件的美国文学教材:专门为普通高等学校英语专业高年级学生编写,文学史与文学选读相结合而并重,教材正文全部用英语编写,对选篇同时进行导读、注释并提供思考题,编选的内容适合一个学期的教学时数使用。正是在此情形下,这部《美国文学选读》应运而生。  这套《美国文学选读》的特点之一就是她打破了美国文学教材编写的传统框架,选材直接从美国浪漫主义文学开始,经过现实主义文学和现代主义文学,一直延伸到后现代主义文学。其间撷取了美国文学史上最具代表性的18位作家及其经典作品,供普通高等学校英语专业高年级一个学期的教学使用。在此框架下,教材开篇所编选的作家作品已经脱离了对英国文学的模仿,代表着真正意义上的美国文学;结篇则表现了美国文学中最新的文学思潮。  《美国文学选读》的另一个特点是追求文学史概述与文学作品选读的结合,提高文学史部分的内容在文学选读课程中的重要性。从篇章结构上讲,教材的每一章都大致分为两个部分。首先是该时期文学史的总体概述,然后是作家的作品选读。这么做的目的就是试图通过文学史部分的概述,为读者阅读、理解和欣赏选篇提供所必需的背景信息,使得读者能够在相应的文学背景下更好地获得文学体验和美学感受。这套《美国文学选读》还有一个特点就是对选篇提供了导读、注释和课后讨论题。导读部分力求有的放矢,注释部分力求准确详尽,课后讨论题则力求针对性与开放性共存。这样做的目的是为了培养学生自主学习的能力,并深化读者对美国文学的认识。 编者自2006年开始酝酿编写新的美国文学史及选读教材,前后历经诸多曲折。现在教材得以出版,应首先感谢曲阜师范大学外国语学院的王福祥副院长。王副院长自始至终对这部教材的编写工作给予密切的关注、充分的肯定、热情的鼓励和有力的支持。编者从中得到了编写工作所必需的勇气、信心和动力。  特别需要感谢的是中国社会科学出版社的编辑高涵女士。在此教材的编写、出版过程中,从高屋建瓴的指导性意见,到细致入微的编辑工作,高女士从不吝惜自己的汗水。教材的字里行间处处渗透着高女士的心血,她渊博的学识和一丝不苟的工作态度令人钦佩。  这套《美国文学选读》教材由孙华祥主持编写。参加编写工作的有(按姓名拼音顺序排列):曹英慧、高丽、孙华祥、孙明瑞、肖冠华、许红艳和张琳。


  这套《美国文学选读》的特点之一就是她打破了美国文学教材编写的传统框架,选材直接从美国浪漫主义文学开始,经过现实主义文学和现代主义文学,一直延伸到后现代主义文学。其间撷取了美国文学史上最具代表性的18位作家及其经典作品,供普通高等学校英语专业高年级一个学期的教学使用。在此框架下,教材开篇所编选的作家作品已经脱离了对英国文学的模仿,代表着真正意义上的美国文学;结篇则表现了美国文学中最新的文学思潮。  《美国文学选读》的另一个特点是追求文学史概述与文学作品选读的结合,提高文学史部分的内容在文学选读课程中的重要性。从篇章结构上讲,教材的每一章都大致分为两个部分。首先是该时期文学史的总体概述,然后是作家的作品选读。这么做的目的就是试图通过文学史部分的概述,为读者阅读、理解和欣赏选篇提供所必需的背景信息,使得读者能够在相应的文学背景下更好地获得文学体验和美学感受。这套《美国文学选读》还有一个特点就是对选篇提供了导读、注释和课后讨论题。导读部分力求有的放矢,注释部分力求准确详尽,课后讨论题则力求针对性与开放性共存。这样做的目的是为了培养学生自主学习的能力,并深化读者对美国文学的认识。 编者自2006年开始酝酿编写新的美国文学史及选读教材,前后历经诸多曲折。现在教材得以出版,应首先感谢曲阜师范大学外国语学院的王福祥副院长。王副院长自始至终对这部教材的编写工作给予密切的关注、充分的肯定、热情的鼓励和有力的支持。编者从中得到了编写工作所必需的勇气、信心和动力。


Chapter 01 American Romanticism ’      Edgar Allan Poe‘                     Poe’S life                        Poe’S literary creation‘                  Selected Readings  The Raven                         The Tell TaHeart            Ralph Waldo Emerson‘                  Emerson’S life   Emerson’S literary creation‘              Selected Readings                    Nature(an excerpt)            Self-Reliance(an excerpt)        ¨Walt Whitman                Whitman’S life                    Whitman’S poetic writings           Selected Readings                    Song ofMyself(an excerpt)         lI Hear America Singing 。            IOh.Captain!My Captain!      Chapter 02 American Realism。            Mark Twain                       Twain’S life             Twain’S literary creation’              Selected readings                       The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras CountyThe Adventures ofHuckleberry Finn(an excerpt)A plot summary of the novel              Reading guide‘                   An excerpt from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn0.Henry(William Sidney Porter)         0.Henry’s life                 0.Henry’S literary creation         Selected reading                       The Cop and the Anthem                Henry James‘                        James’life                   James’literary creation                  Selected reading                        Paste                           Theodore Dreiser                          Dreiser’s life              Dreiser’S literary creation             Selected reading                         Sister Carrie(an excerpt)           A plot summary of the novel           Reading guide                  An excerpt from Sister Carrie             Chapter 03 Modernism                 Carl Sandburg-                           Sandburg’S Life                    Sandburg,S literary creation               Characteristics of Sandburg’S poems           Selected readings ’                       BOl'lAg$                           Chicago                            C00fTobs                 Fog’                          Grass                              The,Habnr               Ezra Pound           Pound’s life          Pound’S literary creation    Selected readings            In a Station ofthe Metro    The River-Merchant’S Wife:A LetterA Pncf           A Virginal         Salutation          Langston Hughes             Hughes’life           Hughes’literary creation     Selected readings           Let America Be America Again  LifeFine          Mother to Son Dream Variations Quiet Girl           The Negro Speaks ofRivers      The Negro Mother          Sinclair Lewis      Lewis’life Lewis’literary creation      Selected reading           Babbitt(an excerpt)      A plot summary of the Hove]   Reading guide         An excerpt from Babbitt  Sherwood AndersonAnderson’s lifeAnderson’S literary creation   Selected reading          The Egg         Ernest Hemingway。           Hemingway’S life        Hemingway’S literary creation   Hemingway’S style      Selected reading           A Clean,Well-Lighted Place  WiHiam Faulkner            Faulkner's life             Faulkner's literary creation     Selected reading。           Barn Burning‘           Chapter 04 Postmodernism     Jack Kerouac              Kerouac’S life             Kerouac’S literary creation    Selected reading          On the Road(an excerpt)   A plot summary of the novel Reading guide          An excerpt from On the RoadJoseph Heller             Heller's life               Heller's literary creation   Selected reading           Catch-22(an excerpt) A plot summary of the novel Reading guide。            An excerpt from CatchToni Morrison          Morrison’S life Morrison’S literary creation    Selected reading          Reeltatif


  The American Romantic Period,the genuine outset o±distinctive Americanlirerature.spanned from the end of the l 8th century to the outbreak of the CivilWar.The American writings before the period were greatly influenced by theEuropean writings,imitative and lacking of typically American identity.Nevertheless,with the entrance to the Romantic Period,American literature beganto own its distinguishable features. The development of the young United States nurtured its literature.Afterachieving independence with the Treaty of Paris(1 783),America expandedwestward,enlarging its borders seven times.At the same time,the nationexperieneed the transformation from an agricultural country into an industrial one.In the 1820s.railroad had been built and the total length of the domestic railroadamounted to 30,000 miles in 1 860.Besides,the shipping transportation increasedseveral-fold.Cities flourished and the urban population grew drastically.Economically,America had never been wealthier.Politically,having thrown off acolonial government,the young Republic was ripe and encouraging.The pursuit ofdemocracy and equality,inspired through American Revolution and EnlightenmentMovement,became the persistent goal of American people.As a result,Americansurged to have their own voices beth at home and abroad.Moreover,the boom ofnewspapers,magazines and books really gave impetus to the flowering of literature. American romanticism shared many features with British,such as theemphasis on spontaneous feelings,a strong preference for the supernatural and aninsistent appeal to the return of nature.However,American romanticism graduallygrew from the providential visions of Puritanism,the wilderness of this continent,and the untiring quest for freedom and equality.In these circumstances,Americanromantic writings bore something dissimilar from British.First,Puritanism exerteda great impact on the American way of perception and moral values.Correspondingly,American romantic writers tended more to moralize than their  ……





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