陈永生 著
This book is written from the point of view of theoretical depth as well as the summary of practical expe-riences,some basic problems are dealt with typical of oil field heterogerieities of fluid and flow field from sixlevels. Besides,the author improves the formula of oil recovery efficient utilization factor. In this book,the ge-ologic characteristics, reservoir behaviours and countermeasures during oil field development have been dealtwith respectively. This decides the structure feature of the whole work and marks a great distinction fromother works.
INTRODUCTION1 THE GEOLOGY CHARACTERISTICS OF HETEROGENEITY IN OIL FIELD1.1 Geology Characteristics of Interlayer Heterogeneity1.2 Plane Heterogeneity and Vertical Heterogeneity in a Single Layer1.3 The Heterogeneity among Pores1.4 Fault and Fracture1.5 The Heterogeneity of the Fluid Property1.6 The Wettability of a Reservoir2 THE BEHAVIOUR OF RESERVOIR HETERO.GENEITY DURING WATERFLOOD DEV ELOPMENT2.1 Interlayer Interference and Single-Layer Water Cusp.ing2.2 Plane Contradiction2.3 The Interlayer Contradiction Caused by the Heterogeneity of the Thick Formation2.4 The Influence of the Structure of the Reservoir on Water'Driving2.5 The Influence of Heterogeneity of the Pore Passage and the Interpore on the Oil field Development2.6 The Influence of Reservoir Wettability on the Deveiopment Effe'ct and the Variation of The Wettability after Waterlnjection2.7 The Influence of Water Injection Process on the Properties of Crude Oil2.8 The Relationships Among the Several Kinds.of Contradictions3 THE DEVELOPMENT AND ADJUSTMENT OF A HETEROGENEOUS OIL FIELD3.1 Arrangement and Adjustment of the-Well Network and Series of Strata3.2 Water-Injection3.3 Adjustment Measures of Oil Well3. 4 The Measure to Enlarge the Water-out Thick in Thick Oil-bearing Formation4 THE BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF WATERFLOOD DEVELOPMENT OFA HETEROGENEOUS OIL FIELD4.1 Development Test4.2 Injection-production Equilibrium and Pressure Balance4.3 The Basic Law of Water-oil Displacement4.4 The Distribution Characteristic of the Remaining Oil4.5 The Basic Ideas about EORREFERENCES
(4) The time-lapse well test This is a kind of method that we test in onewell or a pair of wells with the same method andwith the same accurate apparatus in different devel-opment phases and at different time. Because thecondition of the formations, the well spacings,andthe producing layers are all constant, the change oftest data should reflect the change of the water satu-ration basically. (5) To inject indicator (tracer) The indicator is used for the research about theflow direction of the underground water. If the iso-tope indicator was adopted and the downhole mea-surement was done, the indicator benefits not onlythe finding of water source direction but also theclarifying of layer location basically. Though the above-mentioned 5 methods relatedto the research about the plane-contradiction, weshould know that the comprehensive analysis andthe reservoir simulation are the most basic ways todeal with data9 and the basic methods to researchplane-contradiction as well. The other ways are themeans for clearifying the key problem,and are nec-essary. But we must apply them based on the differ-ent situations of an oilfield. 2.2.2 The Water Injection Response The water injection response is also a kind ofinterference phenomenon, which is an interferencefrom the water injection well to the oil productionwell. It is adequately used,and is the most essen-tial, the widest and the most basic relationship be-tween the water injection well and the oil productionwell in the same layer. Without this relationship, itis impossible to make the water (gas) injection de-velopment. Here we discuss the problem only fromthe characteristic of the response . As to the prob-lem of the balanced offtake and the pressure equal-ization,and the basic characteristic of the oil-waterdisplacement,we will make special discussion later. 1.what kind of oil-bearing formation can re-sponse According to theory and practice, the forma-tion can be recognited as responsive as long as theformation is connected with oil production well andthe water can be injected into the formation. Howev-er,whether it can satisfy the need of the balancedofftake, how much pressure the oil well can main-tain, whether it can response in a short period, arethe questions worthy to research. This involves sev-eral effect factors such as whether the formation isgood or not, the condition of the well pattern andthe pressure difference of the injection and produc-tion, and so on. Such as in the centre area of theDaqing Oilfield, the high permeable layer can re-sponse obviously from half a month to a month ,while the low permeable layer needs three months,even longer. Generally speaking , if the formationis good and connected, the viscosity of crude oil islow, the well spacing from the water injection wellto the oil production well is short,the injection pres-sure is high, and the injection and production is bal-anced, the response is quick,on the contrary, it isslow. In some ranges there is not response ,such asthe well spacing is too big, the water injected is toosmall and the injection to production ratio is toolow. Thus, we must make all condictions be suit-able in order to get the good water injection re-sponse. ……