浩瀚(笔名),原名李洪涛,原籍江苏,1981年就读于徐州师范大学外语系英语专业,1985年开始在中国矿业大学致力于现代教育工作,34岁破格晋升为高级职称。导演了六部电视教学专题片,均荣获省部级一等奖。他自幼爱好绘画、朗诵、收藏等。 现主持北京浩瀚英语研究所工作,专门从事英语工具书、教辅书及大众英语指导书的策划、编稿和出版工作。十五年来,该研究所已在科学出版社、外文出版社、石油工业出版社、大连理工大学出版社、机械工业出版社、上海科学普及出版社等全国五十多家出版社出版英文著作800余种。有的书印数多达157Y余册。主要代表作有: 《脱口说英语——情景口语大全》、《英汉广播电影电视电教词典》、《英语写作双向速查词典》、《英汉多功能双解词典》、《流畅英语口语》、《英语口语一语千说》、《敢说英语》系列30种;《英语900句》系列20种;《高中英语语法表解大王》等。
CHAPTER 1 The Prelude of the Tourism 旅行前奏Unit 1 Planning the Tour旅行计划Unit 2 Making a Plane Reservation预订机票Unit 3 Check—in Procedures办理登机Unit 4 Going Through Customs海关通行Unit 5 Travelling by Air飞机旅行CHAPTER 2 Service in Hotel 宾馆服务Unit 1 Reserving a Room预订房间Unit 2 Registering登记入住Unit 3 Arranging for the Luggage行李安置Unit 4 Housekeeping客房服务Unit 5 Complaints投诉抱怨Unit 6 Checking out结账退房CHAPTER 3 Service in Restaurant 餐馆服务Unit 1 Booking a Table预订座位Unit 2 Seating the Guests引客入座Unit 3 Taking Orders顾客点菜Unit 4 Offering Drinks提供饮料Unit 5 Having Chinese Food吃中餐Unit 6 Having Western Food吃西餐Unit 7 At the Cafeteria快餐自助Unit 8 Complaints就餐意见Unit 9 Checking out结账离开CHAPTER 4 The Transport 交通出行Unit 1 On a Bus乘公交车Unit 2 Travelling by Subway乘坐地铁Unit 3 Taking a Taxi打出租车Unit 4 Travelling by Train火车出行Unit 5 Travelling by Ship乘船游览Unit 6 Driving a Car自驾出行CHAPTER 5 hatting during the Tour 旅行闹聊Unit 1 Talking about the Weather闲聊天气Unit 2 Talking about the Time闲聊时间Unit 3 Talking about Jobs闲聊工作Unit 4 Talking about Seasons闲聊季节Unit 5 Talking about Hobbies闲聊爱好Unit 6 Talking about Sports闲聊体育Unit 7 Talking about Health闲聊健康Unit 8 Talking about the Environment闲聊环境CHAPTER 6 Shopping during the Tour 旅途购物Unit 1 The Clothes Shop服装卖场Unit 2 Fashionable Ornament时尚配饰Unit 3 The Jewellery Store珠宝首饰Unit 4 Cosmetics买化妆品Unit 5 The Arts Store工艺礼品Unit 6 Special Local Products当地特产Unit 7 The Supermarket超级市场CHAPTER 7 Service during the Tour 旅游服务Unit 1 At the Bank银行服务Unit 2 At the Post Office邮局服务Unit 3 Travelling Photos旅游摄影Unit 4 In a Barber Shop在理发店CHAPTER 8 The Activities 旅行活动Unit 1 Seeing a Movie观看电影Unit 2 Music and Drama音乐戏剧Unit 3 Squiffed Taproom迷情酒吧Unit 4 Going to the Dancing Party参加舞会Unit 5 Visiting a Park游览公园Unit 6 Surfing on the Internet网上冲浪Unit 7 Watching IV观看电视CHAPTER 9 Views of the World 世界风光Unit 1 A Tour in Asia and Africa亚非之行Unit 2 A Trip in Europe欧洲之旅Unit 3 A Trip in Australia澳洲之游Unit 4 Sightseeing in America观光美洲Unit 5 Foreign Customs外国风俗CHAPTER 10 Views of China 中国风光Unit 1 Natural Scenery自然风光Unit 2 Places of Interest名胜古迹Unit 3 Folk Customs民风民俗CHAPTER 11 Getting Rid of Troubles 排除困难Unit 1 Asking the Way迷途问路Unit 2 Lost Luggage物品丢失Unit 3 Seeing a Doctor生病就医Unit 4 Car Accidents交通事故Unit 5 Farewell 离别送行
英语是中国人与世界沟通的有力武器! 英语带给中国人自信和快乐的美妙语言! 英语是中国人爆发潜能的金钥匙 《旅游口语大全》——我们可以这样开开心心学英语