张继红,等 编
《石油工程专业英语》涵盖了油层物理、渗流力学、油藏工程、采油工程、钻井、完井、测井、增产增注、提高采收率、石油与环境保护等内容。全书按石油工程专业学科内容进行编排,同时插入了大量的图片和图表,克服了传统教材的呆板。该书题材广泛、内容丰富、重点突出、难度适中,具有系统性和可读性。 《石油工程专业英语》可作为石油高等院校石油工程专业的教材,也可作为现场技术人员的英语培训和职称考试参考用书。
Chapter 1 The History of Petroleum Industry1.1 The Initial Realization of Oil1.2 The Search for Lightl. 3 The Birth of the Industry1.4 Spindletop1.5 The Modem Progress of Petroleum IndustryNew WordsNotesChapter 2 The Physical Characteristics of Reservoir2. 1 Properties of Reservoir Rocks2.2 Reservoir Fluids2.3 Reservoir Fluid Behavior2. 4 Fluid Flow in the ReservoirNew WordsNotesChapter 3 Basic Drilling Technology3.1 History and Drilling Environments3.2 Rotary Drilling Process3.3 The Main Component Parts of a Rotary RigNew WordsNotesChapter 4 Primary Cementing4.1 Cementing Materials4.2 Cement Additives4.3 Cement Bonding4.4 Flow Properties of Primary Cements4.5 Displacement Mechanics4.6 Primary Cementing PracticesNew WordsNotesChapter 5 Logging5.1 Why Run Logs5.2 Logging Car, Cable and General Mounting5.3 Electrical Logging5.4 Nuclear Logging5.5 Acoustic Log5.6 Mud Logging5.7 Some Other Types of Logs5.8 Computer Generated LogsNew WordsNotesChapter 6 Well Completions6.1 Completion Methods6.2 Completion Interval Selection6.3 Types of Completion Arrangements6.4 Well Completion DesignNew WordsNotesChapter 7 Production Technology7.1 Inflow Performance7.2 Wellbore Flow Performance7.3 Artificial LiftNew WordsNotesChapter 8 Stimulation8.1 Acidizing8.2 Hydraulic Fracturing8.3 Physical Methods to StimulationNew WordsNotesChapter 9 Improved Oil Recovery9.1 Introduction9.2 Water Flooding and Recovery Efficiency9.3 Chemical Recovery Processes9.4 Thermal Recovery Processes9.5 Miscible Recovery Processes9.6 Microbial EORNew WordsNotesChapter 10 Reservoir Management10.1 Natural Drive Mechanisms10.2 Flood Patterns10.3 Material Balance10.4 Reservoir Economics10.5 SimulationNew WordsNotesChapter 11 The Petroleum Industry and the Environment11.1 Environmental Impact of the Petroleum Industry11.2 Environmental Forces Changing the Petroleum Industry situation11.3 Waste Management and MinimizationNew WordsNotesReferences