2010年CNPC井筒技术国际研讨会论文集编委会 石油工业出版社 (2010-10出版)
Heavy Oil Development by Steam Injection and Relevant TechniquesPractice and Research of Fracturing and Acidizing in Horizontal WellsIntegrated Solutions for Remaining Oil Saturation Evaluation by Logging Methods Comprehensive Supporting Technologies For Exploration And Development Of Ainu - Dar'ya Complex Sub- Salt Gas ReservoirOffshore High Temperature Carbonate Reservoir Acid Fracturing Research and ApplicationPerformance Evaluation on CO2 Foam Fracturing FluidPore Texture Evaluation of Carbonate Reservoirs in Turkmenistan' s Gas Field AProduction Well Information Management System and Its ApplicationInformation Remote Transmission Technology & Application in Interpretation & Monitoring while Drilling & Geological ResearchesWell Hole Information Services System and ApplicationCombination Technology of Production- Testing And Stimulation 311 Automatic Vertical Drilling SystemStudy and Application of Expandable Tubular Technology for CompletionHorizontal Well & Multilateral Horizontal Well Technology ApplicationDrilling and Completion Technology Research of Blowout and Lost Circulation Co -existence in Sour Gas WellThe Whole Process of Underbalanced Drilling/CompletionComprehensive Technology of Drilling and Completion for Horizontal Wells in Ultra- shallow Heavy Oil ReservoirsHorizontal Well Drilling and Completion Technology in Daqing oil fieldLimestone Reservoir Slim Casing Short Radius Multilateral Well Drilling & Completion TechnologyComprehensive Technology of Drilling and Completion for Jida 4 Well in Fergana Basin, UzbekistanHorizontal Well Drilling Practice in Gas Reservoirs Below an Ultra- Thick Salt LayerApplication of Offshore Optimized Drilling in Bohai BayOptimized Cluster Drilling Technology Delivers Outstanding Results in Sulige Gas Field, Ordos BasinIntegrated Geology & Drilling Technology of Horizontal WellsComplicated Formations Coring TechnologyApplication of Environmental Friendly Sinol - AMO Water - free Oil Based Drilling Fluid ( OBM - Oil - Based Mud)Study and Application of BH - WEI "Tri - high" Drilling FluidResearch on Sulfosalt Multipolymer High Temperature Seawater Base Drilling FluidResearch and Application of Deep Well High - temperature Resistant Drilling Fluid in Daqing OilfieldBio -tech Fuzzy -ball Drilling Fluids for Leakage Protection and Sealing in CBM wellsSIAT as Shale Inhibitor in Water- Based Drilling FluidsHigh Temperature High Density Water- Based SystemsMatching Technology and Application of Snubbing OperationDesign and Practice of Auto - control Systems for Managed Pressure Drilling Research of the Prevention and Remedial Measures of Sustained Casing Pressurein Complicated Gas WellsStudy and Application of Formation Pressure MWD Technology in Daqing OilfieldApplication of Formation Pressure Detection Technique in the Prosopis Area of ChadCementing Technology Research and Application for Gas Wells with "High Pressure, High H2S and High Risk" in Chuanyu AreaCementing Technologies for Infill Wells in Daqing OilfieldResearch and Application of Cementing Techniques for Deep and Super - deep Wells in The Fergana Basin of UzbekistanUltra- High Density Cement Slurry Cementing TechniqueCementing Technologies for High Pressure Gas Wells in Complex Formations Research on a New Methodology to Evaluate the Gas Migration in Cement SlurriesScreen Completion Technology for Horizontal Wells with Reservoir Protection Underbalanced Gel Valve Completion TechnologyCoiled Tubing Operation TechnologyNetwork - Based Logging System - LEAP800Development and Application of the Triple Combo Formation Evaluation Logging While Drilling SystemThe Technology of Remote Exploration Acoustic Reflection Imaging LoggingDigital Core Technology Research and ApplicationThe Evaluation Technique of Complex Lithology ReservoirsHPHT Well Testing TechnologyTechnology Development of EILog Full - Suit Logging SystemHigh- resolution Logging Technologies of Daqing Oil FieldThe Technical Situation and Development Thought of Domestic Imaging Logging SystemsWell Logging Technology and Applications in the Cased HoleThe Deep Penetrating Perforation Technology of Multistage PulseThe New Development of Conventional Gas Logging Data Interpretation Me(hodThe Application of Geochemical Logging in Wellbore ServicesApplications of Engineering Logging Techniques in Deep WellsNew Technology of Mud Logging Data Processing and Interpretation of Oil - gas - water Formations and Its Application in Daqing OilfieldThe Application Study of Light Hydrocarbon Logging in the Assessment of Water- Oil ReservoirsThe Integrated Application of Well Testing and Logging Data in the Early Exploration Phase of G Oil FieldThe Fluid Property Visual Identification Method and Quick Evaluation Technology in Igneous Reservoirs
中国石油天然气集团公司(简称中国石油集团、中石油、CNPC)是一家集油气勘探开发、炼油化工、油品销售、油气储运、石油贸易、工程技术服务和石油装备制造于一体的综合性能源公司。2008年,中国石油在美国《石油情报周刊》世界50家大石油公司综合排名中,位居第5位,在美国《财富》杂志2008年世界500强公司排名中居第25位。2010年5月30日,根据英国《金融时报》研究机构的报告显示,中石油当前市值达到3293亿美元,位居全球500强企业榜首,成为全球市值最大的企业。 这部《2010年CNPC井筒技术国际研讨会论文集(英文版)》(作者2010年CNPC井筒技术国际研讨会论文集编委会)是其英文版研讨会论文集。