Atomic Energy Press
Monique Van Dijk
《千岛湖(英文版)》是一个年轻的人工湖泊。她的前身是发源于中国第一名山--黄山的新安江,因1959年建造新中国第一座大型水力发电站而筑抄!蓄水形成的。 千岛湖是中国最美的湖泊。“千岛、碧水、金腰带”是千岛湖最具特色的景观,有着“千岛碧水画中游”之美誉。她是国家44个首批重点风景名胜区之一,还被国家地理杂志等媒体评为中国20个最美丽的地方之一。 千岛湖是中国水质最好的湖泊。她平均水深34米,能见度达9米以上,不经任何处理就能达到国家饮用水标准。享誉全国的农夫山泉饮用水就产自于千岛湖。 千岛湖是中国湖泊旅游度假的典范。她是全国首批4A级旅游区之一,在获得全国文明森林公园、全国保护消费者权益示范景区和浙江十佳美景首位等众多荣誉之后,去年又新获得了浙江省最具吸引力的风景区、浙江十佳休闲度假胜地之首、上海市民最喜爱的浙江景区等荣誉称号,并被纳入全国“黄金周”假日旅游预报统计重点景区。特别是2004年10月18日,在加拿大尼亚加拉市召开的第八届国际花园城市B类城市决赛中千岛湖镇一举摘得了唯一一个金奖桂冠,成为目前为止我国乃至整个东南亚地区唯一获此殊荣的B类城市。
Monique Van Dijk first cameto China in 1997 on a whirlwind tour of the countryand decided then and there thatChina was the place for her.After an intensive year at the Beijing Language and Culture University she returned to hernative New Zealand tocomplete her Masters in Creative Arts. Unable to stayaway, Monique and herhusband now reside in Beijing where she works as a freelancewriter and filmmaker in between her travels around China.
序FOREWORDAUTHOR'S NOTETHE LAKE OF A THOUSAND ISLANDSHISTORYAn Atlantis of the EastA Lake of New BeginningCULTUREChun'an CustomAn Opera of Three FeetLake side FestivityTHE CITYA Lakeside ResortA Room with a ViewFish of the DayTHE LAKEA Picturesque PanoramaDragons in the MistA Lake of LeisureWater DanceTHE COUNTYLands of Pure PeaceOxygen BarThe Stone ForestA Vista of VillagesLAKE OF THE FUTURES u s tai n able SerenityMore than a MemoryUseful Informatio nTourist Map of the Lake of a Thousand lslandsScenic Spots Map