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  《高等学校应用化学专业系列教材:应用化学专业英语教程》用英语介绍了一般科技论文的写法,包括标题、摘要、文献等。  同时还介绍了一般从事化学工作的基础知识,如实验室工作的注意事项、安全要求、反应的跟踪、产物分离和表征等。还介绍了无机化学、有机化学、物理化学、分析化学、材料化学、环境化学、生物化学、皮革化学、染料化学和药物化学等专业知识。目的是使读者能够学到全面、系统、基础和符合时代发展要求的专业英语知识,为查阅专业文献和发表专业学术论文打下一定基础。  《高等学校应用化学专业系列教材:应用化学专业英语教程》读者对象为应用化学及相关专业如轻化工程、环境工程、化学工程等专业的本科生、专科生。


Unit 1 Scientific Paper and LiteratureLesson 1 Writing a Scientific PaperLesson 2 The AbstractLesson 3 The Introduction, the Body and the ConclusionsLesson 4 Ethical Guidelines to Publication of Chemical ResearchLesson 5 The Chemical LiteratureLesson 6 Technical Communications for Graduate StudentsUnit 2 Work in Chemical LaboratoryLesson 7 General Instructions for Work in the LaboratoryLesson 8 The Importance of Record KeepingLesson 9 A General Safety ConsiderationsUnit 3 NomenclatureLesson 10 Nomenclature of Organic CompoundsLesson 11Nomenclature of Inorganic CompoundsUnit 4 Elementary Techniques of ExperimentLesson 1 2Reaction MonitoringLesson 1 3Some Methods of SeparationLesson 1 4CharacterizationUnit 5 Inorganic ChemistryLesson 1 5Introduction to Inorganic ChemistryLesson 1 6Coordination ChemistryUnit 6 Analytical ChemistryLesson 17 Introduction of Analytical ChemistryLesson 18 Electronic Effects of Substituents in Reactions, Acidity ConstantDeterminationLesson 19 Forensic Chemistry: Detecting Traces of BloodLesson 20 Standard Test Method for Water in Liquid Petroleum Products byKarl Fischer ReagentLesson 21 Isolation of an Alkaloid: CaffeineUnit 7 Physical ChemistryLesson 22 First Law of ThermodynamicsLesson 23 EnthalpyLesson 24 Bond EnergiesLesson 25 Second Law of ThermodynamicsLesson 26 Heat of Reaction: Measurement of Resonance EnergyLesson 27 Kinetic and Thermodynamic Reaction ConditionsLesson 28 ElectrochemistryLesson 29 Asymmetric SynthesisLesson 30 Linus PaulingLesson 31 SurfactantsUnit 8 Organic ChemistryLesson 32 CyclohexylmethanoLesson 33 Methyl RedLesson 34 Addition across Carbon??Carbon π??BondsLesson 35 Discovery of the Diels??Alder ReactionLesson 36 Discovery of the Friedel??Crafts ReactionLesson 37 The Wittig ReactionLesson 38 Grignard and the Beginnings of Modern Organometallic ChemistryLesson 39 Discovery of StereoisomersLesson 40 Natural ProductsUnit 9 BiochemistryLesson 41 Biochemical Engineering, Cells and BacteriaLesson 42 Emil Fischer: Carbohydrate Chemist ExtraordinaireLesson 43 Biological Treatment of the EffluentUnit 10 Materials ScienceLesson 44 PolymersLesson 45 Discovery of Polyethylene and NylonLesson 46 Corrosion and Process SafetyUnit 11 Water Treatment and Environmental ScienceLesson 47 Activated Sludge ProcessesLesson 48 Coagulation and FlocculationLesson 49 Reverse OsmosisLesson 50 Water and Wastewater Treatment Methods207Lesson 51 Water SupplyLesson 52 Clean Energy for 10 Billion Humans in the 21stCentury:Is it Possible?Unit 12 PharmacyLesson 53 Discovery of Sulfa DrugsLesson 54 Medical Diagnostics via Nuclear Magnetic Resonance SpectroscopyUnit 13 Chemistry and Engineering of Textiles……Unit 14LeatherAppendixBibliography


  其他版本请见: 《应用化学专业英语教程》




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