WWF hopes that the publication of this report will draw more attention to the numerous pressing environmental problems facing the Yangtze Source Region today, and it is also hoped that this report will spur further action towards developing and implementing effective climate change adaptation and wetland conservation strategies for the Yangtze Source Region. Only through the development of such climate adaptation and conservation strategies for the Yangtze headwaters will it be possible to achieve truly sustainable socioeconomic development of the entire Yangtze River basin.
PrefaceList of Acronyms UsedChapter 1 Climate Change on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau1.1 Introduction1.2 Historical Climate Change on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau over the Past 2000 Years1.3 Modern Meteorological Records of Climate Change on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau1.4 Correspondence of Regional Climate Change on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to Broader Global Warming Trends1.5 ConclusionsReferencesChapter 2 The Response of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Lakes and Wetlands to Climate Change and Human Activities and the Implications for Biodiversity2.1 Introduction2.2 Types of Lake Wetlands on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau2.3 Holocene Changes in Lake Surface Levels on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau2.4 Holocene Changes in Peat Deposition on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau2.5 Climate Change Reflected by Lake Records in the Historical Period on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau2.6 Flora and Fauna of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Wetlands2.7 The Features and Status of Characteristic Wetlands of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau2.8 Summary of the Impacts of Climate Change and Human Activities on the Wetlands and Biodiversity of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau2.9 Recommendations2.10 ConclusionsReferencesChapter 3 Climate Change and Its Impacts on Glacial Resources and Hydrological Cycles in the Yangtze Source Region3.1 Introduction3.2 Geomorphic Features of the Yangtze Source Region3.3 Climate in the Yangtze Source Region3.4 Rivers of the Yangtze Source Region and Their Hydrology3.5 Glacier Resources in the Yangtze Source Region3.6 Changes in Yangtze Source Region Glaciers in Response to Climate Change3.7 Hydrology of Glacial Meltwater in the Yangtze Source Region3.8 Future Impacts of Climate Change on Yangtze Source Region Glaciers3.9 ConclusionsReferencesChapter 4 Changes in Permafrost along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway in the Yangtze Source Region4.1 Introduction4.2 Distribution of Permafrost on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau4.3 Changes in Permafrost along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway4.4 ConclusionsReferencesChapter 5 Views of Livestock Herders and Others Concerning the Impact of Climate Change on the Yangtze Source Region5.1 Introduction5.2 Climate Change Survey Methodology5.3 Local Residents' Perceptions of Climate Change5.4 Impacts of Climate Change on the Local Environment and Livestock Herding5.5 The Impact of Climate Change on Grassland Degradation and Desertification5.6 The Impact of Climate Change on the Decline in Area of Grasslands Suitable for Livestock Grazing5.7 Discussion5.8 ConclusionsAfterwordAppendix 1 Glossary of Technical TermsAppendix 2 Locations of All Place Names Mentioned in the Text