Monsoon.Mesoscale Numerical Simulaton and Atmospheric Environment-季风.中尺度数值模拟和大气环境
澳门地球物理暨气象局 气象出版社 (2009-11出版)
PrefaceForewordBrief Introduction to the Macao Meteorological and Geophysical BureauPart 1 Articles in MonsoonClimatic Characteristics of Retreat of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon Ⅰ. 40-Year MeansClimatic Characteristics of Retreat of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon Ⅱ. Interdecadal VariabilityEffect of Condensational Heating over the Bay of Bengal on the Onset of the South China Sea Monsoon in 1998An Observational Study of the Intraseasonal Oscillation of Precipitation in the Rainy Season of 1999 over Guangdong ProvinceComparison among Forecast Models of Variation Tendency in Meteorological Data of Macao Single StationClimatic Characteristics of Precipitation and Temperature in the Past 45 Years in GuangxiAnalyzing the June 2005 Continuous Rainstorm in South ChinaChanges of Reanalysis Derived Northern Hemisphere Summer Warm Extreme Indices during 1948-2006 and Links with Climate VariabilityPart 2 Articles in Mesoscale Numerical SimulationEffects of Condensation Heating and Surface Fluxes on the Development of a South China Mesoscale Convective System(MCS)A Numerical Study of a Mesoscale Convective System Associated with the Heavy Rain Event over Guangdong Province in June 2005Numerical Comparison Study of Cloud Microphysical Parameterization Schemes for a Moderate Snowfall Event in North ChinaNumerical Simulation of Typhoon Krovanh and Typhoon-Induced Ocean WavesNumerical Experiment Research on Sea and Land Breezes over Hong KongNumerical Experiment Research of a Marine Fog Event in the Pearl River Estuary RegionAssimilation of QuikSCAT Data and Its Impact on Prediction of Typhoon Vongfong (2002)Part 3 Articles in Atmospheric EnvironmentA Numerical Study of the Influence of Urban Expansion on Monthly Climate in Dry Autumn over the Pearl River Delta, ChinaMeteorological Conditions and Structures of Atmospheric Boundary Layer in October 2004 over Pearl River Delta AreaNumerical Simulations on the Effect of Sea-Land Breezes on Atmospheric Haze over the Pearl River Delta RegionEffect of the Off-Shore Background Flow and Sea-Land Breezes on Haze Weather over the Pearl River Delta RegionNumerical Experiment Research on Air Pollutants during Atmospheric Haze over the Multi-Cities of Pearl River Delta RegionNumerical Simulation of the Meteorological Conditions for a Typical Acid Rain Process in South China AreaThe Typical Weather Characteristics of the Air Pollution in Hong Kong AreaNumerical Simulation Research on the Inversion Case in South ChinaPart 4 Extended Abstracts for Papers Presented at Symposia or JournalsOn the Seasonal Variation of Sea-Surface Gale Distribution of the SCS CyclonesEffects of Urbanization on the Boundary Layer over the Pearl River DeltaMovement of Saturation Vapor in the Model AtmosphereThe Four Phases of Precipitation over the South-China SeaResearch and Applications of Wind Profiler in Meteorological ObservationPreliminary Study of a Model for Single-Station Monthly Temperature Forecasting for MacaoOn the Use of Kalman Filter in Correcting Daily Surface Air Temperature ForecastReview of the New Thunderstorm Warning System for Macao International AirportAnalysis of the Process of the SCS Summer Monsoon Onset in 1987A Case Study of the Development of a Depression Accompanied by Intense Convection in the First South China Rainy SeasonAnalysis of a Rainstorm Event in Mid May 2007 over the Littoral of GuangdongRelationship between Low Visibility and Air Pollutants in MacaoOverview of Greenhouse Gas Emission in Macao Preliminary Study of Atmospheric PM2.5 at Macao GPS Soundings Used for Monitoring Crust Deformation in Macao and the Initial AdvancesMarking Events from the Establishment of MMGB澳门地球物理暨气象局大事录
Monsoon.Mesoscale Numerical Simulaton and Atmospheric Environment-季风.中尺度数值模拟和大气环境 PDF格式下载