人道是"上有天堂,下有苏杭”,说的是苏杭可与天堂相比美。然在我看来,桂林山水之美远胜于前者。如今的桂林不仅依然美若天仙,而且在其周围更增添了不少名胜古迹,洞府仙境,地下长河……它们正在向客人招手致意,欢迎惠顾。 本书以中英双语的形式,对这里的旅游名胜作简明而扼要、生动且富有情趣的阐释,相信该书对于前往桂林旅游的中、外旅游者,将是一本不失为集知识与趣味于一体,且可读性较强的书刊。同时,对于从事旅游工作的同仁和一线的导游人员,也可起到参阅或借鉴的作用。
前言桂林简介桂林市区概况 桂林位于中国的什么地方?桂林全市面积有多大? 桂林的人口有多少?主要的少数民族是哪个? 桂林是何时设置城市的? 桂林市还有什么“佳名”及“别称”? 在地理位置上桂林的经、纬度各是多少?地面的平均海拔是多少? 桂林市地处何种地带? 桂林的地形是什么样的? 桂林的山有何特点? 人们是怎样描绘桂林绮丽的风景的? 桂林主要有哪些著名的景点? 独秀峰其名从何而来? 独秀峰上有何名胜古迹? “古王城”是怎么回事? “榕湖”和“杉湖”是如何得名的?两湖各有什么特色? “榕湖”和“杉湖”是如何形成的? 桂林的“两江四湖景区”指的是哪“两江四湖”? “古南门”的匾额是由谁写的?城门上有过什么树?市区主要景点 请说一下象鼻山是怎么回事? ……七星山景区七星岩洞景区芦笛岩景区漓江风光靖江王陵桂林其他景点广西其他地区景点桂林的土特产桂林的交通中国历史年代简表
插图:Lijiang River area used to be a poverty-stricken area. Due to the hin-drance of hills and waters the transportation in the area was very diffi-cult and' most of the people inhabiting along the river made their livingon catching fish and agricultural cultivation. After 1949 and especiallyafter the implementation of the policy of reform and opening to the out-side world the government pays great attention to the construction, utili-zation and development of the tourist resources along the river. Effortshave been made in particular to do better the area along the 83-kilome-ter watercourse, which is opened to visitors both Chinese and foreign.Quite a number of houses have been built and large pieces of terracedfields reclaimed and planted with large bamboos and varieties of fruittrees. From place to place one can see artificial lakes shimmering in be-tween paddy fields. Every year when spring comes onto the earth andflowers in bloom, you can feast your eyes on the charming beauties en-dowed by nature. The landscape in verdancy, the rice fields in greenand the colza in golden yellow flowers and luxuriant trees as well, allthis will make you feel enchanted without thinking of a return.