《新概念基础英语》编写组 编
1 Weather and ClimateTo review present simple:do,does, ti'me expressionTo learn exclamations:How…What…2 TravellingTo learn future with“be going to”To learn present continuous for future3 The FutureTo learn the future with“will”To learn may/might,can/could,must4 Unforgettable MemoryTo learn past simple initially be,verbs,serrtences chringing5 The ChildhoodTo learn past srmple further,time expressions,irregular verbs6 Manchester Changes with TimeTo review the tenses you have learned: present simple,present continuous,past simple7 ChoicesTo learn comparatrves:as…as,-er/more thanTo learn superlatives: the -est/most8 SportsTo learn adverbs:as…as,-er,-est/most9 Interesting DIYTo review imperative sentencesTo learn ellipsis10 Science Leads the WorldTo learn the tenses of some modals:can, be able to, have to,must11 BrandTo review adjectives and learn moreTo learn possessive pronounsTo learn adjectives order12 Holidays beyond the CityTo review some generalprepositions: in, on, at,toTo learn negative questions:Wh~ not / don 't13 CelebrationsTo learn present perfect:have donetime expressions:just,already,yet,ever,never14 AchievementsTo learn“have been”and“have gone”time expressions: since, for;transform non-durative verbs into duratrve verbs15 Accident and CrimeTo compare present perfect and past simple:meaning,have done /did, time expression16 Super StarsTo review all grammar you have learned: tenses, sentence pattern