本教程专为具备高中英语水平的学习者编写,帮助学习者掌握最纯正地道的日常英语口语。教程有以下特点: 通过实例说明语法规则和词汇在口语中的用法,通过大量的练习帮助学习者掌握口语语法和词汇。 创造机会让学习者用最有效的方式练习口语,让学习者在日常生活中能随心所欲地说英语。 用有趣的阅读材料提供丰富的交流话题。
Unit1 What’s your name?Unit2 Where are you from?Unit3 What do you do?Unit4 What’re you doing tonight?Unit5 Did you have a nice weekend?Unit6 What are you studying?Review:Unit1-6Unit7 What did you do last night?Unit8 Do you like…?Unit9 What are you doing now?Unit10 Have you been to…?Unit11 Is there one near here?Unit12 What are you doing here?Review:Unit7-12Unit13 What time is it ?Unit14 Can you help me?Unit15 What’re you doing this weekend?Unit16 Are you OK?Unit17 Are you ready to order?Unit18 Do you sell…?Review:Unit13-18Unit19 Sorry I can’t comeUnit20 Do you like sport?Unit21 What day are you traveling?Unit22 What’s she like?Unit23 What a great flat!Unit24 Are you doing anything to celebrate?Review:Unit 19-24TapescriptGrammar commentaryPronunciationExpression OrganiserStudent A/B material