熊莉萍,杭琛,李家文 编著
自2004年中国建设银行、中国银行率先引入外资、实施股份制改造、先后在海内外上市以来,中国的银行业正积极融入到全球银行业服务市场,各项业务得到快速发展。一方面,经过五年多的业务转型,中资商业银行的服务范围不断拓展,境外机构不断增加,国际化程度年年提升;另一方面,银行柜台的一线人员为外宾提供服务及业务咨询的情况日益普遍,这一切都对每一位商业银行从业人员的英语能力提出了更高的要求。随着中国银行业经营管理水平、金融创新能力的不断加强,银行服务早已冲破了传统的信贷、存储领域,各种服务产品与工具层出不穷,许多银行的服务干脆直接使用诸如ATM、CAI上,CENTER、CF等英文标识,银行从业人员的英语水平已成为同业间开展竞争、满足客户需求乃至实现银行自身国际化发展目标的重要工具和手段。 中国金融出版社出版的《银行柜台英语脱口说》一书是商业银行提高经营水平不可缺少的重要工具之一,不仅可以帮助读者提高金融英语会话能力,还能学习到较新的金融知识,每篇对话素材严谨、内容新颖、架构生动活泼,因为本书的编撰工作是由国内从事英语教学工作的专家和商业银行长期派驻海外的管理人员共同完成,具有较强的实用性。本书可供银行的理财师、客户经理、产品经理、大专院校学生和对国际银行服务有所需求的企业和个人使用。
Part I Reception and Information 接待和问询 Dialogue 1 Greetings and Self-introduction 问候与自我介绍 Dialogue 2 Making Inquiries and Answering Questions 咨询与解答问题 Dialogue 3 Giving Suggestions and Making Explanations 建议与解释 Dialogue 4 Expressing Tnanks and Making Apologies 致谢与道歉 Dialogue 5 Saying Goodbye 道别 Dialogue 6 Dealing with Complaints 投诉与安抚 Dialogue 7 Potential VIP Customer 挖掘引导优质客户 Dialogue 8 Maintaining the Relationship with VIP Customers 营销维护优质客户 Dialogue 9 Advising Customers 更正指导客户 Dialogue 10 Transfer Service 转账业务Part II Savings and Loans 储蓄和货款 Dialogue 1 Opening Accounts and Depositing(I) 开户(一) Diaogue 2 Opening Accounts and Depositing(Ⅱ) 开户(二) Dialogue 3 Opening Accounts and Depositing(111) 开户(三) Dialogue 4 Opening Accounts and Depositing(Ⅳ) 开户(四) Dialogue 5 Opening Accounts and Depositing(V) 开户(五) Dialogue 6 Withdrawing and Closing Accounts(I) 取款、销户(一) Dialogue 7 Withdrawing and Closing Accounts(Ⅱ) 取款、销户(二) Dialogue 8 Withdrawing and Closing Accounts Oil) 取款、销户(三) Dialogue 9 Withdrawing and Closing Accounts(Ⅳ) 取款、销户(四) Dialogue 10 Withdrawing and Closing Accounts(V) 取款、销户(五) Dialogue 11 Reporting a Lost Passbook(Certificate)(I) 挂失(一) Dialogue 12 Reporting a Lost Passbook(Certificate)(Ⅱ) 挂失(二) Dialogue 13 Inquiry of Account Balance 查询余额 Dialogue 14 Confiscating Counterfeit Notes 没收假币 ……Part III Money Exchange and Foreign Remittances货币兑换和国外汇款Part IV Bank Cards,Phone-banking,E-banking and Other Services参考书目
Clerk:SWIFT is the abbreviation of“Society for WorldwideInter-bank Financial Telecommunication”:and it is very quick and safe for banks to remit money,make clearing and send messages through SWIFT. Customer:Thank you for your explanation.Is it OK if I don’t know the beneficiarys address? Clerk:If the beneficiarys account number is provided.The payment can be credited to the account.When there are mistakes on beneficiarys account number,name and other information,the beneficiarys telephone number andaddressCanbeusedforinquiryand contact. Customer:I see.Are there still restrictions on the amount of money remitted abroad from China? Clerk:Yes,there are。but it is becoming、ess restricted.In one day you can remit 1 0000 dollars or less in cash directly abroad,and if you remit from your account, the amount iS not more than 50000 Dollars. Customer:It sounds great.I heard that in the past time the process was very complicated,and if the remittance is above a certain amount,you had to go to the State Administration of Foreign Exchange for approval. Clerk:You are right.Well,if you want to remit now,please fiU in this application form. Customer:OK.Its done.Here you are.By the way,how much is the commissionfee? Clerk:The cablecharge is RMB 150 yuan,and the commission fee is from 50 yuan to 260 yuan,calculated by 0.1% of the amount you remit.The commission for this remittanceis 50yuan,andthetotalis200yuanincluding the cable charge.
大致翻了下 不错~
比较言简意赅 侧重个人业务 送货速度惊人
非常实用 和工作场景相符