目 录
第1章 PowerScript语言基础 (1)
1.1 注释行 (1)
1.2 标识符 (1)
1.3 标号 (2)
1.4 特殊ASCII字符 (2)
1.5 空值(NULL) (3)
1.6 保留字 (4)
1.7 代名词 (5)
1.8 续行和断句 (7)
1.9 空白(White Space) (8)
第2章 数据类型 (9)
2.1 标准数据类型 (9)
2.2 Any 类型 (11)
2.3 系统对象数据类型 (13)
2.4 枚举类型 (13)
第3章 变量、常量、数组和外部函数的说明 (14)
3.1 变量和常量 (14)
3.2 说明变量和常量 (14)
3.3 变量和常量作用范围 (16)
3.4 说明数组 (18)
3.5 引用变量 (20)
第4章 操作符和表达式 (21)
4.1 操作符 (21)
4.2 操作符在表达式中的优先级 (22)
4.3 表达式的数据类型 (22)
4.4 赋值与表达式 (23)
第5章 对象和结构 (25)
5.1 对象 (25)
5.2 结构体 (27)
5.3 行为类似于结构体的用户对象 (28)
5.4 为对象和结构赋值 (28)
第6章 函数与事件的调用 (31)
6.1 函数和事件 (31)
6.2 PowerBuilder寻找和执行事件和函数 (33)
6.3 调用事件或函数 (34)
6.4 调用函数和事件语法 (39)
6.5 说明和调用外部函数 (40)
6.6 把DBMS的存储过程说明为远程过程调用 (41)
第7章 PowerScript语句 (43)
7.1 赋值语句 (43)
7.2 CALL (45)
7.3 CHOOSE CASE (45)
7.4 CONTINUE (46)
7.5 CREATE (46)
7.6 DESTROY (48)
7.7 DO...LOOP (48)
7.8 EXIT (49)
7.9 FOR...NEXT (50)
7.10 GOTO (50)
7.11 HALT (51)
7.12 IF...THEN (51)
7.13 RETURN (52)
7.14 THROW (52)
7.15 THROWS (53)
第8章 SQL语句 (56)
8.1 在PowerScript中使用SQL语句 (56)
8.2 CLOSE Curcor (57)
8.3 CLOSE Procedure (58)
8.4 COMMIT (58)
8.5 CONNECT (59)
8.6 DECLARE Cursor (59)
8.7 DECLARE Procedure (60)
8.8 DELETE (61)
8.9 DELETE Where Current of Cursor SQL (61)
8.10 DISCONNECT (62)
8.11 EXECUTE (62)
8.12 FETCH (62)
8.13 INSERT (62)
8.14 OPEN Cursor (63)
8.15 ROLLBACK (63)
8.16 SELECT (63)
8.17 SELECTBLOB (64)
8.18 UPDATE (64)
8.19 UPDATEBLOB (65)
8.20 UPDATE Where Current of Cursor (65)
8.21 动态SQL语句1 (66)
8.22 动态SQL语句2 (67)
8.23 动态SQL语句3 (68)
8.24 动态SQL语句4 (70)
第9章 事件概述 (74)
9.1 事件的类型 (74)
9.2 事件标识(Event Id) (74)
9.3 参数(Argument) (74)
9.4 返回值 (75)
9.5 祖先事件脚本的返回值 (75)
9.6 用户定义的事件 (76)
第10章 事件详解 (77)
10.1 Activate (77)
10.2 BeginDrag (77)
10.3 BeginLabelEdit (79)
10.4 BeginRightDrag (80)
10.5 Clicked (82)
10.6 Close (87)
10.7 CloseQuery (88)
10.8 ColumnClick (90)
10.9 ConnectionBegin (91)
10.10 ConnectionEnd (92)
10.11 Constructor (93)
10.12 DataChange (93)
10.13 Deactivate (94)
10.14 DeleteItem (94)
10.15 Destructor (95)
10.16 DoubleClicked (95)
10.17 DragDrop (99)
10.18 DragEnter (103)
10.19 DragLeave (104)
10.20 DragWithin (105)
10.21 EndLabelEdit (107)
10.22 Error (108)
10.23 ExternalException (110)
10.24 FileExists (112)
10.25 GetFocus (112)
10.26 Help (114)
10.27 Hide (114)
10.28 HotLinkAlarm (115)
10.29 Idle (115)
10.30 InputFieldSelected (116)
10.31 InsertItem (116)
10.32 ItemActive (117)
10.33 ItemChanged (117)
10.34 ItemChanging (119)
10.35 ItemCollapsed (119)
10.36 ItemCollapsing (120)
10.37 ItemExpanded (121)
10.38 ItemExpanding (122)
10.39 ItemFocusChanged (123)
10.40 ItemPopulate (124)
10.41 Key (124)
10.42 LineDown (125)
10.43 LineLeft (126)
10.44 LineRight (127)
10.45 LineUp (128)
10.46 LoseFocus (128)
10.47 Modified (130)
10.48 MouseDown (131)
10.49 MouseMove (133)
10.50 MouseUp (136)
10.51 Moved (137)
10.52 Open (138)
10.53 Other (140)
10.54 PageDown (141)
10.55 PageLeft (142)
10.56 PageRight (142)
10.57 PageUp (143)
10.58 PictureSelected (144)
10.59 PipeEnd (145)
10.60 PipeMeter (145)
10.61 PipeStart (146)
10.62 PrintFooter (146)
10.63 PrintHeader (147)
10.64 PropertyChanged (148)
10.65 PropertyRequestEdit (148)
10.66 RButtonDown (149)
10.67 RButtonUp (150)
10.68 RemoteExec (151)
10.69 RemoteHotLinkStart (151)
10.70 RemoteHotLinkStop (152)
10.71 RemoteRequest (152)
10.72 RemoteSend (153)
10.73 Rename (153)
10.74 Resize (153)
10.75 RightClicked (154)
10.76 RightDoubleClicked (156)
10.77 Save (157)
10.78 SaveObject (158)
10.79 Selected (159)
10.80 SelectionChanged (159)
10.81 SelectionChanging (162)
10.82 Show (163)
10.83 Sort (164)
10.84 SystemError (166)
10.85 SystemKey (167)
10.86 Timer (168)
10.87 ToolBarMoved (169)
10.88 ViewChange (169)
第11章 数组函数 (171)
11.1 LowerBound() (171)
11.2 UpperBound() (172)
第12章 Blob(大二进制对象)函数 (173)
12.1 Blob() (173)
12.2 BlobEdit() (173)
12.3 BlobMid() (174)
12.4 Len() (175)
12.5 String() (176)
第13章 类定义函数 (178)
13.1 FindClassDefination() (178)
13.2 FindFunctionDefination() (179)
13.3 FindTypeDefination() (179)
第14章 数据类型检查与转换函数 (181)
14.1 Asc() (181)
14.2 Char() (181)
14.3 Dec() (182)
14.4 Double() (183)
14.5 Integer() (184)
14.6 Long() (185)
14.7 Real() (186)
14.8 Date() (187)
14.9 DateTime() (189)
14.10 IsDate() (190)
14.11 IsNull() (190)
14.12 IsNumber() (191)
14.13 IsTime() (192)
14.14 Time() (192)
第15章 日期、时间函数 (195)
15.1 Day() (195)
15.2 DayName() (195)
15.3 DayNumber() (196)
15.4 DaysAfter() (197)
15.5 Hour() (197)
15.6 Minute() (198)
15.7 Month() (198)
15.8 Now() (199)
15.9 RelativeDate() (200)
15.10 RelativeTime() (200)
15.11 Second() (201)
15.12 SecondsAfter() (201)
15.13 Today() (202)
15.14 Year() (203)
第16章 DDE客户函数 (204)
16.1 CloseChannel() (204)
16.2 ExecRemote() (205)
16.3 GetDataDDE() (206)
16.4 GetDataDDEOrigin() (207)
16.5 GetRemote() (208)
16.6 OpenChannel() (210)
16.7 RespondRemote() (211)
16.8 SetRemote() (211)
16.9 StartHotLink() (213)
16.10 StopHotLink() (214)
第17章 DDE服务器函数 (216)
17.1 GetCommandDDE() (216)
17.2 GetCommandDDEOrigin() (217)
17.3 GetDataDDE() (218)
17.4 GetDataDDEOrigin() (218)
17.5 RespondRemote() (218)
17.6 SetDataDDE() (218)
17.7 StartServerDDE() (219)
17.8 StopServerDDE() (220)
第18章 文件操作函数 (222)
18.1 ChangeDirectory() (222)
18.2 CreateDirectory() (222)
18.3 DirectoryExists() (223)
18.4 FileClose() (223)
18.5 FileCopy() (224)
18.6 FileDelete() (225)
18.7 FileExists() (225)
18.8 FileLength() (226)
18.9 FileMove() (227)
18.10 FileOpen() (228)
18.11 FileRead() (229)
18.12 FileSeek() (230)
18.13 FileWrite() (231)
18.14 GetCurrentDirectory() (232)
18.15 GetFileOpenName() (232)
18.16 GetFileSaveName() (233)
18.17 RemoveDirectory() (235)
第19章 内存管理函数 (236)
19.1 GabageCollect() (236)
19.2 GarbageCollectGetTimeLimit() (236)
19.3 GarbageCollectSetTimeLimit() (236)
第20章 帮助函数 (238)
20.1 ShowHelp() (238)
20.2 ShowPopupHelp() (239)
第21章 库管理函数 (240)
21.1 LibraryCreate() (240)
21.2 LibraryDelete() (241)
21.3 LibraryDirectory() (241)
21.4 LibraryDirectEx() (243)
21.5 LibraryExport() (244)
21.6 LibraryImport() (245)
21.7 SetLibraryList() (246)
第22章 国际通用函数 (248)
22.1 IsAllArabic() (248)
22.2 IsAllHebrew() (248)
22.3 IsAnyArabic() (249)
22.4 IsAnyHebrew() (249)
22.5 IsArabic() (249)
22.6 IsArabicAndNumbers() (250)
22.7 IsHebrew() (250)
22.8 IsHebrewAndNumbers() (251)
22.9 Reverse() (251)
22.10 FromAnsi() (251)
22.11 FromUnicode() (252)
22.12 ToAnsi() (253)
22.13 ToUnicode() (253)
第23章 数值计算函数 (255)
23.1 Abs() (255)
23.2 ACos() (255)
23.3 ASin() (256)
23.4 ATan() (256)
23.5 Ceiling() (256)
23.6 Cos() (257)
23.7 Exp() (258)
23.8 Fact() (258)
23.9 Int() (259)
23.10 Log() (260)
23.11 LogTen() (260)
23.12 Max() (261)
23.13 Min() (262)
23.14 Mod() (262)
23.15 Pi() (263)
23.16 Rand() (264)
23.17 Randomize() (264)
23.18 Round() (265)
23.19 Sign() (266)
23.20 Sin() (266)
23.21 Sqrt() (267)
23.22 Tan() (268)
23.23 Truncate() (268)
第24章 打印函数 (270)
24.1 Print() (270)
24.2 PrintBitmap() (271)
24.3 PrintCancel() (272)
24.4 PrintClose() (273)
24.5 PrintDataWindow() (273)
24.6 PrintDefineFont() (274)
24.7 PrintLine() (276)
24.8 PrintOpen() (277)
24.9 PrintOval() (278)
24.10 PrintPage() (279)
24.11 PrintRect() (279)
24.12 PrintRoundRect() (280)
24.13 PrintScreen() (281)
24.14 PrintSend() (282)
24.15 PrintSetFont() (284)
24.16 PrintSetSpacing() (284)
24.17 PrintSetup() (285)
24.18 PrintText() (285)
24.19 PrintWidth() (286)
24.20 PrintX() (287)
24.21 PrintY() (287)
第25章 注册函数 (289)
25.1 RegistryDelete() (289)
25.2 RegistryGet() (290)
25.3 RegistryKeys() (291)
25.4 RegistrySet() (291)
25.5 RegistryValues() (292)
第26章 对象共享函数 (294)
26.1 SharedObjectDirectory() (294)
26.2 SharedObjectGet() (294)
26.3 SharedObjectRegister() (296)
第27章 字符串操作函数 (298)
27.1 Asc() (298)
27.2 Char() (299)
27.3 Fill() (299)
27.4 LastPos() (300)
27.5 Left() (301)
27.6 LeftTrim() (302)
27.7 Len() (303)
27.8 Lower() (304)
27.9 Match() (304)
27.10 Mid() (305)
27.11 Pos() (306)
27.12 Replace() (307)
27.13 Reverse() (308)
27.14 Right() (308)
27.15 RightTrim() (309)
27.16 Space() (309)
27.17 Trim() (310)
27.18 Upper() (311)
27.19 WordCap() (311)
第28章 系统与环境函数 (312)
28.1 Clipboard() (312)
28.2 CommandParm() (313)
28.3 GetApplication() (314)
28.4 GetEnvironment() (315)
28.5 GetFocus() (315)
28.6 Handle() (316)
28.7 Post() (318)
28.8 ProfileInt() (319)
28.9 ProfileString() (321)
28.10 Restart() (321)
28.11 Run() (322)
28.12 Send() (323)
28.13 SetProfileString() (324)
28.14 SignalError() (325)
28.15 Yield() (326)
第29章 定时函数 (328)
29.1 CPU() (328)
29.2 Idle() (328)
29.3 Start() (329)
29.4 Timer() (334)
第30章 跟踪函数 (336)
30.1 TraceBegin() (336)
30.2 TraceClose() (337)
30.3 TraceDisableActivity() (337)
30.4 TraceEnableActivity() (338)
30.5 TraceEnd() (340)
30.6 TraceError() (340)
30.7 TraceOpen() (341)
30.8 TraceUser() (342)
第31章 窗口操作函数 (344)
31.1 Close() (344)
31.2 CloseWithReturn() (345)
31.3 Open() (346)
31.4 OpenSheet() (348)
31.5 OpenSheetWithParm() (349)
31.6 OpenWithParm() (350)
第32章 其他函数 (353)
32.1 Activate() (353)
32.2 AddCategory() (354)
32.3 AddColumn() (355)
32.4 AddData() (355)
32.5 AddItem() (357)
32.6 AddLargePicture() (360)
32.7 AddPicture() (360)
32.8 AddSeries() (361)
32.9 AddSmallPicture() (362)
32.10 AddStatePicture() (363)
32.11 Arrange() (363)
32.12 ArrangeSheets() (364)
32.13 Beep() (364)
32.14 BeginTransaction() (365)
32.15 BuildModel() (366)
32.16 Cancel() (368)
32.17 CanUndo() (368)
32.18 CategoryCount() (369)
32.19 CategoryName() (370)
32.20 ChangeDirectory() (370)
32.21 ChangeMenu() (371)
32.22 Check() (371)
32.23 ChooseColor() (372)
32.24 ClassName() (373)
32.25 ClassList() (374)
32.26 Clear() (375)
32.27 CloseChannel () (376)
32.28 CloseTab() (377)
32.29 CloseUserObject() (378)
32.30 CloseWithReturn() (379)
32.31 CollapseItem() (380)
32.32 CommandParm() (381)
32.33 CommitTransaction() (382)
32.34 ConnectToNewObject() (383)
32.35 ConnectToObject() (384)
32.36 ConnectToNewRemoteObject() (385)
32.37 ConnectToRemoteObject() (386)
32.38 ConnectToServer() (388)
32.39 Copy() (390)
32.40 CopyRTF() (391)
32.41 CreateDirectory() (392)
32.42 CreateInstance() (393)
32.43 CreatePage() (396)
32.44 Cut() (396)
32.45 DataCount() (397)
32.46 DataSource() (398)
32.47 Date() (399)
32.48 DateTime() (401)
32.49 DBHandle() (403)
32.50 DebugBreak() (403)
32.51 DeleteCategory() (404)
32.52 DeleteColumn() (404)
32.53 DeleteColumns() (405)
32.54 DeleteData() (405)
32.55 DeleteItem() (406)
32.56 DeleteItems() (408)
32.57 DeleteLargePicture() (408)
32.58 DeleteLargePictures() (408)
32.59 DeletePicture() (409)
32.60 DeletePictures() (409)
32.61 DeleteSeries() (410)
32.62 DeleteSmallPicture() (410)
32.63 DeleteSmallPictures() (411)
32.64 DeleteStatePicture() (411)
32.65 DeleteStatePictures() (412)
32.66 DestroyModel() (412)
32.67 DirectoryExists() (413)
32.68 DirList() (413)
32.69 DirSelect() (414)
32.70 Disable() (415)
32.71 DisableCommit() (416)
32.72 DisconnectObject() (416)
32.73 DisconnectServer() (417)
32.74 DoVerb() (418)
32.75 Drag() (419)
32.76 DraggedObject() (420)
32.77 Draw() (420)
32.78 EditLabel() (421)
32.79 Enable() (422)
32.80 EnableCommit() (422)
32.81 EntryList() (423)
32.82 ExecRemote() (424)
32.83 ExpandAll() (426)
32.84 ExpandItem() (426)
32.85 Fact() (427)
32.86 Find() (427)
32.87 FindGategory() (431)
32.88 FindItem() (432)
32.89 FindMatchingFunction() (435)
32.90 FindNext() (437)
32.91 FindSeries() (438)
32.92 GetActiveSheet() (438)
32.93 GetAlignment() (439)
32.94 GetApplication() (440)
32.95 GetArgElement() (440)
32.96 GetAutomationNativePointer() (441)
32.97 GetCertificateLabel() (442)
32.98 GetChildrenList() (443)
32.99 GetColumn() (444)
32.100 GetCompanyName() (445)
32.101 GetContextKeywords() (446)
32.102 GetContextService() (447)
32.103 GetCurrentDirectory() (448)
32.104 GetData() (448)
32.105 GetDataDDE() (451)
32.106 GetDataPieExplode() (452)
32.107 GetDataStyle() (453)
32.108 GetDataValue() (457)
32.109 GetDynamicDate() (458)
32.110 GetDynamicDateTime() (460)
32.111 GetDynamicNumber() (460)
32.112 GetDynamicString() (461)
32.113 GetDynamicTime() (461)
32.114 GetFirstSheet() (462)
32.115 GetFixesVersion() (463)
32.116 GetFolder() (463)
32.117 GetGlobalProperty() (464)
32.118 GetHostObject() (465)
32.119 GetItem() (466)
32.120 GetItemAtPointer() (468)
32.121 GetLastReturn() (468)
32.122 GetLibraryList() (469)
32.123 GetMajorVersion() (469)
32.124 GetMessage() (470)
32.125 GetMinorVersion() (471)
32.126 GetName() (472)
32.127 GetNativePointer() (472)
32.128 GetNextSheet() (473)
32.129 GetOrigin() (474)
32.130 GetParagraphSetting() (475)
32.131 GetParent() (475)
32.132 GetPin() (476)
32.133 GetRecordSet() (478)
32.134 GetRemote() (479)
32.135 GetSeriesStyle() (481)
32.136 GetServerInfo() (485)
32.137 GetShortName() (485)
32.138 GetSpacing() (486)
32.139 GetStatus() (486)
32.140 GetTextColor() (487)
32.141 GetTextStyle() (488)
32.142 GetToolbar() (488)
32.143 GetToolbarPos() (490)
32.144 GetTransactionName() (492)
32.145 GetURL() (492)
32.146 GetVersionName() (493)
32.147 Hide() (494)
32.148 HyperLinkToURL() (495)
32.149 ImpersonateClient() (495)
32.150 ImportClipboard() (496)
32.151 ImportFile() (498)
20.152 ImportString() (501)
32.153 IncomingCallList() (504)
32.154 InputFieldchangeData() (505)
32.155 InputFieldCurrentName() (506)
32.156 InputFieldDeleteCurrent() (506)
32.157 InputFieldGetData() (507)
32.158 InputFieldInsert() (507)
32.159 InputFieldLocate() (508)
32.160 InsertCategory() (509)
32.161 InsertClass() (510)
32.162 InsertData() (510)
32.163 InsertColumn() (512)
32.164 InsertDocument() (513)
32.165 InsertFile() (514)
32.166 InsertItem() (514)
32.167 InsertItemFirst() (518)
32.168 InsertItemLast() (520)
32.169 InsertItemSort() (521)
32.170 InsertObject() (523)
32.171 InsertPicture() (523)
32.172 InsertSeries() (524)
32.173 InternetData() (525)
32.174 IntHigh() (525)
32.175 IntLow() (526)
32.176 InvokePBFunction() (526)
32.177 _Is_A() (528)
32.178 IsAlive() (529)
32.179 IsCallerInRole() (530)
32.180 IsDate() (531)
32.181 IsImpersonating() (531)
32.182 IsInTransaction() (532)
32.183 IsPreview() (533)
32.184 IsSecurityEnabled() (533)
32.185 IsTransactionAborted() (534)
32.186 IsValid() (535)
32.187 KeyDown() (535)
32.188 LastPos() (538)
32.189 Length() (539)
32.190 Lenw() (540)
32.191 LineCount() (540)
32.192 LineLength() (541)
32.193 LineList() (542)
32.194 LinkTo() (543)
32.195 Listen() (543)
32.196 Lookup() (543)
32.197 mailAddress() (547)
32.198 mailDeleteMessage() (548)
32.199 mailGetMessages() (549)
32.200 mailHandle() (550)
32.201 mailLogoff() (551)
32.202 mailLogon() (551)
32.203 mailReadMessage() (553)
32.204 mailRecipientDetails() (554)
32.205 mailResolveRecipient() (555)
32.206 mailSaveMessage() (557)
32.207 mailSend() (559)
32.208 Match() (560)
32.209 MemberDelete() (562)
32.210 MemberExists() (563)
32.211 MemberRename() (564)
32.212 MessageBox() (564)
32.213 ModifyData() (566)
32.214 Move() (567)
32.215 MoveTab() (568)
32.216 _Narrow() (569)
32.217 NextActivity() (570)
32.218 ObjectAtPointer() (571)
32.219 Object_To_String() (572)
32.220 OffsetPos() (573)
32.221 OpenTab() (573)
32.222 OpenTabWithParm() (575)
32.223 OpenUserObject() (578)
32.224 OpenUserObjectWithParm() (580)
32.225 OutgoingCallList() (584)
32.226 PageCount() (585)
32.227 PageCreated() (585)
32.228 ParentWindow() (586)
32.229 Paste() (586)
32.230 PasteLink() (588)
32.231 PasteRTF() (588)
32.232 PasteSpecial() (589)
32.233 PixelsToUnits() (590)
32.234 PointerX() (590)
32.235 PointerY() (591)
32.236 PopMenu() (592)
32.237 PopulateError() (592)
32.238 Position() (593)
32.239 PostEvent() (597)
32.240 PostURL() (599)
32.241 Preview() (601)
32.242 PrintSetPrinter() (602)
32.243 PrintSetSpacing() (602)
32.244 Read() (603)
32.245 ReleaseAutomationNativePointer() (605)
32.246 ReleaseNativePointer() (605)
32.247 RemoteStopConnection() (606)
32.248 RemoteStopListening() (606)
32.249 RemoveDirectory() (606)
32.250 Repair() (607)
32.251 ReplaceText() (608)
32.252 Reset() (609)
32.253 ResetArgElements() (611)
32.254 ResetDataColors() (612)
32.255 Resize() (612)
32.256 Resolve_Initial_References() (613)
32.257 RespondRemote() (615)
32.258 Restart() (616)
32.259 ResumeTransaction() (615)
32.260 RollbackOnly() (617)
32.261 RollbackTransaction() (618)
32.262 RoutineList() (619)
32.263 RGB() (620)
32.264 Save() (621)
32.265 SaveAs() (623)
32.266 SaveDocument() (628)
32.267 Scroll() (629)
32.268 ScrollNextPage() (630)
32.269 ScrollNextRow() (631)
32.270 ScrollPriorPage() (633)
32.271 ScrollPriorRow() (634)
32.272 ScrollToRow() (635)
32.273 Seek() (637)
32.274 SelectedColumn() (638)
32.275 SelectedIndex() (638)
32.276 SelectedItem() (639)
32.277 SelectedLength() (639)
32.278 SelectedLine() (640)
32.279 SelectedPage() (641)
32.280 SelectedStart() (641)
32.281 SelectedText() (642)
32.282 SelectionRange() (643)
32.283 SelectItem() (643)
32.284 SelectObject() (645)
32.285 SelectTab() (646)
32.286 SelectText() (647)
32.287 SelectTextAll() (650)
32.288 SelectTextLine() (650)
32.289 SelectTextWord() (651)
32.290 Send() (652)
32.291 SeriesCount() (653)
32.292 SeriesName() (654)
32.293 SetAbort() (655)
32.294 SetAlignment() (656)
32.295 SetArgElement() (657)
32.296 SetAutomationLocale() (658)
32.297 SetAutomationPointer() (659)
32.298 SetAutomationTimeout() (660)
32.299 SetColumn() (661)
32.300 SetComplete() (662)
32.301 SetConnect() (663)
32.302 SetData() (664)
32.303 SetDataDDE() (665)
32.304 SetDataPieExplode() (666)
32.305 SetDataStyle() (667)
32.306 SetDropHighlight() (671)
32.307 SetDynamicParm() (671)
32.308 SetFirstVisible() (672)
32.309 SetFocus() (673)
32.310 SetGlobalProperty() (673)
32.311 SetItem() (674)
32.312 SetLevelPictures() (677)
32.313 SetMask() (678)
32.314 SetMessage() (679)
32.315 SetMicroHeIp() (680)
32.316 SetNull() (681)
32.317 SetOverlayPicture() (681)
32.318 SetParagraphSetting() (682)
32.319 SetPicture() (683)
32.320 SetPointer() (684)
32.321 SetPosition() (684)
32.322 SetRange() (686)
32.323 SetRecordSet() (687)
32.324 SetRedraw() (687)
32.325 SetRemote() (688)
32.326 SetResultSet() (690)
32.327 SetSeriesStyle() (690)
32.328 SetSpacing() (695)
32.329 SetState() (696)
32.330 SetTextColor() (697)
32.331 SetTextStyle() (697)
32.332 SetTimeout() (698)
32.333 SetToolbar() (699)
32.334 SetToolbarPos() (700)
32.335 SetTop() (703)
32.336 SetTraceFileName() (703)
32.337 SetTransPool() (705)
32.338 Show() (706)
32.339 ShowHeadFoot() (706)
32.340 Sleep() (707)
32.341 Sign() (707)
32.342 SignalError() (708)
32.343 Sort() (709)
32.344 SortAll() (711)
32.345 StartServerDDE() (712)
32.346 State() (712)
32.347 StepIt() (713)
32.348 Stop() (714)
32.349 StopListening() (714)
32.350 StopServerDDE() (714)
32.351 String_To_Object() (715)
32.352 SuspendTransaction() (716)
32.353 SyntaxFromSQL() (717)
32.354 SystemRoutine() (719)
32.355 TabPostEvent() (720)
32.356 TabTriggerEvent() (720)
32.357 Text() (721)
32.358 TextLine() (722)
32.359 Time() (722)
32.360 Top() (724)
32.361 TotalColumns() (725)
32.362 TotalItems() (726)
32.363 TotalSelected() (726)
32.364 TriggerEvent() (727)
32.365 TriggerPBEvent() (728)
32.366 TrustVerify() (729)
32.367 TypeOf() (732)
32.368 Uncheck() (733)
32.369 Undo() (734)
32.370 UnitsToPixels() (735)
32.371 UpdateLinksDialog() (736)
32.372 UpperBound() (737)
32.373 Which() (738)
32.374 WorkSpaceHeight() (739)
32.375 WorkSpaceWidth() (740)
32.376 WorkSpaceX() (741)
32.377 WorkSpaceY() (741)
32.378 Write() (742)
附录 名词术语英中文对照表 (743)