黎小说 编
这套“妙语短文”是专门为提高读者的英语学习兴趣而编写的。内容设置上依照循序渐进模式,方法上遵循潜移默化原则。以期通过每篇十几个妙趣横生、脍炙人口的短文,打破传统填鸭式教学瓶颈,剖析、释放英文独特的幽默和乐趣。实现“润物细无声”的教学目的,成就文采奕奕的写作高手。 每章结构设置: 一、生活短文:篇幅在200个单词内,用常见句型,采写生活知识。运用典型英语幽默,行文简洁、寓意深刻。 二、新词释疑:文中生词解释,重点词汇点解。 三、强化习囊: 1、单选:这是英语测试中最常出现的题型。所以本书几乎所有的篇幅都编排了这种题目。特别是在初中阶段的读物中。 2、正误判断:多根据上下文判断句子正误、利用对关键字句的增减,来考察读者对文章的理解,以及对句型和词汇的掌握程度。 3、词汇练习:目的在于帮助学生复习学过的词汇,在测试记忆词汇能力的同时,提高初步运用词汇的能力,比如,(a)按照所给单词,运用正确词性填空;(b)根据意思写单词,考察新词记忆能力;(c)将单词与其正确的释义连接起来等题型。 4、完形填空:A)按照课文内容,把所缺的单词填写出来; B)运用所给词汇的不同形式来填写。如动词、名词、等相互转化; c)句型的改写或者变换,按照所给提示的正确形式来填补空白。 5、写作训练:A)思考题:以问答形式启发思考,锻炼连词成句的能力; B)续写文章结尾:这类练习需要读者在充分理解短文的情况下,发挥想像力,运用所学知识,造句成文,直接提高基本写作能力; C)翻译:对句法和词汇运用的一种考核,主要是中翻英,也是对遣词造句能力的一种考核。考虑到词汇量在高中组中多设置此类题型。
这套“妙语短文”是专门为提高读者的英语学习兴趣而编写的。内容设置上依照循序渐进模式,方法上遵循潜移默化原则,以期通过每篇十几个妙趣横生、脍炙人口的短文,打破传统填鸭式教学瓶颈,剖析、释放英文独特的幽默和乐趣,实现“润物细无声”的教学目的,成就文采奕奕的写作高手。 本书为初级篇,所选生活短文篇幅在200个单词内,用常见句型,采写生活知识,运用典型英语幽默。行文简洁、寓意深刻。
1. First Flight2. A Nail or a Fly?3. Quick Reaction4. True Statement5. Perfect Match6. Chasing Two Rabbits7. Learning to Choose8. Maths Lesson9. Lucky Mother10. Money Doesn't Make the Man11. The Ugly Baby12. Finding a Way Out13. Secret to Success14. Like Yourself15. Big Decision16. The Travelers and the Bear17. Two Frogs18. Coffee Culture19. Edison's Thinking Cap20. Flower in the Desert21. Life Is an Echo22. Love of the Woman23. Malls in the USA24. Potato Chips25. Safe Swimming26. Sports in Britain27. The Ant and the Bird28. At a Grocery Store29. The Queen's Permission30. Trying to Help31. The Humble Peasant32. A Very Insulting Parrot33: A Smuggler .'34. Who Is Brave?35. A Soldier's Brilliant Idea36. Want a Day off Work37. A Highly Religious Horse38. A Lawyer's Question39. A Religious Hunter40. Terrible Car Accident41. His Mother Just Died 42. Local Problem43. Changing Attitude44. Throwing Away Garbage45. Treat
A man was outhunting. He just hap-pened to be huntingbears. As he trudgedthrough the forest look-ing for the beasts, hecame upon a large andsteep hill. Thinking thatperhaps there wouldbe bears on the otherside of the hill, he cli-mbed u13 the steep in-cline and, just as he was pulling himself up over the rocks, ahuge bear met him nose to nose. The bear roared fiercely. Theman was so scared that he lost his balance and fell down the hillwith the bear not far behind. As he tumbled down the hill, theman lost his gun. When he finally stopped at the bottom, hefound that he had a broken leg. Escape was impossible and sothe man, who had never been particularly religious (in fact it justhappened to be a Sunday morning), prayed, "God, if you willmake this bear a Christian I will be happy with whatever yougive me for the rest of my life." The bear was no more than three feet away from the manwhen it stopped suddenly.., looked up to the heavens.., andthen fell to its knees and prayed in a loud voice, "O Lord, blessthis food which I am about to enjoy."