R.K. Pathria
《统计力学·第2版(英文版)》初版于1972年,其内容涵盖了统计力学的标准内容,叙述清晰详细,深受读者欢迎。第2版对第1版的内容作了补充和删改,重写了关于相变理论的部分,增加了临界现象的重正化群理论的内容,并在每章末增加了注释。《统计力学·第2版(英文版)》每章末都附有习题。这是一本研究生水平的统计力学经典教材。是以作者多年来在几所大学为研究生授课的讲义为蓝本而写成的。 目次:1.热力学的统计基础;2.系综理论纲要;3.正则系综;4.巨正则系综;5.量子统计;6.简单气体的理论;7.理想玻色系统;8.理想费米系统;9.互作用系的统计力学:集团展开方法;10.互作用系的统计力学:量子场论方法;11.相变:临界性、普适性和标度;12.相变:几种模型的严格(或几乎严格)的结果;13.相变:重正化群方法;14.涨落。附录6则。 读者对象:物理学专业的研究生、教师及科研人员。
PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITIONPREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITIONHISTORICAL INTRODUCTIONNotesChapter 1 The Statistical Basis of Thermodynamics1.1 The macroscopic and the microscopic states1.2 Contact between statistics and thermodynamics:physical significance of the numberΩ(N,V,E)1.3 Further contact between statistics and thermody namiscs1.4 The classical ideal gas1.5 The entropy of mixing and the Gibbs paradox1.6 The “correct”enumeration of the microstatesProblemsNotesChapter 2 Elements of Ensemble Theory2.1 Phase space of a classical system2.2 Liouvilles theorem and its consequences2.3 The microcanonical ensemble2.4 Examples2.5 Quantum states and the phase spaceProblemsNotesChapter 3 The Canonical Ensemble3.1 Equilibrium between a system and a heat reservoir3.2 A system in the canonical ensemble3.3 Physical significance of the various statistical quantities in the canonical ensemble3.4 A lternative expressions for the partition function3.5 The classical systems3.6 Energy fluctuations in the canonical ensemble:correspondence with the microcanonical ensemble3.7 Two theorems-the“equipartition”and the“virial”3.8 A system of harmonic oscillators3.9 The statistics of paramsagnetism3.10 Thermodynamica of magnetic systems:negative temperaturesProblemsNotesChapter 4 The Grand Canonical EnsembleChapter 5 Formulation of Quantum StatisticsChapter 6 The Theory of Simple GasesChapter 7 Ideal Bose SystemsChapter 8 Ideal Fermi SystemsChapter 9 Statistical Mechanics of Interacting Systems:The Method of Cluster ExpansionsChapter 10 Statistical Mechanics of Interacting Systems:The Method of Quantized FieldsChapter 11 Phase Transitions:Criticality,Universality and ScalingChapter 12 Phase Transitions:Exact(or Almost Exact)Results for the Various ModelsChapter 13 Phase Transitions:The Renormalization Group ApproachChapter 14 FluctuationsAPPENDIXESBIBLIOGRAPHYINDEX