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  英语专业八级考试(TEM8)是由全国高等院校外语专业指导委员会主持实施的一项权威的全国性考试,旨在考核已修完英语专业全部课程的学生对各项英语技能的运用能力。为了帮助广大英语专业学生有针对性地备战八级考试,我们专门组织长期从事英语专业八级考试研究的资深教授精心编写了这套全真模拟试题集。  本书具有以下三大特点:  一,紧扣大纲,突出考点  本书以最新《高校英语专业八级考试大纲》为指导,以近年来高校英语专业八级考试的最新题型、命题原则以及考试内容为基础,在内容、形式和难易程度上与英语专业八级全真考题保持一致,我们精选的十套模拟试卷基本上涵盖了八级考试的所有考点。  二,解析试题,简明扼要  本书各套试题的解析都从实战角度出发,字斟句酌,力求简明扼要、全面准确。重点、难点、方法、技巧,一一介绍,一目了然。本书编者充分考虑了中国学生学英语的难点与弱点,解释务求中肯,务求让学生能举一反三,提高能力。同时,点破考试中的陷井,力争让同学们获得高分。  三,试题量大,训练全面  值得指出的是,与其他同类辅导书八套试题组成不同,本书由10套试题组成,分为两大部分:第一部分是我们精选编排而成的10套模拟试题;第二部分是参考答案、听力原文及试题解析。其目的是通过超大量的模拟训练和简明扼要的分析讲解,帮助考生从整体上提高他们的听说读写能力,使他们在英语专业八级考试中取得理想成绩。  本书试题的编排也与现行专业八级考试试卷严格相符。希望同学们通过一系列的考前模拟练习,熟悉考试的概况,把握考试的规律,尽快进入实战考场的氛围。


全国高等院校英语专业八级考试(TEM.8)是由高等院校外语专业指导委员会主持实施的一项最权威的全国性考试。专八考试能够考核已修完英语专业全部课程的学生运用各项基本技能的能力和对语法结构、词汇用法的掌握程度。该考试既检查各校执行英语专业高年级教学大纲的情况、又是学生反映自己专业水平的最佳平台,因而在学校和社会受到了越来越多的关注。用人单位在录用英语专业人才时往往看重的是候选人是否通过了专八考试,广大英语专业学生也把通过这一考试当作大学生活的头等大事。因此,参加该考试的学生越来越多。为了帮助广大英语专业学生提高英语水平,指导大家有针对性地备战八级考试,我们专门组织长期从事英语专业八级考试研究的资深教授精心编写了这套全真模拟试题集。 本书以最新《高校英语专业八级考试大纲》为指导,以近年来高校英语专业八级考试的最新题型、命题原则以及考试内容为基础,由全国知名院校的一线英语教学与研究专家精心收集最新和最近英、美各种媒体、书刊材料以及英语辅导资料编写而成,体裁丰富、覆盖面广、分析精辟、解题透彻。 本书汇集的试题在内容、形式和难易程度上与英语专业八级全真考题保持一致,试题的编排也与现行专业八级考试试卷严格相符。书中收录的各套试题内容是多年辅导八级考试老师的从教学经验中提炼的精华,是对历年考试真题重点与难点细致分析的精髓,是在教学与考试中得到了充分检验的精品。希望同学们通过一系列的考前模拟练习,努力把握其中的奥妙,强化训练,加强信心,轻松过关。


Model Test OneModel Test TwoModel Test ThreeModel Test FourModel Test FiveModel Test SixModel Test SevenModel Test EightModel Test NineModel Test TenModel Test One 参考答案、录音原文及试题解析Model Test Two 参考答案、录音原文及试题解析Model Test Three 参考答案、录音原文及试题解析Model Test Four 参考答案、录音原文及试题解析Model Test Five 参考答案、录音原文及试题解析Model Test Six 参考答案、录音原文及试题解析Model Test Seven 参考答案、录音原文及试题解析Model Test Eight 参考答案、录音原文及试题解析Model Test Nine 参考答案、录音原文及试题解析Model Test Ten 参考答案、录音原文及试题解析


  Life is rather hectic for students during the first week at North American universities. Before classes even begin theymust do a number of things in preparation. They barely have time to think about what will actually take place in theclassroom. If you are a foreign student, you have the added pressure of adapting yourself to new educational expecta-tions which may be very different from those in your own country.  Students will find a lot of differences in classroom dynamics from course to course throughout their universitycareers. Each professor has his or her preferred teaching method, and the curriculum that is used is frequently non-standardized so that each course is distinctly unique from the others.  Active student participation is required in the majority of course offered at North American universities, with theexception of formal lecture courses in which the professor is the focus of attention and students are required to simplylisten and take notes. Oral participation is very often graded and included in the final mark a student receives in a course.Courses are frequently designed to include a large amount of discussion and questions. In graduate seminar courses thestudents usually take on the traditional role of a teacher, giving presentations and leading discussions, which theprofessor acts as a facilitator to ensure the class runs smoothly.  Many teachers hold to the idea that a relaxed, informal classroom provides an excellent learning environment. It isnot unusual for professors to have friendly, casual relationships with their students, treating them as equals. Such peopleare still excellent and respected teachers and also hold a position of authority in the classroom. A class of students maymeet socially with their professor for coffee one day but are still required to submit research papers or take an exam thefollowing day. Deadlines and requirements are expected to be upheld. The professor often has different levels ofrelationships with his or her students besides simply that of a teacher, but the professor S first and foremost role is thatof an instructor and he or she has the responsibility to conduct the course according to the school s standards andregulations.  At North American universities, students are generally expected to be responsible for their own learning. Reading assignments may be given but not discussed, or written assignments may not be given a grade, but in each case the students are expected to complete the work. This may be frustrating to students who are very concerned about grades and who believe all their work should be marked and rewarded. Instead, in North America, students are encouraged to learn for the sake of learning.


  严格按照英语专业新考试大纲新题型编写。  选材广泛,分析精辟,强化训练,内容全面,解题透彻,轻松过关。  特别提示:融合最新真题考点,汇聚-线名师经验,打造海量仿真演练。  《英语专业八级全真模拟试卷(全新版2010考试必备全新精华版)》配有240分钟MP3光盘1张。




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